Provides education and other rehabilitation services to people with mental disabilities and hearing impairments

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Dindigul, Tamil Nadu

  • Since


The Association for Rehabilitation of Village and Impairment(ARVI) Trust works with the specially abled through its multiple training programmes, scho Read moreols, and centres. It aims to assist the development of children and help them overcome their physical and mental limitations in order to become independent and self-reliant members of the community. It has five schools in Tamil Nadu for the specially abled from 6-18 years of age. The schools provide speech therapy, physiotherapy, play therapy, and music therapy. It also helps develop special skills and abilities, works towards physical development, language development, social and emotional development, and cognitive development.


Specially abled children are limited by their physical and mental issues limiting their chances of living a normal life of productivity. • Lacks long-term goals with an achievable master plan. • Scarcity of funds and infrastructure. • Very weak in the documentation. • Government allocation is low for the differently abled. • Lack of trained staff • Slow implementation of the RPD Act. • Government Policy changes • Limited funding sources from the state Government.


ARVI Trust is active in the space of improving the life of specially-abled children assisting them at each step to complete their education through operating special schools following specific syllabuses. It also imparts training to enable independence in the specially-abled children which goes on to help them get employment opportunities. • More than two decades in the field of disability and rehabilitation of PwDs. • The only NGO in the Dindigul & Theni with necessary legal registrations. • Working with rural communities • Recognised by NIEPMD, National Trust and SCPwD. • Infrastructure • Close relation between Government and NGO.


ARVI Trust has impacted: Villages reached through our programs: 72 PwDs benefitted: 9500 Special care centers started for special children: 7 Students received Special education & therapy services: 476 Students received Early Intervention services: 290 Dropouts passed 10th and 12th class: 264 Bedridden special children received rehab services at their doorsteps: 206 Special teachers, therapists received In-service training: 860 PwDs families received Covid -19 relief support: 250


  • Eklavya Open School

    Eklavya Open School (recognized by NIOS* and BOSSE**) provides special coaching for Learning Disabled (slow learners), and dropouts, who need special help because of their poor school performance or social difficulties. Thus, they are enabled to take up, continue, and successfully complete education by means of the assistance provided parallel to their study or training. So, any person can join and complete his studies underNIOS/BOSSE without daily attendance and there is more flexibility in choosing the papers and selection of Languages. We provide opportunities for interested learners to choose the courses/programs through open and distance learning modes.

    Eklavya Open School conducts 8th standard, 10th standard, and 12th standard courses through the Open Schooling System with Regular Mode or irregular Mode. Over 200+ students have passed out in the last 2 years who were mainly dropouts, underprivileged, and working women.

  • Special School

    We are implementing 3 special schools for IntellectualDisabled. There are 120 Intellectual Disabled Children between the age group of 5-18 years in Pre-Primary, Primary, Secondary, and Pre-vocational with vocational 11 Specially Trained teachers to teach and Train them as per the guidelines given by the Govt. The classroom teachings include the following Activities of Daily living skills and basic Concepts. Functional and academic Skills, Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy, Behavioural Modification, and Skill Training.

    This wing of the special school consists of 2 classes with 2 special teachers and one Physiotherapist to take care of them in teaching the daily living activities and small easy lessons with the help of toys, models, and charts depending upon their intellectual ability and learning capacity. These Intellectual Special children are exposed to practical and demonstration classes like Bathing, brushing, use of toilets, washing clothes, cooking, Tea preparation and prayer, etc.

    Every effort is being made to achieve the Goal. A Holistic approach is adapted to each and trains a child catering not only to the needs of the Special child but also its entire family.

    Parents' meetings are conducted at regular intervals. Parents are encouraged to seek help from special educators/Special teachers for any of their problems.

  • Early Intervention Programme for Hearing Impaired


    Prevent and guide the affected children from their hearing and speech deficiency. This Programme is supported by the State Commissioner for DifferentlyAbled, Chennai. ARVI was given allocations by the state government to implement the program in the Thenidistrict. At present 74 children are getting training through center-based and home-based schools in the Theni district. Under this new approach, all the affected children from the age of 0 to 06 years were taken into consideration. The holistic development approach was implemented towards the children. The focus will be mainstreaming the same children into the main regular schools after six years. After the EI training, we are admitting children to the nearby normal schools. Until last year we mainstreamed 51 students.

    Also, We were providing Early Intervention for young hearing-impaired children, Therapy, and support services at the doorsteps of special children who are unable to attend the EIC due to distance, transport, and any other problems.

  • Disabled Welfare - Home Based Programme

    The organization also offers home-based training programs for the mentally challenged that provide toilet training and teach the participants how to dress, use water, and go about other daily activities.

    According to a survey, 54 severely affected intellectually Disabled students in the SanarpattyBlock and Natham Block of Dindigul District. We planned to take care of the above, severe ID students with the support of United Way Chennai.
    Now, we are providing training to handle several IDpersons, in Daily Living skills and other basic activities.

    The Special students are getting Home based training. Through HBT, ARVI provides the following services.
    Activities of Daily Living Skills
    Mobility skills to needed persons
    Develop basic Communication skills
    Awareness to Parents, Guardians
    Physiotherapy and other therapeutic services.
    Special Educational service
    Mainstreaming after training.
    Periodical academic

  • Disha Early Intervention program


    Its program Saghyogi offers training to those who work in the field and take care of the mentally retarded. In addition, it provides a “Continuous Rehabilitation Evaluation” Programme for rehabilitation professionals to update their knowledge.

    ARVI started the Disha Centre for the welfare of school-age intellectual Special Children under the age of 10 years. In this daycare center, we are providing physiotherapy, Special Education, and other necessary activities.

    There are 20 infants and children between the age group of 0 to 10 years with delayed development and disability in the Disha center. In this section, the emphasis is given to preschool training of these children to make them fit for the special school. Daily we pick them up from their doorstep and drop them back againafter the training classes.

    We trained the students to develop their general motor-skills, to improve their listening skills, oral comprehension, Reading, Writing, Speaking, copying, drawing, Playing, Number work comments of others who are around them, etc. In the same way, we trained the students to try to speak routine sentences that they use in their day-to-day life, how to express their thoughts in simple sentences, and then, how to interact with other students, and anybody else around them. The child is provided with an enabling environment to develop speech. Efforts are

  • The Integrated Farm Training Program -IFT

    In the celebration of National Farmers Day, our team thanked the Farmers of the nation. The Integrated FarmTraining program. IFT was launched for the livelihood of persons with Disabilities. It will be an Inclusive Self-Sustaining and Eco-Friendly Farm for people with Intellectual Disabilities. In this event, Mr.Anantha Krishnan, Advisor of the ARVITRUST, and special school students participated and planted saplings. We are also happy to announce that the Integrated Farm Training program has started in memory of National Farmers Day.

    The main aim of IFT is the Inclusive Self-Sustaining and Eco-Friendly Farm for people with Intellectual Disabilities.

    Promote Integrated Farm with daily, weekly, monthly, Quarterly, and yearly income methods.

    Beneficiaries will be above 16 years with the required basic skills.

  • Flagship Awareness program for Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribes

    Development of #persons with disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, New Delhi is a flagship program of the government of India for the underprivileged and tribal communities through awareness-raising, training, education, social, and economic development,
    and employment, social security, and self-reliance through sports and cultural events. It conducts one-day awareness seminars for women, differently-abled, nurses, teachers, disabled rehabilitation specialists, village administrators, and school and college students in rural and urban areas in rural and urban areas through more than one national Institute for the Development of Disabled Persons in each district

Impact Metrics

  • 260

    Program Name

    Ekalvya Open School - NIOS, BOSSE

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 80
    • 2021-22 85

Leadership Team

  • A. Ramachandran

    Managing Trustee

  • Kathiresan


  • V. Amirtham


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    Laxmi Nagar, Seelapadi, Dindigul, 624005

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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