Madhuram Narayanan Centre for Exceptional Children (A Unit of Balamandir Kamaraj Trust)

Provides training and therapy to the children with special mental needs and disability

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Chennai, Tamil Nadu

  • Since


Madhuram Narayanan Centre for Exceptional Children (MNC) was established in Chennai in December 1989 as a research-cum-demonstration centre to provide Read more early intervention services to children with mental retardation through an indigenously developed structured and systematic program of training called Upanayan, meaning ‘to lead along’. An interdisciplinary team consisting of experts in developmental psychology, neonatology, audiology, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, special education, yoga besides a nutritionist and dietician worked on the project from March 1987 and completed the first phase in December 1989. The program was field tested for its workability and suitability, and was formally released by Saint Mother Teresa in July 1992 at Kolkata. The training program, covering children in the age group from birth to 6 years; Upanayan engages parents as partners in the implementation of the program. They are trained by the special educators to lead the children towards their developmental goals. 6000+ children have benefited over the last 28 years in various states of India and abroad. MNC which was functioning as a separate Registered Unit till 31-03-2018, has now become a unit of Balamandir Kamaraj Trust (BMKT) effective 01-04-2018, BMKT is registed under the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act 1975. BMKT was started in 1949 by late Sri.K.Kamaraj and Smt.Manjubhashini. It is a premier Social Welfare Orgasnisation, which has, over the years sheltered children in difficult circumstances and those from socio-economically deprived backgrounds.


MNC offers early intervention services for children aged 0-6 years with intellectual disabilities and associated conditions, using the indigenously developed 'Upanayan' Early Intervention Program.

Demographies Served


The Centre has served over 6,596 children cumulatively as of March 31, 2023, with an average of 94 children attending the program daily.

Vision & Mission

MNC's mission is to provide services in early detection, identification, and intervention for Intellectual Disability, and to empower parents and family members in the care and management of children with special needs.


  • Initiative for Childrem


    Madhuram Narayanan Centre provides early intervention services for children with a range of developmental delays and disabilities, including mental retardation and conditions like autism spectrum disorders (ASD), cerebral palsy (CP), Down syndrome (DS), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), microcephaly, and hydrocephalus—some of which also include visual, hearing, and/or physical impairments. The children also include those who were born with asphyxia, infectious infections, and inadequate nourishment, as well as those who experienced brain damage throughout the prenatal and postnatal phases of their mothers' pregnancies due to various causes.

  • Training and Therapy


    The Upanayan Early Intervention Programme is an indigenously produced systematic and organised programme that is used in center-based, home-based, and center-home-based training. Numerous supplementary projects, including those in yoga and music, Annaporna, Sanmargam, Sankarshana, and Sambhavam, complement the activities.

Milestones & Track Record

MNC completed its 34th year on December 12th, 2023, has trained over 5,500 children, and has been recognized internationally, with invitations from organizations like the UN and WHO for its CEO to speak at conferences.

Leadership Team

  • Ms. Vaijayanthi Desikan


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type
