Forest Regeneration And Environmental Sustainability Trust

Establishes harmony between humanity and nature, working for biodiversity conservation, sustainable resources, habitat restoration, and ecosystem connectivity

  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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  • Headquarters

    Pune, Maharashtra

  • Since


Forest Regeneration and Environmental Sustainability Trust(FORREST), emerged in October 2015 as a non-profit organisation with the aim of fostering a Read moreharmonious relationship between humanity and the natural world. By concentrating efforts on the Aichi Biodiversity targets, FORREST directs its initiatives towards mainstreaming biodiversity, encouraging sustainable resource utilization, conserving habitats through research and practical measures, assessing ecosystem services, and enhancing knowledge sharing while empowering stakeholders. With a vision of nurturing a conscious world that deeply respects, safeguards, and treasures nature, FORREST envisions thriving natural ecosystems characterized by diverse flora and fauna, interconnected forests with corridors, unpolluted rivers, and undisturbed wetlands, offering ecological benefits to all. The organisation's mission revolves around resolute dedication to forest and biodiversity conservation, habitat restoration, and ecosystem connectivity. By embracing collaborative wisdom, action-driven interventions, conservation awareness, and advocacy, FORREST strives to revive the bond between humans and the environment, working towards its visionary goal.


  • Biodiversity Assessment Programme

    FORREST conducts Biodiversity Assessment (BDA) to document the local flora and fauna, focusing on species' habits, habitats, and traits. This data is crucial for effective conservation planning. The assessment can be comprehensive or rapid, with the latter known as Rapid Biodiversity Assessment (RBA), suitable for quick planning and management needs. Detailed BDA involves a seasonal analysis, systematically observing, identifying, and documenting species and ecological processes in the area.

  • Ecological Conservation & Planning Programme

    FORREST employs a systematic conservation planning approach to ensure effective biological diversity conservation. Its ecological planning encompasses various measures, including the preparation of a Conservation Plan based on the study of both biotic and abiotic factors of the area, ensuring a strong foundation for biodiversity preservation. Additionally, it creates artificial water holes that provide surface water for wildlife year-round, designed using locally available materials and harmonizing with the natural environment. Furthermore, FORREST assists in planning butterfly gardens by incorporating nectar plants to attract butterflies and providing larval host plants for egg laying, offering individuals the opportunity to support butterfly populations through backyard or terrace spaces.

  • Miyawaki Forest Restoration Programme

    FORREST employs the Miyawaki method of afforestation, which entails densely planting native trees to rejuvenate degraded land into a thriving forest. This technique mirrors the natural forest system, promoting a mix of trees that replicate the density and diversity of the original local forest. The approach involves layered plantations of canopy, sub-canopy, small trees, shrubs, herbs, and climbers, mimicking the natural growth patterns. Unlike traditional plantations, Miyawaki forests foster biodiversity restoration and provide essential ecosystem services. FORREST embraces organic practices for cultivating and sustaining these trees. This innovative method of creating forests is versatile, serving purposes such as habitat restoration, compensatory afforestation, and agroforestry.

  • Waste Management Programme


    FORREST is dedicated to raising awareness and fostering a sense of responsibility among individuals regarding waste generation and management. Through one-on-one interactions with participants, the organisation aims to instil a transformative shift in attitudes towards waste management. This involves promoting environmental consciousness, educating about the current waste scenario, sensitizing target groups to waste disposal issues, and enhancing their capacity for finding solutions. Each project undertaken by FORREST serves as a journey to empower individuals, making them integral to waste management solutions rather than contributors to the problem. The primary goal is to cultivate the perspective of "Our waste, Our Responsibility" within people, encouraging active participation in waste management efforts.

  • Ecological Assessment Programme

    FORREST's ecological assessment aims to comprehensively evaluate ecosystem structure and functions to create effective conservation strategies. This involves analyzing indicators like plant and animal diversity, inter-species interactions, soil and water conditions, and habitat quality, enabling informed conservation management decisions.

Leadership Team

  • Neha Singh

    Founder & Director

  • Nivedita Kulkarna


  • Prachi Pawar

    Assistant Director - Operations & HR

  • S R Dhanush

    Co - Founder and Assistant Director - Planning & Development

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA

    Not Available

  • CSR Registration Number



Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses