SEARCH (Society for Education, Action and Research in Community Health, Gadchiroli)

Aims to transform rural and tribal healthcare through community empowerment and meaningful research.

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Gadchiroli, Maharashtra

  • Since


Society for Education, Action and Research in Community Health (SEARCH) is an organisation that focuses on providing healthcare services to rural and Read moretribal communities in Gadchiroli district. It aims to empower these communities to take control of their own health and contribute to shaping health policies through research. Gadchiroli, an economically disadvantaged district in India, faces significant healthcare challenges due to poverty, illiteracy, and geographical remoteness. Founded in 1986, SEARCH works closely with the community in 134 villages to address rural health issues. Its core activities include providing healthcare services, offering health education, conducting research, and influencing policy development. The organisation's approach emphasizes community participation and aims to make affordable healthcare accessible to all. Through their work, they seek to improve the health and well-being of marginalized populations, including rural, tribal, women, and children. SEARCH has gained recognition for its community-based approach and contributions to public health. It conducts research studies to develop effective healthcare models and shares its knowledge through training, publications, and advocacy efforts. By focusing on the specific health needs of the community and collaborating with local partners, SEARCH aims to bring about positive change and impact health policies on a broader scale.


SEARCH has impacted by annually providing over 1,50,000 patient treatments, performing more than 600 surgeries, imparting life skills education to over 80,000 adolescents, nurturing over 1200 NIRMANees, treating over 17,000 neonates in the community, establishing a community laboratory in 134 villages, publishing more than 50 research papers, and receiving over 75 awards and honours.


  • Tribal Friendly Hospital Programme

    SEARCH's tribal-friendly hospital, established in 1993, caters to the cultural sensitivities of the local tribal population. The hospital's unique architecture resembles a tribal home, featuring a temple dedicated to the tribal Goddess Maa Danteshwari. To address concerns, doctors avoid wearing white attire, and the outpatient department provides open spaces with trees for patient waiting. Patients admitted can stay with their families in huts built by the tribals. The hospital offers compassionate, culturally appropriate, and affordable medical care, including outpatient, speciality, and surgical services. With over three million outpatient consultations, 34,000 annual visits, and 3,300 surgeries, the hospital has been successful in serving the tribal community with the help of honorary consultants and surgeons.

  • Home-Based Maternal, Newborn, and Child Care Programme

    SEARCH implemented a groundbreaking programme of home-based maternal, newborn, and child care to address the high infant mortality rate in rural Gadchiroli. By training Village Health Workers, known as 'Arogya-doots', in essential newborn care, monitoring, and diagnosis of morbidities, SEARCH provided comprehensive care in the homes of mothers and newborns. The intervention resulted in a significant reduction in neonatal and infant mortality rates, improved maternal and newborn health, and decreased incidence of newborn morbidities. This community-based approach revolutionized newborn care and influenced policies globally, aiming to combat infant and neonatal mortality in low- and middle-income countries.

  • Monitoring & Evaluation Programme

    SEARCH implemented a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system in 1989 to gather essential data for research and programme development. Covering 134 villages and 4 blocks with a population of approximately 110,000, the M&E system involved developing, piloting, and finalizing questionnaires for data collection. Trained personnel ensured accurate data collection, which underwent rigorous cross-checking, data entry, cleaning, and analysis. The collected data is archived for reference and serves as a vital tool for continuous monitoring, evaluation, and effectiveness assessment of SEARCH's community-based and hospital-based programmes. This systematic approach allows for evidence-based decision-making and ongoing improvement.

  • Research on Non-Communicable Diseases

    SEARCH collaborated with institutions like the Spine Foundation and Hinduja Hospital to assess chronic non-communicable diseases in rural Gadchiroli. Studies examined musculoskeletal pain, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. Verbal autopsy identified stroke as a leading cause of death, prompting a study on stroke survivors. Additionally, an intervention study focused on controlling hypertension, diabetes, and reducing stroke deaths. To measure the cancer burden, a population-based cancer registry was established with Tata Cancer Hospital. These initiatives provide insights into disease prevalence, guiding targeted interventions.

  • Life Skills Education Programme

    SEARCH recognized the pressing need for life skills education among adolescents and youth in Maharashtra. Its programme, Tarunyabhan, focused on increasing awareness of reproductive and sexual health, promoting responsible behaviour, and fostering mutual respect between genders. The workshops, conducted in schools, colleges, and villages, covered various topics such as parent-child relationships, sexual health, distinguishing love from infatuation, and risks associated with premarital sexual relations. Additionally, SEARCH's youth sports programme aimed to improve tribal health and development by engaging tribal youth in sports activities, including volleyball and kabaddi. These initiatives not only provided a platform for physical activity but also offered health check-ups and counseling on issues like sickle cell disease.

Impact Metrics

  • Medical Treatment Provided in Tribal Areas

    Program Name

    Tribal healthcare and Mobile Medical Unit

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2014-15 19,461
    • 2015-16 19,262
    • 2016-17 21,574
    • 2017-18 23,959
    • 2019-20 29,879
    • 2021-22 33,447
  • Life Skill Education Imparted to Youth

    Program Name

    Tarunya bhan

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2014-15 8,827
    • 2015-16 3,734
    • 2016-17 2,304
    • 2017-18 2,170

Leadership Team

  • Dr. Abhay Bang

    Founder, Chairman & Trustee

  • Dr. Rani Bang

    Founder & Trustee

  • Dr. Upendra Vedpathak


  • Dr. Shekhar Bhojraj


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    Shodhgram, Post: Chatgaon Taluka: Dhanora, Gadchiroli, 442605

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Sister Organisation


  • Type & Sub Type
