Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
ASMITA is a registered charitable trust, started by the Late Fr. Dilraj IMS in 1998 in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India and registered as a trust in the Read more year 2008. This organization caters to the needs of the underprivileged who live at the periphery, especially the women and children in the slums in the city of Varanasi. It exists for the dignity and empowerment of marginalized migrant laborers, widows, children engaged in hazardous situations in the slums, and children who need care and protection. ASMITA aims at the integrated improvement of the living standards of slum dwellers, emphasizing physical and social improvement along with educational activities and vocational training programs, necessary health interventions rescue-rehabilitation, etc. Special focus is given to child development and the empowerment of women and adolescents. Vision: An Integrated Human Society living in freedom, equality, and justice: above all leading a dignified life Mission: Empowering the marginalized specifically women and children of the unorganized laborers/slum dwellers to live a life with total dignity.
We look at the society as organized and the unorganized. The unorganized comprise 90-92 percentage of the society who have no guarantee of the day yet to come. Among them the most vulnerable section are the migrants who ultimate get settled in the slums of each city. These slum dwellers have no identity of their own, most uneducated/illiterate, landless and thus become victim to all sorts of human rights violation and atrocities. They are engaged in hazardous works such as manual scavenging, rag-picking, begging, cleaning of the roads etc. They live in most unhygienic places, without any sort of privacy. The living condition is inhumane, the health care system is pathetic, they remain generations after generations illiterate. ASMITA tries to address the issue of • primary education of slum children, prevent them from entering into rag-picking or child labour • Basic health care of slum dwellers specially of the women and children and linking them with the health care system of the state • Skill development and livelihood of the slum women so that they may have a better financial stability
1) Child Rights - Rescue and Rehabilitation - Through the emergency helpline for children under the ministry of women and child development, we were reaching out to Children in need of care and protection (CNCP) under the JJ Act. Children such as those run away from home, missing children, children in need of counselling, child labour, child marriage, child sexual/physical/emotional abuse, new born babies thrown away, adoption, medical care etc. 2) Community Health -Slum dwellers are mostly migrants and live on the road sides or any make shift places in the city. Most of them are illiterate, poor and are deprived of proper self-care. Most of them suffer from ill-health caused by lack of care, money, linkage with the mainstream health care facilities of the state. One major area of intervention is addressing the health issues of the slum dwellers specially the women, children, widows, pregnant and lactating women 3) Menstrual Hygiene - The program's primary aim was to support adolescent girls from the slums by providing them with sanitary pads and addressing menstruation-related issues. It focused on raising awareness about menstrual hygiene and provided them with medical support, awareness as per their need. 4) Education -ASMITA is dedicated to providing non-formal education to marginalized children engaged in rag picking, junk collection, begging, child labour, and pedestal selling. Through regular slum-based non-formal classes, we equip them with basic reading and writing skills. 5) Skill Development - ASMITA is committed to uplifting girls from slums and disadvantaged backgrounds, by providing them with valuable tailoring skills as a livelihood opportunity. Currently, we operate five tailoring centers, in the urban slums. In the recent past we have started training on Domestic Work, training and supporting as street vendors by providing carts for Idli sale.
Demographies Served
Cause Area
It has never been our intention or aim to remain in the lime line or work towards the promotion of our activities. Today we take pride not in the awards we have received but the name we have achieved as a frontier organization working for the unorganized. ASMITA CHILDLINE has been for many years one of the best performing CHILDLINEs in UP. Our staffs are considered to the best resourceful persons on child rights and services to children. Our achievement is our staffs and the smile we could create in the faces of our people. In the past we could - 1. Rescue and Rehabilitation of 9742 children in the district of Varanasi through CHILDLINE 1098 2. 25,000+ awareness programs on child rights in Varanasi 3. 8,581 children educated through non-formal education centres and 1,526 children enrolled in schools 4. 100% vaccination of pregnant women in 12 slums of Varanasi in the past two years 5. 1220 + malnourished children supported with medical and nutritional support 6. 7190 adolescent girls supported with sanitary pads and menstrual care 7. 549 pregnant women were supported to ensure safe pregnancy 8. 542 lactating mothers were supported to ensure safe motherhood and childcare 9. 100% institutional deliveries in 12 slums of Varanasi 10. 1530 women trained in tailoring 11. 141 women trained in beautician 12. 8561 Food kits and 6,000 cooked food kits reached out to the needy during Covid.
Pregnancy and Post-Pregnancy Care
We follow direct intervention into the slums by setting up pregnant women’s Group and lactating women's groups The objective of the program was to reduce the health complications of pregnant and lactating mothers in the slums of Varanasi. We covered 25 major slums in Varanasi with awareness building, linkage with government programs, medical camps, medicines, check-ups, vaccinations, institutional deliveries, and proper nutrition. First accompany them into the PHCs and then ask them to on their own so that they will be empowered to do it on themselves.
Non-Formal Education of Slum Children
Our team does survey of the slums old and newly formed and post identification we appoint an animator to interact with parents and organize the children. After a few days of interaction animators collect these children and start taking non-formal classes. On an average there are 20 children in each class. Once they are enabled to read and write, the children are admitted to the neighbouring school at the end of the year. The animator motivates the children to continue studies in the school.
Skill Training on Tailoring
Skill training such as tailoring, cooking, beautician, are being conducted for girls and women from the slums on regular basis. We do this to help girls to pick up some sort of skill to engage themselves while being at home and make an earning for themselves. ASMITA has been conducting tailoring classes free of cost for the past 15 years.
CHILDLINE 1098 is the National Helpline for children under the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Gov of India. For the past 15 years, ASMITA manages the project in the district of Varanasi. With its dedicated and long-serving staff, the organization attends to an average of 60-70 cases per month, providing round-the-clock care. So-far we rescued and rehabilitated a total of 9,742 children, as one of the best-performing units in all of Uttar Pradesh.
Pregnancy and Post-Pregnancy Care
We follow direct intervention into the slums by setting up pregnant women’s Group and lactating women's groups The objective of the program was to reduce the health complications of pregnant and lactating mothers in the slums of Varanasi. We covered 25 major slums in Varanasi with awareness building, linkage with government programs, medical camps, medicines, check-ups, vaccinations, institutional deliveries, and proper nutrition. First accompany them into the PHCs and then ask them to on their own so that they will be empowered to do it on themselves.
Non-Formal Education of Slum Children
Our team does survey of the slums old and newly formed and post identification we appoint an animator to interact with parents and organize the children. After a few days of interaction animators collect these children and start taking non-formal classes. On an average there are 20 children in each class. Once they are enabled to read and write, the children are admitted to the neighbouring school at the end of the year. The animator motivates the children to continue studies in the school.
Skill Training on Tailoring
Skill training such as tailoring, cooking, beautician, are being conducted for girls and women from the slums on regular basis. We do this to help girls to pick up some sort of skill to engage themselves while being at home and make an earning for themselves. ASMITA has been conducting tailoring classes free of cost for the past 15 years.
CHILDLINE 1098 is the National Helpline for children under the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Gov of India. For the past 15 years, ASMITA manages the project in the district of Varanasi. With its dedicated and long-serving staff, the organization attends to an average of 60-70 cases per month, providing round-the-clock care. So-far we rescued and rehabilitated a total of 9,742 children, as one of the best-performing units in all of Uttar Pradesh.
Pregnancy and Post-Pregnancy Care
We follow direct intervention into the slums by setting up pregnant women’s Group and lactating women's groups The objective of the program was to reduce the health complications of pregnant and lactating mothers in the slums of Varanasi. We covered 25 major slums in Varanasi with awareness building, linkage with government programs, medical camps, medicines, check-ups, vaccinations, institutional deliveries, and proper nutrition. First accompany them into the PHCs and then ask them to on their own so that they will be empowered to do it on themselves.
Non-Formal Education of Slum Children
Our team does survey of the slums old and newly formed and post identification we appoint an animator to interact with parents and organize the children. After a few days of interaction animators collect these children and start taking non-formal classes. On an average there are 20 children in each class. Once they are enabled to read and write, the children are admitted to the neighbouring school at the end of the year. The animator motivates the children to continue studies in the school.
Skill Training on Tailoring
Skill training such as tailoring, cooking, beautician, are being conducted for girls and women from the slums on regular basis. We do this to help girls to pick up some sort of skill to engage themselves while being at home and make an earning for themselves. ASMITA has been conducting tailoring classes free of cost for the past 15 years.
CHILDLINE 1098 is the National Helpline for children under the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Gov of India. For the past 15 years, ASMITA manages the project in the district of Varanasi. With its dedicated and long-serving staff, the organization attends to an average of 60-70 cases per month, providing round-the-clock care. So-far we rescued and rehabilitated a total of 9,742 children, as one of the best-performing units in all of Uttar Pradesh.
Impact Metrics
Program Name
Pregnancy and Post-Pregnancy Care
Year-wise Metrics- 2021-22 412
- 2022-23 381
- 2023-24 438
Impact Metric
Program Name
Non-Formal Education of Slum Children
Year-wise Metrics- 2021-22 412
- 2022-23 281
- 2023-24 360
Demographics & Structure
No. of Employees
Internal, External Assessors
Ethics and Transparency Policies
Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy
Political & Religious Declarations
On Affiliation if any
On Deployment Bias if any
Registration Details
PAN Card
Registration ID
VO ID / Darpan ID
Not Available
CSR Registration Number
Other Details
Type & Sub Type
Financial Details
IncomeRs.3,300,527Admin ExpensesRs.371,025Program ExpensesRs.2,968,321Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.3,183,610Admin ExpensesRs.135,856Program ExpensesRs.2,894,323Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.2,981,672Admin ExpensesRs.216,310Program ExpensesRs.2,805,032Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.