Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
Guria India, one of the pioneers in the fight against sex trafficking and sexual exploitation of women and children began with its founder Ajeet Singh Read more adopting three children of a Muslim woman in commercial sex in 1988 at the age of 17. In over 35 years of it work, Guria India has evolved a successful holistic end-to-end strategy to create & sustain first child prostitution free red-light area at Varanasi and achieved India’s largest conviction of 41 traffickers/brothel keepers in a single case of sex trafficking with innovations as hallmark. Guria India has intervened in over 3600 legal cases against sex traffickers with over 6400 rescues, 962 bail rejections of traffickers, 19 Public Interest Litigations in Hon’ble High Court and Supreme Court on systemic failures, 1088 depositions of rescued survivors, 1407 livelihood/witness protection to rescued survivors, 261 brothels shut down. As per our holistic end-to-end strategy we compulsorily oppose right from the district court to High Court and further to the Supreme Court - the bails of traffickers to avoid evidence tampering & intimidation, fake custody of victims for re-trafficking, habeas corpus petitions by traffickers on concealed facts and any re-opening of the seized brothels. Other areas of interventions are: education, health, national status report on police misconduct in cases of trafficking, worldwide Freedom Now awareness campaign, sensitizing stakeholders, advocacy, Indo-Nepal Border interventions. Guria India has catered over 11000 children through educational support, vocational training, livelihood support, workshops within the red-light areas and vulnerable source villages. Guria has built 1,20,000 membered strong women vigilance committees in 9 districts of Eastern Uttar Pradesh. Guria has hosted interns/exposure visits from Princeton university, Smith college, Paris School of Business, University of Wisconsin, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, US Programs such as Fulbright, Alliance for Global Education, Where There be Dragons, Leap Now, Carpedium as well as University of Arkansas, University of Applied Sciences-Heilbronn (Germany). We have shared our experiences at Cambridge, Princeton University, University of London (SOAS), UNGIFT, Reuters Trust Conference-London, G20 Interfaith Summit, ICC Cricket World Cup at Lords etc and our case study has also been published by Ivey & Harvard Publications. Guria India was awarded by the Hon’ble President of India, 21st Century Icon Awards-London, declared MAN OF THE YEAR 2011 and was invited over tea by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India to felicitate the Nari Shakti Awardees. Guria India was also the member of Central Nodal Agency on trafficking and the National Special Monitor on trafficking (National Human Rights Commission) and much more.
Cause Area
1. Created India’s first child prostitution free red-light area in Varanasi 2. Achieved largest conviction of 41 traffickers/brothel keepers in a single case of sex trafficking (national record) 3. Creation of UP State victim compensation fund after Guria India’s Public Interest Litigation 4. Appointment of female police officers in all the police stations of the Uttar Pradesh state 5. Constitution of medical board in each district for age verification 6. Compliance of guidelines on medical treatment to rape survivors 7. Founder Ajeet has also successfully experimented and lived for over 25 years in his adopted Bedia village involved in intergenerational prostitution – 100% bedia families sending their children to mainstream schools 8. Case Study on Guria India published by Ivey & Harvard publications for a greater replication and scale up
Vision & Mission
Vision - To build a just and humane world where all beings co-exist in harmony.
Mission - To end sex trafficking and sexual exploitation of women and children
Donor History
Azim Premji Foundation , Action Aid, Child Rights & You, Freedom Fund & Give Foundation
Health Care
StateEnsuring access to health services for rescued victims and at-risk women/girls/communities in the remote vulnerable villages & the red-light areas through referral services
Raising awareness among decision makers and lobbying for legislative changes to combat sex trafficking and sexual exploitation of women & children through Public Interest Litigations (PILs), liaison, seminars, trainings, workshops and much more
Supporting rescued survivors/at-risk children with non-formal education and access to mainstream schools at the source villages and destination red-light areas. This is further supplemented with youth groups, sports tournaments, food & nutrition, art therapy (clay work, bead-making, painting, handicrafts, hand-made cards etc.), computer classes, laughing/shouting classes, meditation, music & dance, theatre, photography, videography, sports, gardening, feeding birds, exposure visits, picnics and much more.
Legal Work
StateTo take things to a logical conclusion and prevent any resurgence of the powerful brothel keepers/traffickers, we compulsorily pursue legal cases against human traffickers/brothel keepers along with counseling and mock trials; applications for government compensation; survivors’ meetings; home verifications; data collection on sex trafficking; liaison with authorities; innovatively using bail rejections, brothel seizures, opposing fake custody applications, fighting cross FIRs (first information reports) and habeas corpus petitions by traffickers on concealed facts, challenging fake protection orders and acquittals, etc.
Witness protection to rescued survivors
StateLooking at the life threats from the traffickers/brothel keepers, we innovatively provide witness protection through relocating the survivors, food/travel/health/clothes support, fortification of their houses/terrace/doors/windows etc.
Worldwide awareness campaign
State“Freedom Now” – Focuses on Art exchange & Exhibit, Performing Arts and other Initiatives to mobilize public opinion in our fight against sex trafficking and sexual exploitation of women and children.
• Guria India, through art exchange & exhibit, is partnering with schools and organizations across the world to create a tidal wave of awareness, empowerment, creativity, and activism. The students learn about human trafficking, create art about trafficking and exchange their art with each other.
• The performing arts is a series for awareness and fundraising to fight sex trafficking & child sexual exploitation in North India. The concerts began in 1995 only for the women in the red-light areas to spread awareness, save the dying art form, give dignity to the women singers and provide alternate livelihood options. The efforts of these women as artists have been documented in an article published by Cambridge Journal and a book published by the Oxford Press. Gradually, in the recent years, it also included the local folk artists from the marginalized & excluded sections of the society. also These concerts were held at Bharat Bhavan (Bhopal), Sri Ram Centre for Art and Culture (Delhi), Bhatkande Music Institute (Lucknow) and the World Social Forum (Mumbai). Later in the next stage it got solidarity from music maestros such as Ashish Khan, Girija Devi, Chhannu Laal Mishra, Pt. Kishan Maharaj, Pt. Vikas Maharaj who all performed at prestigious venues such as Teen Murti Bhavan (New Delhi), Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (Institute of Indian Arts and Culture) London and Hotel Taj Ganges (Varanasi). For more information, visit www.freedomnowcampaign.org .
• The other initiatives are innovative & powerful ways that communities around the world choose to support the campaign. These include documentaries on Guria India, marathons, cycle rides and many more -
Prevention of sex trafficking/unsafe migration
StateThe critical mass for change and deterrence on attacks on activists depends on the mobilization of civil society, people’s participation and ownership at all levels within the source, transit, and destination levels of sex trafficking. Keeping this in view, Guria India undertakes foot marches, cycle marches, village meetings, street plays/folk songs, sports tournaments and much more for awareness on the issue among the at-risk women/children in vulnerable villages and the red-light areas. Primarily, the focus is on building vigilance groups comprised of village women against sex trafficking. This has led to 1,10,000 membered women vigilance committee; ensuring access to government entitlements; youth groups; compassionate services amidst COVID-19 pandemic (ration distribution, cremation of bodies, medicine distribution, vaccination) and much more.
Status report on police’s misconduct in cases of sex trafficking, child prostitution and rape – invited enquiry by Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, half-yearly Guria India newsletters.
StateCategorized systematically into Pre-Rescue (reccee of the rescue site and completing other legal formalities for rescue), Rescue (assisting the police and district administration in carrying out the rescue), Post-Rescue (Counseling, Home Verification, rehabilitation/re-integration, medical facilities etc.). Beside this we have gone throughout the country for rescue in the states of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Odisha etc.
Sensitization with stakeholders
Prevention at Indo-Nepal border
To prevent trafficking at the porous Indo-Nepal border in the district Maharajganj, we undertake awareness campaign in the schools/colleges through quiz/essay/painting/debate competitions, workshops/seminars with the Seema Suraksha Bal (SSB) and the local police stations
Involved and garnered support from UN Economic and Social Council Report on Human Rights Defenders 2006, Asian Human Rights Commission Urgent Appeals (Hong Kong), FRONTLINE (Ireland), Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative, UN Rapporteurs on Trafficking and sale of Children and UN Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders (Geneva), National Human Rights Commission for Women (member of 2 enquiry committees on trafficking and partnership for legal & health literacy campaign for women in sex trade), National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (Joint rescue at Meerut red-light area & other cases), National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (Training), Ministry of Women & Child Development (member Inter-ministerial committee on new law & Central Nodal Agency on Trafficking), Seema Suraksha Bal (Training), Police & Anti-Human Trafficking Unit (Training), Child Welfare Committee (Training & restoring rescued children), DCPU (Training), JJB (Case to case basis)
Hosting interns/exposure visits
Princeton University, Smith College, Paris School of Business, University of Wisconsin, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, US Programs such as Fulbright, Alliance for Global Education, Where There be Dragons, Leap Now, Carpedium, as well as University of Arkansas, University of Applied Sciences – Heilbronn (Germany) and many more.
Impact Metrics
Number of Legal Cases
Year-wise Metrics- 2021-22 71
- 2022-23 200
- 2023-24 129
Bail Rejection
Year-wise Metrics- 2021-22 21
- 2022-23 62
- 2023-24 52
Year-wise Metrics- 2021-22 43
- 2022-23 15
- 2023-24 8
Number of Livelihood Support
Year-wise Metrics- 2021-22 25
- 2022-23 29
- 2023-24 25
Number of Witness Protection
Year-wise Metrics- 2021-22 27
- 2022-23 33
- 2023-24 26
Number of Persons Rescued
Year-wise Metrics- 2021-22 3
- 2022-23 777
- 2023-24 260
Number of Witness Protection
Year-wise Metrics -
Number of Depositions
Year-wise Metrics- 2021-22 38
- 2022-23 35
- 2023-24 37
Theory of Change
For Guria India, prevention of sex trafficking, second-generation prostitution andending child prostitution have never been isolated issues with simple isolated solutions within our larger vision of building “a just and humane world where all beings co-exist in harmony”. Rather we understand that an issue as complex and multi-dimensional as trafficking and sexual exploitation requires a holistic end-to-end approach with innovations as our hallmark.
Broadly, Guria’s approach is focused on eradicating the slavery of women and their children in brothels, which will be achieved by ending their dependency on the criminal nexus involving drugs, sexual exploitation, mafias, police, politicians, and, above all, the impunity enjoyed by all those criminally involved.
The break-up of the criminal nexus will depend on using the continued tools of education, health, availing government programs, vocational training, emotional support, dignity and protection of already victimized women and children from corrupt police and criminals, in order to ensure liberty to avail alternate opportunities. Guria’s strategies for ending child prostitution, preventing second generation prostitution and sex trafficking moves parallel and often cross cuts and supplements each other in a converged and synchronized manner. In the context of easy sex, easy money, easy drugs, easy wine etc. in the red light areas, Guria India’s approach to prevent second generation prostitution involving education through art therapy (clay work, bead-making, painting, music, dance, theatre), exposure visits, laughing/shouting classes, meditation, gardening, watering the birds etc. echoes its guiding principle of connecting with the entire creation and life-centric development. Also key to Guria’s strategy is support to the aged and erstwhile victims of sex trafficking/forced prostitution as well as adolescents so that they themselves do not become collaborators or victims, respectively of such a complex situation.
Guria recognizes that overall the critical mass for a change and deterrence from attacks on activists will depend upon the mobilization of civil society and people’s participation at all levels within the source, transit and destination levels of sex trafficking – whereby the likes of worldwide Freedom Now campaign (theatre, art exhibit etc), 200000 membered women vigilance groups, longest foot march (800 kilometres) against sex trafficking, cultural group of women in commercial sex, livelihoods, entitlements and much more have been collectively very impactful. To supplement this, Guria has taken up rescue, counseling, legal intervention, and rehabilitation/reintegration to take things to a logical conclusion and avoid re-trafficking. Considering the situation of the rule of law and delay in justice delivery (reflected in the 90% acquittal rate in trafficking cases – NCRB 2020), we had to innovate once more by providing victim-witness protection, living with Bedia community (intergenerational prostitution) and innovatively using brothel seizures, Guria as witness, spy camera evidence, opposing fake victim custody /bails of traffickers and challenging fake protection orders/acquittals. Guria also creatively converted grass-roots level interventions into Public Interest Litigations (PIL) and released 100 cases report on police misconduct, to bring about a change at the policy level. Lastly, in the ever-changing context of this organized crime, we experiment as we build up the movement against sex trafficking and child sexual exploitation.
Milestones & Track Record
Rescued 6050 persons from slavery • The Hon’ble district court of Allahabad (new name Prayagraj) convicted 41 accused (A NATIONAL RECORD) with 10-14 years rigorous imprisonment & total fine worth 23,14,000 INR in a case where 136 victims, were rescued with arrest of 48 accused and seizure of 61 brothels. • Intervened in 3245 criminal cases– 845 bail rejections, approx 261 brothels forced to shut down, 137 convictions, 16 PILs • Ajeet Singh was nominated as a “Special Monitor” by the National Human Rights Commission • Ajeet has also successfully experimented and lived for over 23 years in his adopted Bedia village involved in intergenerational prostitution • Made Varanasi red-light area India’s first child prostitution free red-light area
Leadership Team
Demographics & Structure
No. of Employees
Strength of Governing Body
Diversity Metrics
15% women
Internal, External Assessors
Ethics and Transparency Policies
Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy
Political & Religious Declarations
On Affiliation if any
On Deployment Bias if any
Organisation Structure
Awards & Recognitions
Amazing Indian Award 2022 by Times Now
Awarded the Real Heroes award 2011 by CNN-IBN
Among the five finalists for the FrontLine Defenders Award for Human Rights Defenders
Ajeet Singh, founder and director of Guria India, declared Man of the Year 2011 by leading Indian Magazine The Week.
Nari Shakti award by the President of India for the year 2015
Rani Laxmi Bai Samman by the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh for the year 2015
Felicitated by the Zee TV Award at the Fempowerment Ceremony, 2016.
Life time achievement award 2016 by Life OK Channel (Savdhan India) – Star Network
Ajeet Singh was honoured with the Mother Teresa Award for Social Justice 2019, and was the Keynote Speaker at the Harmony International Conference on “Combating ,
Contemporary Forms of Slavery” at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
Ajeet Singh was declared as the winner of the “Generous Philanthropist Award” of the 21st Century Icon Awards, 2020.
Invited speaker at the 2016 UNICEF-sponsored Judicial Colloquium about combating Human Trafficking with a special focus on child trafficking in Uttar Pradesh
Appointed member of the core group on Trafficking, Women and Children, created by the National Human Rights Commission
Appointed member of Juvenile Justice board, created by UP State Legal Services Authority created under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015
Invited Speaker at the 4th Indian Social Work Congress, 2016
Appointed by Ministry of Women and Child Development to be a member of an Inter-Ministerial committee for preparing a comprehensive legislation on trafficking in 2016
The Freedom Fund invited Ajeet Singh as their keynote speaker at the Freedom Fund launch event in New York in 2014.
Registration Details
PAN Card
Registration ID
VO ID / Darpan ID
CSR Registration Number
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Type & Sub Type
Financial Details
IncomeRs.28,024,379ExpensesRs.34,588,056Admin ExpensesRs.3,458,805Program ExpensesRs.31,129,251Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.38,574,019ExpensesRs.38,216,161Admin ExpensesRs.2,292,969Program ExpensesRs.35,923,192Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.43,380,146ExpensesRs.43,935,575Admin ExpensesRs.2,196,778Program ExpensesRs.41,738,797Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.28,446,696ExpensesRs.27,606,390Admin ExpensesRs.2,760,639Program ExpensesRs.24,845,751Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.