Digambarpur Angikar

An organization for integrated rural development

  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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  • Headquarters

    Kolkata, West Bengal

  • Since


Digambarpur Angikar is a non-government organization based in the heart of Sundarban, West Bengal established in the year 1979. Our focus areas of wo Read morerk are Child Protection through Institutional & Non Institutional services, Anti Human trafficking action, Child education, women empowerment & Livelihood development, Water, Sanitation & solid waste management, Community health and Disaster management. We visualized an egalitarian society where people irrespective of caste, creed & religion can enjoy their basic human rights with equal access to resources for quality in life and livelihood. Mission is to Strengthen the empowerment process of the most vulnerable women and children, so that they can realize and protect their basic human rights.


Our focus areas of work are Child Protection through Institutional & Non Institutional services, Anti Human Trafficking action, Child education, Gender Equality, Livelihood enhancement, Water & Sanitation, Community health, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Building Institutions in communities, FPOs/FPCs, Promotion of Climate Smart Natural Farming Practices, and mainstreaming environment and solid waste management in urban municipalities.


Angikar is presently working for securing rights of vulnerable women and children, enhancing pre-primary to upper primary education for girls [Mainly child labour and non-school going children] coming from socially excluded community, child care & protection : Institutional seven categories of shelter home as well as Non In institutional services, Anti human trafficking, Community health services including MHM and prevention from HIV/ AIDS and Tuberculosis, Water and sanitation under Swachha Bharat Mission, Scientific Solid Waste Management at different Urban settlements ,Providing safe drinking water through installation of new tube wells, repairing of defunct tube wells, pipe line surface water supply to households, Disaster relief & mitigation and major part on sustainable livelihood development, Government linkages with focus on : Climate adaptive Farm & Non Farming, Animal Husbandry, fishery, Organic farming and other related trades in Sundarban region of South & North 24 Parganas districts of West Bengal. At present Angikar spread over five different districts in West Bengal. With focus in this connection Angikar mobilize rural women force under Self Help Groups, Clusters and Federation, mobilize fisher & livestock cultivated women under Women Collectives, mobilize women artisans under Women Cooperatives, empowering rural women groups to secure their rights and combat domestic violence, early marriage and girl child trafficking.


Under South 24 Parganas District: Running 4 Creches with 100 no babies of low income group working mothers at Patherpratima Block, Running 5 Preprimary education centre for 240 poor girl children of socially excluded community and Running Angikar Kishlay Niketan (upper primay school) for 168 girl students of vulnerable communities in Sundarbam. Running cottage shelter home with 50 destitute girls and running three shelter homes for 150 CNCP girls, One shelter home with 50 nos CNCP Boys, one CWSN shelter home with 50 inmates and one SAA home with 20 inmates under JJ Act .About 18000 women and girls at Patharpratima, Namkhana, Kakdwip and Mathurapur I blocks are covered under Anti human trafficking campaign and right based issues.5000 fisher women improved their livelihood through functioning of 20 women collectives. 600 rural women artisans equipped with skills and earn livelihood through women cooperatives. Running mother waiting hut at Gosaba Block and Implementing one Targeted Intervention projects to prevent and control STI/HIV & AIDS/STDs among 300 flying and brothel based Female Sex Workers at Canning, Ghutiary Sharif and Baruipur. Through our effort 11500 house hold latrines have been constructed at Patharpratima, Namkhana, Kakdwip, Mathurapur II, Sonarpur and Budge Budge I under Swachha Bharat Mission and about 50000 population benefits from the initiatives. Household water line connection has also been implementing at Patharpratima block and 500 families get safe drinking water. 139 tube wells have been installed and renovated at Patharpratima block and about 34000 populations get safe drinking water. Total 54,52,20 Urban Population in 4 Municipality Towns are being covered through scientific Solid Waste Management project. Under North 24 Parganas District: Implementing Socio Economic Empowerment project with 11000 Tribal women at Sandeshkhali I & II Block in North 24 Parganas District. Implementing one Targeted Intervention projects to prevent and control STI/HIV & AIDS/STDs among 300 Transgender Community. Coverage 300 Adolescent girls in Hasnabad & Barasat Block under Govt of West Bengal initiated flagship project: SAG-KP on material, child and adolescent health, nutrition, education and a social development issues. Reach 2,72,1898 urban populations in 11 Municipality Towns are being covered through scientific Solid Waste Management project. Under Hooghly & Purba Burdwan District: Reach total 97,5942 urban population in 9 Municipality through scientific Solid Waste Management project.

Vision & Mission

The vision of Digambarpur Angikar is to create an egalitarian society where people, regardless of caste, creed, or religion, can enjoy basic human rights equally. Their mission is to strengthen the empowerment process among the most vulnerable children and youth.


  • Child Care & Protection through running shelter homes under JJ Act

    Running residential cottage shelter home with 50 destitute girls and running three shelter homes for 150 CNCP girls, One shelter home with 50 nos CNCP Boys, one CWSN shelter home with 50 inmates and one SAA home with 10 inmates under JJ Act and also running Shakti Sadan for 50 difficult circumstances women. one Senior Citizen Home foe 25 women, Angikar running a home for 80 urban home less people at Kolkata, Salt Lake.

  • Creche Programme

    Running 4 Creches with 100 no babies of low income group working mothers at Patharpratima Block.

  • Education Project

    Running Primary educations Centre for 452 poor girl children of socially excluded community in Sundarban.

  • HIV/AIDS Prevention programme

    Implementing Targeted Intervention projects to prevent and control STI/HIV & AIDS/STDs among 675 flying and brothel based Female Sex Workers & MSM and TG Community at South and North 24 Parganas districts.

  • Water and Sanitation programme

    Constructed Household Latrines under Swachha Bharat Mission and about 50000 population benefits from the initiatives. Household water line connection has also been implementing at Patharpratima block and 700 families get safe drinking water. 139 tube wells have been installed and renovated at Patharpratima block and about 34000 populations get safe drinking water.

  • Solid Waste Management programme

    Four Municipality Towns are being covered through scientific Solid Waste Management awareness. Starting segregation at source.
    Eleven Municipality Towns are being covered through scientific Solid Waste Management awareness. Starting segregation at source
    Five Municipality Towns are being covered through scientific Solid Waste Management awareness. Starting segregation at source.
    Four Municipality Towns are being covered through scientific Solid Waste Management awareness. Starting segregation at source

  • Livelihood Project, Women collectives

    Implementing Farm based Socio Economic Empowerment project with Tribal women followed by Govt linkages.
    5000 fisher women improved their livelihood through functioning of 20 women collectives. 600 rural women artisans equipped with skills and earn livelihood through women cooperatives.

  • Anti-Human Trafficking programme

    About 18000 women and girls at Patharpratima, Namkhana, Kakdwip and Mathurapur I blocks are covered under Anti human trafficking campaign and right based issues. Victim linkages with welfare schemes and compensation schemes.

Impact Metrics

  • No of Victim Children Are Taken Admission and Later Restore to Their Respective Family

    Program Name

    Child Protection through running shelter homes under JJ Act

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 183
    • 2021-22 384
    • 2022-23 552
    • 2023-24 623
  • Children’S Are Enrolling and Oriented Better Education Facilities.

    Program Name

    Education Project

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 383
    • 2021-22 409
    • 2022-23 392
  • No of Marginalized Women Are Empowered and Form Women Collective Towards Self-Empowerment.

    Program Name

    Women collective

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 1850
    • 2021-22 2255
    • 2022-23 895
  • No of Transgender Community Reach Out Through Safer Sexual Behaviour and Practices

    Program Name

    HIV/AIDS Prevention[Transgender and FSW community]

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2023-24 689
  • No of Municipality Towns Started Source Segregation and People Are Aware on Scientific Social Waste Management and Processing

    Program Name

    Solid Waste Management

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 16
    • 2021-22 18
    • 2022-23 24
  • No of Individual House Hold Latrine Constructed

    Program Name

    Water and Sanitation

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 6500
    • 2021-22 3752
    • 2022-23 1248

Milestones & Track Record

The organization has been operating for over four decades, expanding from its roots in the Sundarbans to implement various programs in child care, education, health, and livelihood development.

Leadership Team

  • Mr.Sujit Chakraborty

    Head- Program Development

  • Mr.Sourav Sannigrahi

    Senior Programme Manager

  • Mr.Tapas Patra

    Senior Accounts Officer

  • Shilpa Das

    Project Manager

  • Rathin Purkait

    Programme Manager

  • Ankur Lodh

    Programme Manager

  • Subir Mitra

    Resource Manager

  • Prokash Bhattacharyya

    Senior Accounts Officer

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    Vill & PO: Digambarpur, Via: Kashinagar, PS: Dholahat, Block: Patharpratima, Dist: South 24 Parganas, Pin-743349, Kolkata

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Parent Organisation

    Digambarpur Angikar

  • Sister Organisation

    Digambarpur Angikar

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.