Nawalgarh, Rajasthan
‘Asha Ka Jharna’ as a voluntary non-profit organisation has been working for the cause of disability and child rights since 1998. Its three special sc Read morehools for the intellectually disabled (including cerebral palsy, down syndrome and other developmental disabilities) as well as hearing and speech impaired children have been provided services spanning two districts and surrounding villages in the semi-arid rural areas of north-western Rajasthan (INDIA). School based special education, therapeutic, vocational training, guidance and counselling services to more than 200 children with disabilities and their families are provided on a regular basis. Remedial teaching support to students enrolled in inclusive education setup is also provided. Open employment and livelihood options are sought for young adults with disabilities to ensure their rehabilitation into the community. Training of educator trainees, capacity building in the field of rehabilitation and outreach services is also being undertaken. Apart from special school set up, it also provides OPD services for physio & speech therapy; referral; need based home therapeutics & special education facilities etc. AKJ is also a collaborative partner managing CHILDLINE (1098) - a nationwide toll-free Helpline for children in distress providing round the clock emergency outreach services at its Sikar centre.
Vision: A society with just & equal opportunities for all Mission: To serve the less privileged community such as children with special needs & those in need of care & protection with an aim to make them achieve a rightful place in their settings with the active participation of all stakeholders Belief & Values: Every child has the inherent right to life, survival and development, including the right to the highest attainable standard of health to facilities for the treatment of illness, the right to education and the right to benefit from social security. Every child has a right to a standard of living adequate for the child's physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development. Its guiding principles are Enlightenment, Education, Employment and Empowerment leading to inclusion & accessibility.
Services & Facilities Survey & Identification Special Education - For Children with Intellectual Disability - For Children with Hearing Impairment Training College for Diploma in Special Education Physiotherapy Speech Therapy & Audiometric services Counseling & Guidance Training for Parents/ Siblings Training for Govt. School Teachers Under SSA Inclusive Education Stream Advocacy, Opinion Building among Govt. Bodies, Mass Media & General Population Awareness Among Local Community Community Rehabilitation Computer Assistive Learning Govt. Social Benefits Schemes facilitation services Inclusion in Regular Schools & Remedial Teaching Medical Checkup by Various Medical Professionals Networking, Capacity Building & Resource Sharing among Fellow NGOs Orientation Sessions for Regular School Teachers Providing Aids/ Appliances Through Various Camps Providing High Quality BTE Hearing Aids Through Starkey Foundation Referral Services Social Services to Local Community Emergency Outreach Services for Children in Need of Care & Protection through CHILDLINE 1098 (National Toll-Free Number) Child Rights & Child Protection Vocational Guidance, Training & Job Placement Ultimate aim of Asha Ka Jharna is to make their lives more meaningful and dignified by attaining their rightful place in the society.
Demographies Served
Cause Area
IMPACT & ACHIEVEMENTS SO FAR • Regular ongoing special education, training and therapeutics services to around 200 special need children and their families every year since 1997. More than 5000 children with disabilities have been regularly served by the organisation. • Accessibility and Inclusion made possible to more than 1000 beneficiaries through disability certificates, assistive devices, aids & appliances, polio corrective surgeries. • Free distribution of high quality behind the ear hearing aids to 669 children across the surrounding region. • Community counselling services to more than 5000 persons. • Massive school/college awareness programmes on disability in the Shekhawati area. 50000 school students and teachers covered. • Formal Training courses in association with Indira Gandhi National Open University New Delhi delivered to 360 Govt teachers and 80 parents. • ‘District Games for Disabled’ Conducted at Sikar under the scheme of Ministry of Sports & Youth Affairs (232 Special Needs Athletes participated) • ‘District Games for Disabled’ Conducted at Jhunjhunu under the scheme of Deptt. of Social Justice, Govt of Raj (400 Special Athletes participated) • ‘Regional Parents Meet’ by NIMH & PARIVAAR organized at Jhunjhunu. (112 Parents from Rajasthan and Gujarat participated) • ‘Regional Parents Meets’ Facilitated by it completely at Jaipur , Ajmer , Udaipur & Sawai Madhopur as well as National Parents Meet & Self Advocates National Convention at Udaipur (More than 1000 Parents & 300 Self Advocates Across the country benefitted) • Community sensitization events at different places (> 50000 targeted) • Special needs children taken to Special Olympics, Abylampics, excursions, adventure expeditions, fairs etc. to various places all over India. Around 1000 children have explored Darjeeling, Dalhousie, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Amritsar, Delhi, Jaipur and many towns across the country. • 334 Nos. of special needs children passed School Board levels A, B and C (equivalent to class 8th) from National Institute of Open Schooling so far. • More than one hundred young adults with hearing impairment have pursued higher education up to graduation studying in inclusive setup facilitated by AKJ. • More than one hundred youth with disabilities placed successfully in gainful employment through our handholding, mentoring and livelihood support. • Its children have participated and won laurels in Special Olympics National Level Athletics & Volleyball Events. They have also shown skills in Abylampics. CHILDLINE SIKAR ACHIEVEMENTS : From inception since July 2015 till August 2022, it has served 3260 children & their families in need of care and protection vide a whole range of intervention services: Child Labour Rescued 411 Medical Assistance Provided 216 Linked to Sponsorship/Palanhar Scheme 213 Protection from Physical / Sexual / Mental Abuse 528 Children Provided Shelter 109 Begging Street Children Rescued 448 Missing / Abandoned Children 233 Stopped Child Marriages 135 Emotional Support & Guidance 62 Linked to Govt Schemes & Counselling / Information 834 Non Classified Assistance Provided 72 During this period 11783 calls were received on its Helpline No 1098
Vision & Mission
Vision: A Society with Just & Equal Opportunities for All. Mission: To serve less privileged community such as children with special needs & those in need of care and protection.
Key objectives of its programmes are:
To educate and train more than 200 children with Intellectually & hearing disabilities in a holistic manner.
To motivate and sensitize all stakeholders so as to enable children realize their full potential.
To encourage mainstreaming special children and provide remedial support in regular schooling system.
To ensure, advocate and promote equal rights of special needs children.
To promote income generation activities.
Milestones & Track Record
The organization has been consistently working towards its goals since 1997, as evidenced by its annual activity reports and participation in various initiatives.
Demographics & Structure
No. of Employees
Internal, External Assessors
Ethics and Transparency Policies
Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy
Political & Religious Declarations
On Affiliation if any
On Deployment Bias if any
Registration Details
PAN Card
Registration ID
VO ID / Darpan ID
AAATA3825HE20214 Valid Up to 31st March 2026
AAATA3825HF20214 Valid Up to 31st March 2026
125620007 Dated 08.04.2003 valid Up to 31st March 2027
CSR Registration Number
Other Details
Parent Organisation
Type & Sub Type