Dhara Sansthan

Enhancing Social Development

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Barmer, Rajasthan

  • Since


DHARA (Development of Health, Hygiene and Rural Action) is a non-profit developmental organization working since 1989 and acting for rural mass of Tha Read morer desert with a unique approach of resource development and creating community assets” Dhara initiated its intervention in many sectors but the core areas are Health, Education, child Protection, Livelihood, Women Empowerment, Sanitation, Wash & ARSH etc. Dhara is committed to work with the underprivileged section of society by focusing for their upliftment and making them to come into mainstream society so that they lead a life of dignity and self respect. Dhara Sansthan is working mostly in western Rajasthan (Barmer-Jaisalmer, Jalore and Jaipur Dist.) As well in Gujarat (Tharad, Viramgam, Dwarka and Radhanpur).


Water crisis since decades, Drought issues, Health issues across communities such as increase cases of MMR and IMR, Child labouring and trafficking across the region, and lack awareness about the significance of sports in education, Women deprivation for not being able to uplift their socio-economic condition.


• Improve health outcomes by boosting utilization of health services at facilities or during outreach sessions. • To promote good sanitation and hygiene practices in communities by demonstrating and providing sanitary facilities. • To facilitate sustainable approach for conservation of natural resources resulting in provision of safe drinking water, improved agriculture practices and protection of local environment. • Harvesting of Rain water, water rejuvenation, reverse osmosis water in Improved Storage structures to provide safe, clean and optimum drinking water for the rural community. • To increase accessibility to education centre and promote quality of education. • To improve the socio-economic status of the marginalized community through convergence of indigenous as well as new technology. • To build professional skill of adolescents/youths through personality development & teaching soft-skills for their holistic growth. • To bring the deprived section of the society into mainstream of development through mobilization of various available scopes or resources. • To provide relief services during disaster and emergency situation. • To collaborate with local stakeholders to increase focus on prominent local developmental issues and provide technical assistance in planning process.


Making significant contribution across states of Rajasthan and Gujarat through health, water, education, and women empowerment. In the FY 22-23, through Mobile Health Van program we have been able to reach 94,069 beneficiaries, through Momentum Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity Project in various blocks of Barmer, Jaisalmer, Jalore and Jaipur we have been able to reach 3,43,109 beneficiaries with Covid-19 vaccination and through Routine Immunization we have vaccinated 41,233 childrens, through ChildLine Program we have been reached 14000 beneficiaries through awareness and outreach program, 3500 stakeholders were been sensitized, and total 391 calls were been attended and provided services, 280 water bodies rejuvenated in Barmer and Jaisalmer district, total 2676 beneficiaries were reached through CHD project and linkages made with government schemes as per their eligibility, 2,81, 840 nutritious ladoos were been distributed to 542 SAM childrens, a launch of nutrition book called Badte Kadam Soposhan ki Aur, Through an awareness campaign that was been driven as the span of 6 months 61, 196 beneficiaries reached and 750+ stakeholders were been sensitized, and a provision of Rs. 15,000 to the 80 women to establish their own small-startups. Hence, DHARA Sansthan is been cater the lives of multiple people through its diversed intervention. The above showcased date stimulates the impact that is been made annually.


  • Mobile Health Van

    Barmer is located in desert area. Although physical infrastructures are very rich but a major problem is scattered population. Due to this problem, health care provisions lacks and it was observed that a major reason behind the gap is health standard of rural Barmer.
    DHARA’s genesis has begun with the health segment back since 1989 and had well known for its excellent services in the field of Mobile Health Van interventions since 2010 till date with the support of Cairn Foundation impacting annually 1,00,000+ lives across 215 villages in Rajasthan and Gujarat to ensure “Access Quality Health Services” in their doorsteps. The schedule and the timing of the
    The following are the activities and the components such as medical check-up and regular visits, malaria, dengue and diabetes test, referral-immunization of pregnant women and children, awareness on personal hygiene and sanitation, Multi-specialist health camps, collaboration with health department and stakeholders and home visits.

  • M-RITE (Momentum Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity Project)

    The global Covid-19 pandemic proved the structural inequality and exclusion faced by marginalized/disadvantaged/minorities across the globe causing a disproportionate impact on their lives and livelihoods. As a result, the already existing barriers of lack of access and information have been aggravated and new barriers emerged. We see the current transition era as a unique opportunity to address environmental, attitudinal, institutional, and communication barriers by the disadvantaged group of society.
    The project aims at targeting and identifying all those who still have their vaccination doses left to take. The project will target the blocks in each district where vaccination coverage is low and the target has not been achieved as planned.
    The activities are as follows Tika Chetna Rath, Har Ghar Dastak 2.0, Block health campaign/mela, Vaccination for disabled person, awareness activity, and awareness through IEC materials.

  • Harit Dhara Rajasthan


    Harit Dhara Rajasthan is an exemplary instance of the power of merging environmental sustainability with women's empowerment. This initiative aims to not only reduce the environmental impact of menstruation products, but also to provide women with the information and assets they need to make eco-friendly decisions during their periods. A progressive programme that aims to usher in a green generation for around 2000 women across the region and the with the support of 30 project saathis namely Producers (10) and Evangelists (20) to organise mass awareness regarding the sustainable menstruation program across the region.
    The aim of this program is to generate awareness of “Sustainable Menstruation Period Care Products” and create sustainable livelihood generation by promoting SDG goals no. 3, 8, and 10.

  • Mental Health Sessions and Screening

    We are promoting mental health wellness by organising awareness sessions and screenings for 20,000 people across Rajasthan and Gujarat among DHARA Sansthan operational regions in order to be competent of functioning in the health sector. DHARA Sansthan, in collaboration with MPower under Aditya Birla Education Trust, aims to promote mental health awareness in order to address and enable mentally vulnerable and exploited people to be aware of stages of ill-mental health and to provide them with coping mechanisms to overcome the issues.
    This campaign promotes mental health vulnerability by highlighting significant challenges that an individual experiences without being aware of the fact that they are vulnerable to ill mental health and advancing the neutrality of not considering if one is not mentally okay and the issues must be addressed.
    Sessions are held in various forms in schools and in the community to address the needs.

  • Rejuvenation of Water Bodies (Construction of Nadis)

    In a desert region, water is one of the most important resources but a highly scarce commodity. A large amount of time is spent collecting water. Lack of proper storage is one of the major problems as well. Dhara Sansthan got multiple opportunities wherein, it could get associated with several CSR initiatives to build water reservoir for the community and people.
    The following are the activities: Base Line Survey, Finding of perspective Nadis, Feasibility study, Community meeting with PRIs', Approval note and NOC from PRIs', Issue of PO and finalization of vendor for excavator/JCB/Tractor and Material, execution of work plan, Prepare report and submission.

  • Community RO ATM plants


    29 isolated villages have launched on a journey of self-sufficiency with self-sustaining RO plants in a revolutionary drive towards sustainable water management. These inventive facilities have not only provided clean water to these people, but have also fostered a sense of empowerment among them.
    A distinguishing feature of these plants is their Smart Card-enabled technology, which allows people to easily get 20 litres of clean water with a single scan. The plants run around the clock to ensure that as many people as possible benefit from this life-changing effort.
    Furthermore, DHARA's effort has provided accountability and transparency in financial transactions by incorporating technology improvements. Dhara has not only streamlined operations but also set a precedent for future sustainable projects by allowing cashless transactions using UPI at all of its units.
    The success of these self-sustaining RO plants demonstrates the transforming power of community-driven projects and the tr

  • Education - Sports Infrastructure Development


    In an earnest effort to foster a culture of health and fitness amongst the youth, Dhara Sansthan has joined forces to uplift the sports infrastructure and promote athletic excellence in the Barmer District. With a resolute commitment to nurturing the holistic development of the region's young minds, Dhara Sansthan is making notable strides towards empowering the youth through sports.
    The initiative stands as a testament to the profound impact that strategic partnerships and community-driven initiatives can have on the holistic well-being and development of the youth. By investing in sports infrastructure and providing essential resources, not just fosters a passion for sports but also instilling invaluable life skills that will benefit the youths of Barmer District for years to come.
    The infrastructure that is developed under this project are basketball court, 400m running track, football court, sports kits, sports engagements, and support and tournaments.

  • Relief Initiatives - Hunger and Rural Poverty Elimination Initiatives


    Through this program, we are committed in making a positive impact in the lives of vulnerable communities. Our two key initiatives, the Pre-School Education and Nutrition Program and the Rahat Initiative reflect our dedication to addressing oppressed issues in our society. Under these two initiatives, a vital milk centre is being run in the impoverished slum areas located in the Barmer fostering a healthier future for the next generation and also rahat initiative focusing on the distribution of essential ration kits to alleviate the struggles of those in dire needs.

  • Women Empowerment - Women Entreneurship Program


    Women in Rajasthan are highly visible doing agricultural practises and contributing a significant portion of the household economy in terms of food grains, oil seeds, vegetables, fruits, milk, wool, fuel, fibre, hardwood, and so on. The region's average sex ratio is low. Women's literacy rates are also lower than those of men.Considering the number of women in Rajasthan, economic empowerment is a critical area where intervention is desperately needed. Women's empowerment was one of the highest priority areas in which we had to work in social engagement activities. The only way to assist them break the cycle of poverty is through women's empowerment, education, livelihood trainings, and SHG group capacity building.
    To bridge the gap, Dhara Sansthan, in collaboration with the Bosch India Foundation, has granted a loan in the amount of INR 15,000, which will be repaid in 10 equal instalments. This is a rotating fund in which 200+ women are identified and benefitted in order to promote th

Impact Metrics

  • 94069

    Program Name

    Mobile Health Van - health

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 431
    • 2021-22 781
    • 2022-23 905
  • 281840

    Program Name


    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 2818
  • 384423

    Program Name

    Momentum Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity Project

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 3844

Leadership Team

  • Mahesh Panpalia

    Chief Executive

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    Kemchand House, Rai Colony Near Viswakarma Circle, Barmer , Barmer, Rajasthan, India, 344001


Other Details

  • Parent Organisation

    Dhara Sansthan

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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