Central Himalayan Institute For Nature And Applied Research(CHINAR)

Promotes sustainable mountain development through community empowerment, cultural preservation, and environmental conservation

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  • Headquarters

    Nainital, Uttarakhand

  • Since


Central Himalayan Institute for Nature & Applied Research (CHINAR) promotes mountain development through a variety of programmes. Sustainable environm Read moreental practises, improving livelihoods for mountain communities, maintaining and promoting local culture, documenting and sharing traditional knowledge, and undertaking research in mountain regions are among their primary areas of concentration. The organization's goals include improving the quality of life and livelihoods for Himalayan communities, preserving and promoting indigenous knowledge, bringing awareness about environmental, cultural, and social issues in the Himalayas, inspiring communities to restore the balance of nature and enhancing their cultural assets, carrying out research to further learn about the Himalayas' ecological and cultural diversity, and improving technological and education delivery in the region. Its work has been recognised by multiple entities by presenting to it awards like the Sustainable Himalayan Tourism Samman 2019, the GuideStar India Transparency Key award for 2018-2019 and a Certificate of Merit at the World CSR Congress in Mumbai in 2018.


  • Energy Development Programme

    This programme works to develop a smokeless cooking atmosphere in the mountains by encouraging inexpensive, fuel-efficient stoves. Additionally, the initiative aims on taking advantage of sources of clean energy such as biogas and solar energy to meet the energy requirements of these communities.

  • Water Development Programme

    Its initiative focussed on water aims to ensure that pure drinking water is made available to local people. It works to administer the watershed areas around the locale, recharge water springs and enable access to appropriately filtered water to the local community.

  • Eco-Tourism Development Programme

    To enable appreciation of village life and agriculture by the common public the Trust conducts its Eco-Tourism development programme. It ensures that the tourism activity is conducted in an environment-friendly way while also leading to additional sources of income for the community

  • Agriculture Development Programme

    The Agriculture Programme of CHINAR Trust is committed to developing environmentally friendly agriculture through a landscape-centric approach and a strong dedication to ecological methods. Agriculture research, capacity building, and the promotion of efficient practises are all part of the initiative. It prioritises climate-conscious farming as an essential component of mountain agriculture, with the goal of reducing carbon emissions and increasing climate resilience. Furthermore, the programme promotes the use of indirect solar energy solutions in these regions.

  • Research Programme

    The CHINAR Trust's research programme includes agriculture, biodiversity and ecosystem services, and climate change. Climate-wise approaches, companion planting, crop rotation, pollination, and organic farming are studied under agriculture. Nature and ecological services are recorded in order to better understand the hazards and benefits in various scenarios. Climate change's influence on vegetation, agriculture, and the characteristics of select crops and indigenous plants is also investigated.

  • Capacity Development Programmes

    It offers a comprehensive capacity development programme including various areas. Its programmes include project development & management, sustainable agriculture, participatory rural appraisal, biodiversity assessment, watershed management, and documentation & communication. Participants in these programmes gain valuable skills and knowledge to effectively plan, implement, and manage projects, adopt sustainable agricultural practices, engage local communities in decision-making processes, evaluate and monitor biodiversity, manage water resources within watersheds, and improve recording and communication of project outcomes.

Leadership Team

  • Ghanshyam Kalki Pande

    Trustee & Expedition Lead

  • Pradeep Mehta

    Honorary Chairman

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • FCRA

    Not Available

  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    HN 41, Maldan Compound, Mallital, Nainital, 263001


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type
