Mount Valley Development Association

The organization is working primarily with the farmers, women and youth in the field of climate resilience agriculture, sustainable livelihood, empowerment and education.

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  • Headquarters

    Ghansali, Uttarakhand

  • Since


Mount Valley Development Association (MVDA) is a civil society actor that works toward improving the quality of life of rural people by promoting live Read morelihood initiatives along with early child care and girl child education. The idea of MVDA was inspired by the Sarvodaya Movement and its approach in the Himalayas. In the early 90s, poor economic conditions and the slow pace of development in Bhilangna Valley of Tehri Garhwal district compelled MVDA to work for the economic empowerment of the community. The association organizes women, youths, and children to form different community-based organizations to link with different government schemes such as bank linkages, and employment and livelihood schemes. It advocates for effective governance by empowering women to take active participation in the local self-governance. The organization formally came into existence in 1995 and was registered under the Society Registration Act 1860. A twenty six year long journey and still counting, MVDA has always pioneered to design and delivery of services to the local community


We address the following issues: 1. Climate distressed agriculture 2. Women empowerment Sustainable livelihood 3. Education.


Uttarakhand is a state where the migration of people to the plains is very high due to a lack of employment opportunities. Not only this, the people who wish to stay back and depend on agriculture for their livelihood are facing challenges due to climate change. Another issue which is wildlife conflict making the situation worse for the people. Another area of action is education we work on to improve the education level of the students. Now the point is what are our actions? Focus on Climate resilience agriculture: We are working with the farmers on climate resilience agriculture. Certain crops that are indigenous to Uttarakhand are very adaptive to the changing climate and are least impacted due to climate change. Not only this, there has been support from the government as well on these crops to provide better MSP. So our action on climate resilience agriculture is helping the farmers in 2 ways. One is crops are neither getting destroyed by the wild animals nor they are impacted by the unexpected weather. Secondly, the farmers are also getting very good prices for their produce as there is huge demand in the market. This is helping the farmers to have a sustainable livelihood along with providing food security and mitigation climate change. Women Empowerment: Our other action area is women empowerment. Since the men have migrated from the hills, only women and elderly people are left in the villages. Our first action supports the farmers who have land but some farmers do not have any land. They face a very difficult situation to have a sustainable livelihood. We work with women and youth and provide them with skill development training like pickle making, chutney making, jam making, etc. The women are associated with various SHGs and use their skills to earn a livelihood. The skill development empowers them and helps them to have sustainable livelihoods. Education - Our other area of action is the Girl Child Education Program (GCEP) which focuses on the education of the girl child. We believe that the education of the girls is equally important as an educated woman will not only help financially but also understand the rights, and responsibilities.


People = 48,000 Families - 9000 Villages - 250 Districts - 4 States - 2 Established learning Centre - 199 Girl child receiving education - 5649 Registered women federation and their strengthening - 3 Direct and indirect women linked with federation - 1300 Women trained for farm and non farms livelihood - 330


  • Holistic Rural Initiative for Development Action and Yield (HRIDAY)

    Key objectives of the program:
    1. To promote a holistic development of the area in terms of livelihood enhancement, education, community health, infrastructure development, water sanitation and hygiene, and Natural Resource Management.
    2. To prevent distress migration from rural to urban areas by establishing agriculture as a sustainable livelihood alternative.
    3. To enhance the income of farmers by 30% through conservation and encouragement of spice, millet, and vegetable cultivation.
    4. To contribute towards social empowerment by engaging all sections of the community in the task of village development
    5. To improve the social status of women by their economic and political development

  • Girl Child Education Programme (GCEP)

    1. Teacher-led Centre imparting Primary-level education using a Multi Grade Multi Level approach at IIMPACT Learning centers.
    2. Through girl child education programs we encourage enrollment of girls to receive a firm grounding in primary education.
    3. Capacity Building of teachers and staff through training programs
    Deliverables by MVDA:
    1. Expansion of learning centers in four major districts of Uttarakhand.
    2. Reinforcement of library and science module with Agastya Science Kit.
    3. Increase in attendance.
    4. Implementation of new teaching methods such as JodoGyan, which is a
    5. Teaching Learning Material (TLM) based learning about mathematics
    6. Operating remedial classes for 6- 14 years old students, studying in 1st to 6th standards.

Impact Metrics

  • % of the Income Enhancement, Number of Beneficiaries of Govt. Entitlements, Participation of Women and Youth in the Community Meeting.

    Program Name

    Holistic Rural Initiative for Development Action and Yield (HRIDAY)

    Year-wise Metrics
  • % Increase in the Attendance, Learning Outcome

    Program Name

    Girl Child Education Programme (GCEP)

    Year-wise Metrics

Leadership Team

  • Mr. Navprabhat Singh

    Executive Director

  • Mr. Vikas Singh

    Manager - Business Development

  • Mr. Nawal Deep Bania

    Manager - Grant Writing

  • Mr. Yogendra Singh Chauhan

    Program Manager

  • Mr. Vinod Bhatt


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    Village - Doni, Post - Ghanshali, Dis - Tehri Garhwal, Ghansali, 249128

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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