Samerth Charitable Trust

Enables marginalized communities to thrive through partnerships, individual support, and effective advocacy, fostering sustainable growth.

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Ahamdabad, Gujarat

  • Since


Samerth Charitable Trust is firmly committed to the principle that each individual deserves a life of dignity. For more than twenty years, the dedicat Read moreed team at Samerth has tirelessly worked to empower marginalized and vulnerable communities, ensuring both their social and economic well-being. Through strategic partnerships with governmental initiatives, the organization has been able to extend its impact and outreach significantly. This progress has been made possible through unwavering support from corporate entities, institutions, and numerous compassionate individuals, all of whom have contributed to improving the lives of those at the grassroots level. The central mission of Samerth revolves around enhancing the capabilities of vulnerable communities and groups, facilitating their access to rightful entitlements across all dimensions of human existence. Additionally, the organization endeavors to shape policy formulations by advocating for the inclusion of provisions that cater to marginalized and overlooked groups. By developing alternative models, Samerth aims to create a substantial influence on policy making. Moreover, the organization is dedicated to driving balanced gender development through collaborative, participatory, and empowering initiatives.


1,123 livelihood trainings conducted till date. 17,583 household impacted through sustainable livelihoods. 1,208 job cards facilitated. 3,070 ration cards facilitated. 4,098 people received services on disability. 6 disabled people's organisations facilitated. 1,502 volunteers trained on disability. 4,848 lives touched through initiatives for people with disabilities. 3,800 out-of-school children reached. 518 Government schools supported for enhancing education. 3 residential hostel run/facilitated by Samerth. 16,000 lives touched through education. 512 wells, ponds and springs revived and constructed. 121 rain roof water harvesting structures. 44,074 households impacted through water initiatives. 113 villages reached out through water initiatives.


  • Participatory Water Management

    Samerth adopts the principles of Participatory Groundwater Management (PGWM) and places significant emphasis on constructing, rejuvenating, repairing, and reconstructing water-harvesting structures as integral components of its initiatives. The core objective of this program is to comprehensively assess the groundwater dynamics within the Kutch and Chhattisgarh regions. In arid to semi-arid areas, where rainfall is unpredictable, groundwater serves as a crucial resource for farmers. The escalating use of groundwater for both irrigation and drinking purposes has raised concerns, as the degradation of groundwater quality presents a pressing challenge, exacerbating the prevailing water scarcity issues. The comprehensive strategy employed in the project has empowered communities to grasp the intricacies of the water cycle, conservation, and year-round security. They now recognize the importance of preserving water from local sources. This shift has led families to cease migration, with some experiencing a reduction in migration duration from 8 months to 4 or 5 months.

  • Livelihood

    In our pursuit of establishing self-sustaining and economically empowered communities, Samerth places a strong emphasis on enhancing both on-farm and off-farm livelihoods for marginalized groups. Our livelihood initiatives in Chhattisgarh were initiated in 2007 to address the critical livelihood challenges faced by Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs), People with Disabilities (PwDs), and small landholding farmers. This endeavor is geared towards bolstering the process of securing individual and Community Forest Rights under the Forest Rights Act. Through the establishment of Sangathans (Community Based Organizations), our work focuses on conserving forests as a source of livelihood, fostering community forest management, and promoting conservation efforts.
    Engaged with 626 Self-Help Groups (SHGs), the focus lies on livelihood and skill development endeavors. Activities include crafting traditional jewelry, cultivating mushrooms, producing soap, agarbatti, and phenyl after receiving trade-specific training. Through Samerth's livelihood program, 400 small-scale farmers and 600 landless families have gained from the reinforcement of Community-Based 'Seed Banks' and 'Tool Banks', enhancing the cultivation of short-duration crops like local vegetables, maize, oilseeds, and millet. It has advocated for alternative livelihoods such as goat and pig rearing, as well as the collection of Non Timber Forest Produces (NTFPs).

  • Education


    Samerth holds the belief in enhancing accountability within the Public Education System to prompt local governmental action in mitigating inequalities and ensuring a universally accessible, quality public education for children aged 3 to 14 years. The Education Program undertaken by Samerth centers on several key aspects: elevating the quality of learning achievements, raising parental awareness regarding the significance of their children's education, securing the continuous education and retention of children from families affected by distress migration, and bolstering the effective implementation of the 'Right to Education Act'.
    Samerth initiated its 'Education Intervention' in Rapar, Kutch, subsequent to the destructive earthquake of 2001. Initially collaborating with the local government, the team assisted in managing two hostels for migrant children as part of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Programme. Today, Samerth independently operates a hostel for migrant children within its Rapar, Kutch office campus. These children belong to families experiencing 'distress seasonal migration' due to limited livelihood opportunities in the region. Presently, the program supports 32 children with accommodation, meals, and educational assistance, aiming to ensure their continued school attendance and reducing dropout rates among marginalized groups.

  • Disability

    Samerth Charitable Trust places a strong emphasis on working with children and individuals with disabilities. Within any population, approximately 10% experience some form of disability, and this vulnerability is even more pronounced in impoverished and marginalized communities, where they often constitute the most marginalized group. Samerth is dedicated to fostering an inclusive society that accommodates individuals with disabilities. In Ahmedabad, the organization operates a day-care and vocational center catering to children and young adults with disabilities, also providing community-based rehabilitation services for severe cases. The first initiative was launched in 2007 in response to community demand for a space for individuals with special needs. The 'Samerth Talim Kendra' day-care center was established to serve the needs of these individuals from the Vejalpur, Sarkhej, and Makarba slums, where the majority of the population consists of daily wage earners and micro-entrepreneurs. The region is home to an estimated 8,000 people with disabilities, yet lacks specialized facilities within an 18-kilometer radius.

    In 2016, a vocational center was introduced for young adults with special needs. Presently, the program reaches out to 92 children and young adults with disabilities, and the vocational center benefits 24 adults and their family members. The center offers personalized plans for each individual, encompassing physiotherapy, speech therapy, sensory therapy, and even counseling facilitated by a trained psychologist.

Leadership Team

  • Gaurang Jagdishprasad Raval


  • Gazala Paul

    Founder Member & Managing Trustee

  • Dr Yogendrasinh Jilubha Jadeja


  • Chinmayi Nilesh Desai


  • Sara Ahmed


  • Nafeeza Pavri


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



Other Details

  • Parent Organisation


  • Sister Organisation


  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2019-20

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    Program Expenses
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