Maxvision Social Welfare Society

Empowers vulnerable segments of society towards holistic and sustainable development by uplifting their physical, mental, and cultural well-being

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Gurgaon, Haryana

  • Since


Maxvision Social Welfare Society is a society registered under the society Registration Act 1973 (Sr.No. 44) on 24th, February 2004. The main activit Read moreies of Maxvision Social Welfare Society are the following v Education support for the underprivileged children v Vocational Training Programs for the youth v Women Empowerment Programs v Health Camps for Children, Parents and the Elderly population v Awareness Programs on Health, Environment, Hygiene and pollution v Legal Aid to poor Vision - A society where equality, justice and peace are achieved and sustained by bringing sustainable change in the lives of underprivileged children, youth, Men & women and elderly without any discrimination. Dedication towards Environment and awareness for wellbeing. MISSION- To educate and empower the underprivileged, marginalized and vulnerable sections of society towards sustainable /Holistic development by upbringing the physical, mental and cultural status of various sections of the society , healthcare and to aware all about importance of Environment. Since its beginning Maxvision Social Welfare Society has worked for many projects like the following v  National Child Labor Project under Ministry of Labor and Employment - 6 Centers v  Performing Art program under RMSA and Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan v  SHGs formation under DRDA v  Mission Education Program – 2 Centers with Smile Foundation v  STeP Program – 2 Centres with Smile Foundation v  Maxvision Training Institute with Hyatt International 1 Centre v  Vocational Training Program with Municipal Corporation Gurgaon v  Vocational Training program with Tech Mahindra Foundation Maxvision is also become the Member of District Disaster Management Committee , Member of District Legal Service Authority , Member of Bharat Sakshar Mission , and partner of Maruti Suzuki Foundation for single parent Girl child education at Govt. Schools in Distt. Gurgaon, Food for Hungry, received indirect support of S&P Global, FMC, Clifford Chance Services Pvt. Ltd., KFC, Pepsico, Black Rock, Mitsubishi, Ericsson Global, Rashtriya Sewa Bharti, Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon , done various survey for Deputy Commissioner Gurugaon, Municipal Commissioner Gurgaon like Economic Census, Street Vendor survey, Sanitation survey, National Population Register (NPR) survey, Caste Survey etc. Government School Renovation, Plantation, AMC of Govt School, providing Support teachers, helper, gardener etc..


We are facing challenges of funds as the Supporting partner is providing only 50% financial support for Maxvision Education Center of 200 underprivileged children at Dharam Colony, Gurugram and we are seeking financial support on Educational Material, Infrastructure and other event celebration approx 15-20 Lakhs Further, we are facing challenges for Basai Jhod (pond) surrounding area where we have planted more than 500 plants but there is no Tree Guard and Security Guard to maintain the greenery therefore we are looking for financial support of approx 10 Lakhs for the same.


Currently ongoing projects 2024-2025 Skill Development Center at Badshahpur, Gurugram 200 youth supported by CSR of Keysight Skill Development Center at Kabir Chawk Old Railway Road, Gurugram 240 youthsupported by CSR of Tech Mahindra Foundation Skill Development Center at Bijwasan New Delhi, 240 youthSupported by CSR of Tech Mahindra Foundation Child Education Center at Dharam Colony, Gurugram - 200 children supported by CSR of Concentrix Plantation at Basai Jhod, Gurugram supported by CSR of Concentrix - 800 plants Govt GHS, School renovation Bazidpur Sohna Gurugram Supported by CSR of Concentrix Govt. Primary School construction at Panchkula supported by CSR of Concentrix


Skill development support on 700 youth Child Education of 200 children Plantation of 800 trees Renovation of Govt Schools 2000-3000 students


  • Education support for the underprivileged children

    During the 2019-20 period, Maxvision Social Welfare Society (MSWS) operated eight educational centres across Gurugram, Haryana. These centres aimed to educate and eliminate child labour, as well as reduce the school dropout rate among children through non-formal, remedial, and bridge course education programs. Such efforts positively impacted 793 underprivileged children aged between 3 to 18 years and their families, originating from various states such as UP, West Bengal, MP, Bihar, Rajasthan, and Kolkata. MSWS ensures the delivery of quality education to these supported children. The education centres established by MSWS ensure that first-generation learners receive appropriate teaching aids to enhance their educational experiences. The following quality interventions are part of MSWS's educational support:
    1. Mathematical tool kits for the children
    2. Library facilities for the children
    3. Tab lab
    4. Computer education
    5. Amani music clubs
    6. Summer camps
    7. Vocational training

  • Teacher Training Programs

    In response to the evolving educational landscape, the significance of comprehensive teacher training has heightened to ensure more effective knowledge dissemination. Teacher training stands as a pivotal aspect in shaping an educated society. In 2019-20, MSWS organized diverse training sessions for educators, focusing on various topics such as "Exploring the use and creation of subject-specific Teaching-Learning Materials (TLMs)", "Enhancing classroom participation and engagement through outdoor activities", and "Fostering confidence and personality development among educators", among others.

  • Amani Music Clubs

    The Amani India Project is a venture that assists children in recognising, understanding, and regulating their emotions through music. MSWS, in collaboration with Smile Foundation India, introduced Amani Music Clubs in the education centres. This project emphasizes music theory, practical application, and its connection with emotional intelligence training.

  • Maxvision Vocational Training Centres

    During 2019-20, Maxvision operated three vocational training centres in Gurugram aimed at assisting underprivileged youth aged between 18 to 30 years. The objectives of these vocational training programs were:
    • Enhancing the quality of life and income for the youth beneficiaries and their families by improving employability skills.
    • Facilitating job opportunities for the youth, enabling them to secure formal sector jobs.
    The Vocational Training centres cover a range of topics and activities including:
    Personality Development & Soft Skills, Career Counselling, English and Communication Skills, Computer Skills, Basic Retail Management Exposure Visits.

  • Women Empowerment Programs

    Ensuring women's empowerment is crucial for realizing the demographic dividend. Women, comprising half of the country's population, shoulder three-fourths of society's responsibilities. MSWS operates tailoring and beauty-culture training centres specifically designed for underprivileged women.
    Tailoring - Sewing Machine Operator Training at Sikanderpur Jhuggi Basti - 55 women have undergone training and benefited, receiving certificates. Out of these, 32 women are earning nearly 8000/- per month.
    Beauty-culture - 35 BPL females have received training and benefited, obtaining certificates. Among these trained individuals, 25 women are earning approximately 10000 per month, while 7 have established their own beauty parlours, earning between 10000 to 15000 per month.
    Adolescent Girls Care Programme - In addition to the above activities, MSWS conducted regular adolescent girl care.

  • Health camps for children, parents and the elderly population

    Maxvision has been actively involved in healthcare activities since 2004. During 2019-20, the organization conducted the following health-related initiatives:
    • Regular check-ups and routine vaccinations in collaboration with CMO – Municipal Corporation Gurgaon
    • Maintenance of health cards for 713 children supported through the education program to monitor their health conditions
    • Eye care programs catering to the elderly (100 beneficiaries per year)
    • Free medical check-ups provided to needy individuals encompassing services like blood tests, X-rays, ultrasound examinations, medicines, and eye tests within the community Conducting awareness sessions on Health & Hygiene in Maxvision Social Welfare Society-run education centres aimed at improving health conditions and promoting good health and hygiene practices among the beneficiaries.

  • Awareness programs on health, environment, hygiene and pollution

    Each year, MSWS conducts various awareness sessions and programs aimed at generating awareness. In 2019-20, the organization organized the following awareness programmes:
    • HIV/AIDS Awareness Programs
    • Gender Sensitization Workshops
    • Education Awareness Campaigns
    • Sanitation Awareness Programmes and Sanitation Survey Program in collaboration with the Municipal Corporation Gurgaon National Environment Awareness Campaign conducted in partnership with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry
    • Initiation of soak pit formation in Slum Jhuggis and colonies of Gurgaon
    • Plantation of 500 trees

  • Legal aid to poor

    MSWS offers legal awareness and aid to underserved communities within the society it serves. As part of the District Legal Service Authority (DLSA) under the Chief Judicial Magistrate in Gurgaon, MSWS also holds membership in the Governing body of the District Task Force for Child and Adolescent Labor (Prohibition and Regulation) chaired by the Police Commissioner of Gurugram.
    It offers free legal aid to the following categories of individuals:
    • Those living Below Poverty Line (BPL)
    • Scheduled castes/tribes
    • Victims of trafficking or beggary
    • Physically and mentally challenged individuals
    • Women or children in need of legal assistance
    • Individuals unable to afford legal representation

Leadership Team

  • Nijomon Chacko


  • Sushma Singh

    Executive Member

  • Pamela Sandhu


  • Rameshwari

    Executive Member

  • Rohit Kumar Singh

    Executive Member



Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G

    File No.-CIT/FARID/TECH./80G/2011-12/92/14/923

  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    G-2, Ashok Vihar, Phase-1, Street No.2, Railway Station Road, Gurgaon - 122022, India


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type
