Cultural Academy For Peace

Established in 1984, Cultural Academy for Peace is a non-profit organization committed to nurturing a society based on peace, justice, reconciliation and respect for life. It works primarily for women and children who are survivors of various types of crimes and abuse.

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  • Headquarters

    Cochin, Kerala

  • Since


Established in 1984, Cultural Academy for Peace is a non-profit organization committed to nurturing a society based on peace, justice, reconciliation, Read more and respect for life. It works primarily for women and children who are survivors of various types of crimes and abuse as well as for promoting women’s empowerment and rights. Cultural Academy also spearheads change and development at the community level through multiple initiatives focused, most importantly on ensuring adequate access to necessary resources among many other activities. It focuses on various channels of advocacy, lobbying from Panchayat to Parliament level, and networking with the government, and national and international organizations to work for nonviolent social change and build up a sustainable peaceful society.


The Cultural Academy for Peace (CAP) addresses several pressing societal issues, with a strong emphasis on promoting women's empowerment and rights. Despite recent advancements in women's empowerment, challenges persist, including widespread domestic violence and exploitation of women and children. Key barriers to achieving gender equality include the underrepresentation of women in leadership and decision-making roles, pervasive poverty and limited economic opportunities, workplace discrimination, unequal distribution of unpaid care work, entrenched cultural practices, barriers to education and healthcare, high rates of violence against women, legal obstacles, and limited access to essential services and resources. In addition, economic disparities and social injustices continue to threaten marginalized communities, especially in places with reduced accessibility. A critical need remains to raise awareness about human rights, laws, and gender equality to foster a more just and peaceful society.


The Cultural Academy for Peace (CAP) has implemented a range of proactive measures aimed at addressing the root causes of issues affecting women, children, and marginalized communities. By offering immediate legal support, refuge, and rehabilitative services to victims of abuse and trafficking, CAP provides essential and immediate intervention to individuals in dire situations. These interventions are ultimately aimed at empowering individuals to rebuild their lives with dignity and resilience. Free counseling and legal aid are also accessible to all in need. CAP's community-based interventions target specific issues such as health promotion, sustainable livelihood development, vocational education, and gender sensitization, striving to empower residents to become agents of change within their communities through fostering partnerships and promoting grassroots participation. Additionally, CAP offers skill training and education to women who have faced educational disruptions, thereby enhancing their opportunities for personal and professional growth. CAP also equips diverse groups—from educators to corporates and youth—with vital knowledge in key legislation for the welfare of women and children. Furthermore, CAP actively lobbies with governmental legal departments to advocate for amendments in existing policies, ensuring they address current needs and act as a voice for those at the grassroots level. Through these comprehensive efforts, CAP continues to advocate for human rights, empower vulnerable groups, and build a more equitable and peaceful society in India and beyond.


Cultural Academy for Peace has rehabilitated and repatriated distressed women and children from various parts of the country, especially victims of domestic violence, and has been declared a Service Provider under the Domestic Violence Act 2005.

Vision & Mission

Cultural Academy for Peace envisions a society based on peace, justice, reconciliation, and respect for life, focusing on a culture of nonviolence and solidarity with people struggling for Human Rights.


  • Legal Aid Department

    Cultural Academy for Peace has a designated legal aid department staffed by trained lawyers which has networks with various governmental departments and organizations such as the Women and Child Department, KELSA, DLSA, Federation of Women Lawyers, etc. Through this department, we provide legal awareness and free legal aid to the community encompassing local women, families, college students NGOs, corporations, business firms, etc. The primary goal is to empower vulnerable and underserved populations by increasing their access to legal services and enhancing their knowledge of the law, their rights, and the avenues available for seeking redress for human rights violations, including all forms of discrimination.

  • Wheels for Women


    The 'Wheels for Women' project is one of Cultural Academy for Peace’s projects for helping to empower women from disadvantaged backgrounds to gain financial independence by providing them with vehicles. The project also operates as a vocational training program for women, equipping them with essential skills in operating four-wheelers and two-wheelers. This effort instills confidence and self-agency among women, empowering them to be able to contribute substantially to their families' well-being through an additional income. Currently, CAP has also partnered with the National NGO Confederation and distributes two-wheelers and other gadgets at a subsidized price for the economic upliftment of women, children and the community.

  • Community College


    The Community College program was started to provide vocational education and training to women and young adults who are dropouts or were unable to complete their education due to difficult circumstances in their lives. The community college provides opportunities to such individuals to empower themselves by educating them and thus helping to earn an income, enhance their quality of living, and build livelihoods through skill development courses. Some of the courses currently being offered as part of this program are Hospitality Management, Geriatric Care and Support, Tailoring and Embroidery, Baking and Confectionaries, etc. This initiative of the Cultural Academy for Peace works in close collaboration with the Cochin Corporation to provide quality education for free to women from vulnerable backgrounds.

  • Koramkotta Community Development Project


    The Koramkotta Island is an isolated island located in the Cheranalloor panchayat that is home to 90 families, 85 of which belong to the scheduled caste. Kuramkotta is a peninsula, surrounded by water on three sides, that relies primarily on fishing as a source of income. In the 1992 flood, the area was severely affected, altering the course of the nearby Periyar River. The newly diverted river separated Kuramkotta from the mainland, turning it into an island and isolating its residents. This isolation has significantly impacted their daily lives, including their occupations, education, health, and nutrition. The Cultural Academy for Peace has adopted Kuramkotta and is actively involved in various community development activities aimed at assisting and empowering the residents.

    Due to its location, the residents face issues such as lack of proper or regular transportation, scarcity of clean water, uninhibited and dangerous wildlife, lack of accessibility to the city and to medical facilities, etc. Thus the Koramkotta Community Development Project, spearheaded by the Cultural Academy for Peace focuses on the improvement of living conditions on the island by targeting specific issues through health promotion, sustainable livelihood development, gender sensitization, digital literacy campaigns, and provision of resources to the locals in the Koramkotta community. CAP thus strives to empower residents to become agents of change within their communities by fostering partnerships and promoting grassroots development.

  • Pankhi Project

    Pankhi Project
    In partnership with TBZ Mumbai, the Cultural Academy for Peace has been implementing the Pankhi Project since 2019. This initiative aims to help and empower women survivors of domestic violence across the state of Kerala. The project features a single helpline number that can be called from anywhere in the country. Through this helpline, callers receive appropriate assistance, including legal support, counseling, and rehabilitation, provided by trained counselors.

    Domestic violence is still a severe and widespread issue in India, with significant economic, social, and health implications for women, children, and the broader community. This underscores the urgent need for continuous awareness and preventive measures at all societal levels.

    Aims of the Pankhi Project
    Counseling and Rehabilitation: Through a central helpline, provide counseling and rehabilitation to women suffering from domestic violence.

    Objectives of the Pankhi Project
    Central Helpline Service: To integrate counseling and crisis intervention through a central helpline that is available 24/7 to victims.
    Needs-Based Referrals: Provide timely and needs-based referrals to victims of domestic violence.
    Community Involvement: To increase the identification, reporting, and referral of gender-based violence cases by community leaders through the helpline.
    Awareness Sessions: To conduct awareness sessions on gender-based violence within the community.

  • Sakhi Counselling Centre

    Cultural Academy for Peace is a registered service provider under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005. We operate Sakhi, an Emergency Drop-In Center that offers comprehensive support to women and children experiencing oppression, violence, or abuse. Equipped with highly qualified counselors and a legal cell, Sakhi provides free counseling, rehabilitation, and repatriation services. The center also acts as a family counseling and reconciliation centre.
    To enhance accessibility, Sakhi also offers counseling online. Sakhi collaborates with local authorities, including the Anti-Harassment Cell, UPAD, Panchayats, educational institutions, and corporate organizations. It is also a referral center for the High Court and Chief Judicial Magistrate Court.

  • Shanthibhavan - Rehabilitation and Rescue Centre

    Shanthi Bhavan functions as a Short Stay Home to lend a helping hand to women and children in distress and need. Women and girls below poverty line are also provided a safe abode under this program. The residents can also avail the services of Sakhi like occupational therapy, trauma healing, skill training, and therapies that are provided for their physical and emotional restoration and rejuvenation by eminent psychiatrists, psychologists, and psychotherapists.

    In this home, opportunities are also provided for regular social interaction, creative expression, education and skill training. Equipped with trained staff who are available 24/7 to help the residents, the primary aim is to provide solace and comfort to women survivors, through rehabilitation and counseling. Awareness on legal literacy and women’s human rights are also imparted to prevent further victimization.

  • Community Mediation Centre

    The Community Mediation Center of CAP was instituted to resolve disputes at the community level without the stress and expense of traditional legal proceedings. Under the guidance of mediation officers specially trained by the High Court, we provide a supportive environment for individuals and communities to address conflicts.
    Through our scientific mediation process, skilled mediators facilitate open dialogue, helping disputing parties to find common ground and reach mutually agreeable solutions. Whether it's a family disagreement, a property dispute, or any other conflict, we are committed to early intervention to prevent matters from escalating into costly and traumatic court litigation.

  • Integrated Community Development Programme

    To promote sustainable development in marginalized and underserved communities, the Cultural Academy for Peace actively implements community development initiatives centered on promoting self-sufficiency, economic empowerment, healthcare, and increased access to resources. In collaboration with the National NGO Confederation, CAP provides subsidized two-wheelers, electronic devices, household appliances, and sewing machines to help encourage women's income generation, enhance their overall well-being, and expand educational opportunities for underprivileged students.

  • Disaster Management Centre

    The Cultural Academy for Peace operates a Disaster Management Centre that is mobilized during times of crisis. Over the years, the Centre has been actively involved in various disaster relief efforts, including the 2018 floods and the recent COVID-19 pandemic.

    Disaster Relief Activities
    During disasters, the Centre engages in relief activities to mitigate the immediate effects and support long-term recovery. After the 2018 floods, CAP collaborated with volunteers, Panchayats, and local self-governments to provide income-generating tools and support to affected communities. This included equipment for tailoring, carpentry, masonry, blacksmithing, and other trades. They also helped people to restore their livelihoods by providing assistance in establishing farms, shops, small businesses such as candle-making and catering units,etc..

    Psychological Support
    The Centre also addresses the psychological impact of disasters. During times of disaster, we organize camps focused on Post-Traumati

  • Service Providing Centre (SPC)

    The Cultural Academy for Peace (CAP), in collaboration with the Ministry of Women and Child Development, operates a Service Providing Centre (SPC) that offers legal advice, counseling, and support to women survivors of domestic violence.
    The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005 empowers women to seek legal recourse. A complaint can be filed by the woman herself or by someone on her behalf. It can be filed against any adult male member in a domestic relationship with her, or their relatives (both male and female).
    The SPC provides comprehensive support with the assistance of police, legal counselors, and counselors. In special cases, they can involve the District Protection Officer.
    Apart from providing direct service to women, the centre has a key role in increasing awareness on violence prevention and the legislation in place to address various related issues. Counselors engage in outreach programmes geared towards increasing awareness of atrocities faced by women and the redressal mechanisms for the same.

  • Community Peace Village

    Community Peace Village is an upcoming project envisioned as a cottage system for the rehabilitation and reintegration of survivors of violence. This promotes community living, reminiscent of early Indian villages, where people come together as an extended community for the healing of women and children who are getting back on their feet from traumatic events in their lives. A communal way of life with other individuals with similar life experiences can help to facilitate healing on many different levels. To recreate this sense of community, we incorporate various activities within a specially designed living system to ensure recovery from traumatic pasts and holistic psychosocial upliftment.

Milestones & Track Record

The organization has implemented the Pankhi Project since 2019 in partnership with TBZ Mumbai, providing a central helpline for women survivors of domestic violence across Kerala.


  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    Door No 41/1964 First Floor Piyyoli Road, Cochin, 682018


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses