
Commits to people's empowerment, working for rural India with deprived communities to ensure their dignified living

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Sindhanur, Karnataka

  • Since


Genesis of Janakalyan is a result of certain circumstances; unlike other organizations, it was not born all of a sudden but from a well thought of pro Read morecess. In order to understand the process of genesis of Janakalyan, we need to go back to of Indian independence. It was at the cost of the assets and properties of the Bengalis and Punjabis that the Independence of India was bought, many believe; had the Bengalis opposed to offer their ancestral properties, it would have been difficult to manage the proportionate land to Pakistan and thus independence would have been next to impossible. The independence such bought for India devastated the lives and livelihoods of millions of Bengalis by uprooting them form them their ancestral properties. One troop of victims of partition was rehabilitated in Sindhanur taluk of Raichur district in Karnataka in 1970-71 by Government of India. A piece of land was provided to these rehabilitated families for their livelihood as compensation to their ancestral properties that they lost in other part of the Bengal. There were about 727 families in this troop. Government of India provided initial support to settle them in Karnataka until 1983. The parents of Prasen Raptan were one among these families. In 1983, the rehabilitation project was handed over to the Government of Karnataka in the name of ‘normalization’. However, failure of cotton crop, the only source of their livelihood, caused economic breakdown 1984 onwards. Prasen Raptan, who completed his school education from remote rural area with exemplary performance, was not able to continue his post metric education due to economic breakdown due to failure of cotton crop and utter poverty at home. It is his very villagers who came forward and contributed Rs.732 for his post metric admission. Thus he continued his education and completed B.Tech, PGDMN and later MA(Sociology). It is this Rs.732 which has bound him with the villagers and he is trying to repay this debt throughout his life. He believes, out of his own experiences, that ‘without economic empowerment, development is next to impossible’. How to ensure livelihood empowerment was a question before him. His exposure to the external world and contacts with various people helped him to conceptualize the mission of his life; he decided to dedicate his life to serve the rural poor. How was the question? “Janakalyan” was the answer, which was registered on 2nd July 1997 under Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960 under the leadership of Sri Prasen Raptan backed up by Sri Shanti Ranjan Das, his guide, philosopher and mentor. Unlike, all other organizations, Janakalyan took birth with project on hands. Sustainable Agriculture through SHGs was its first initiative in 1997 with peasant communities to make agriculture profit making for economic reconstruction. Over a period of time, many interventions are added in its manifesto based on the need of the hour but the focus remained on 4 holy mothers viz, Manavimata (woman), Bhoomata (soil), Gomata (animal) and Gangamata (water).


Over the period, Janakalyan has evolved its own developmental models suitable for its clients, which are now the unique products of Janakalyan; thus Janakalyan has confined all its activities to these products (7Es)- E1- Empowerment: Jan Sanghatan: to bring community together on a common platform to resolve issues E2- Employment: Jan Krishi: to improve the livelihoods of farmers by making agriculture profit-making E3- Environment: Jan Jal: to make judicious use of water for irrigation using water efficient technologies E4- Education: Jan Shiksha: to decentralize education in rural India using innovative tools of Janakalyan E5- Entrepreneurship: Jan Udyog: to create job-creators and not job-seekers E6- Energy: Jan Shakti: to harness renewable sources of energy to check global warming & climate change. E7- Ensuring health: Jan Raksha: to protect health of all living beings using affordable tools


Janakalyan is a team of dedicated professionals committed to people’s empowerment. What started with 4 rehabilitation colonies of Sindhanur taluk in 1997 to empower refugees and ensuring their rights has now spread across 5 districts in more than 1000 villages directly and also through its network partners. A community based organization transformed as a fully equipped professional institution to handle varieties of interventions both directly as implementer and also through its network partners as facilitator. Besides having a special team for handling women empowerment programs, it has a specialized wing for NRM based interventions with focus on irrigation management, water budgeting, biodiversity, eco-farming, organic approach, chain completion, value addition with Intensified Integrated Farming Systems (IIFS). Janakalyan has also specialized in health, hygiene, nutrition, sanitation and education to mothers and children through various innovative strategies and community based monitoring mechanisms. Education has remained as one of its focal area since from the inception and has developed a pool of experiences in addressing the issues like drop out, slow learners, child labors, vocational training, remedial coaching, etc. along with the formal education institutes (school & college). Janakalyan believes in empowerment and sustainability strategies and all its programs are designed with these core principles. Accountability and transparency are core values of Janakalyan and maintained at all levels to its highest level. Janakalyan never considers itself an alternative to Government but a watchdog for the community. It does believe itself as an assisting agency for the Government in developing the nation and its citizens. India lives in its villages and therefore Janakalyan dedicated itself for uplifting the rural communities believing in Gandhijee’s words.


The major achievements of the organization so far have been – • Janakalyan is member of prestigious District Vigilance and Monitoring Committee (DISHA), Raichur. • Promoted more than 200 quality SHGs and successfully credit linked with banks and government schemes; they have their own micro credit institution now. • Sustainable solution for assured irrigation through water-banks creation with 180 farmers. • Introduced concept of roof-top-rainwater-harvesting in water-scarce areas • Induced entrepreneurial skills among 200 rural youths through REDP now having business/enterprises/services. • 1000 out-of-school children are brought back to schools through innovative tools like ARP, 3R, etc. • Introduced concept of renewable & clean-energy harnessing in rural areas like biogas, improved chullah, solar cooker, solar dryer, etc. in the rural areas. • Appointed as the facilitating NGO for the district to prepare District Perspective Plan for NREGA, Suvarna Gramodaya, Kugram Suvarna Gram and other government schemes. • Played role of LEAD-NGO for UNICEF’s Total Sanitation Campaign • Succeeded to ensure mother tongue education to hundreds of Bengali refugees in Government Schools of Karnataka • Innovated 5-acre Self-sustainable Livelihood Model for tail end farmers on IIFS concept with water harvesting technologies. • More than 300 child labors are mainstreamed during these years through National Child Labor Project. • Introduced dairying as a livelihood options among the refugees and now it has become the second largest source of livelihood for them. • Developed a model to ensure service delivery by the health, education and ICDS departments to mother and children of rural areas using Community Monitoring Process. • The right-based campaign to ensure the rights of the rehabilitated refugees in India yielded notable results; mother tongue education for Bengali refugees is a big achievement in Karnataka. • More than 10000 wage-earners are sustainably ensuring their rights under NREGA; more than 3 crores worth productive assets created by leveraging funds from NREGA.


  • Livelihood Improvement through Water Harvesting

    Janakalyan focuses on improving livelihoods through innovative water harvesting initiatives. Recognizing the vital role of water, the organisation tackles the challenge of varying water availability in irrigation projects. It addresses the dual issue of excess water during rainy seasons and insufficient irrigation in peak seasons by introducing a unique solution: creating 'water harvesting structures' within the land. These structures store excess rainwater for later use, mitigating crop damage during heavy rains and ensuring water availability for crops during dry periods. With over 100 such structures already established in two districts of North Karnataka, Janakalyan plans to implement another 50 over the next two years. This initiative receives support from NABARD for Tungabhadra's tail end and from Dehspande Foundation for Malaprabha's tail end, enhancing water management and agricultural sustainability.

  • Agricultural Entrepreneurship Programme

    Janakalyan acknowledges that agriculture remains a primary livelihood for a significant portion of India's population. However, it often sees less academic involvement. To enhance agricultural profitability and ensure food security, the organisation encourages intelligent youth to engage by providing entrepreneurial training. Janakalyan's initiative equips young individuals with skills to identify agricultural entrepreneurial opportunities. Through market surveys, it assists agro-entrepreneurs in recognizing potential business activities. It secures financial support, establishes supply and distribution connections, and supports enterprise expansion. By fostering innovative ideas, Janakalyan aims to inspire young minds to contribute to the agricultural industry, promoting sustainable growth and food stability.

  • Health, Hygiene, Education and Livelihood Improvement Programme

    Janakalyan identifies crucial areas where rural communities need essential support. It aids deserving students by assisting in higher education admission, preventing talented individuals from dropping out due to financial barriers. The organisation empowers artisans, wage-earners, and farmers by providing toolkits, breaking the cycle of poverty and enabling sustainable livelihoods. Addressing education gaps, Janakalyan supplies school essentials like stationery to rural students, reducing dropouts resulting from financial constraints. Additionally, the organisation focuses on improving rural hygiene through education and hygiene kits, promoting healthier practices and preventing future health issues. Supported by GiveIndia, Janakalyan's project ensures comprehensive assistance, fostering better health, education, and livelihood prospects for rural communities.

  • Swasthh Plus Programme


    Janakalyan's 'SWASTHH PLUS' initiative, supported by UNICEF in Raichur district, aimed to enhance School Water And Sanitation Towards Health and Hygiene (SWASTHH) among women. The primary focus of this effort was to empower women, enabling them to access services from relevant line departments. The initiative's foundation was the Neighbor Hood Group (NHG), comprising 20 adjacent families on a street. From each NHG, a Neighbourhood Leader (NHL) and a 'Kishori' were chosen to form a Village Women Committee (VWC). This model extended to Gram Panchayat, Taluk, District, and State levels, facilitating interaction between Service Delivery agencies (line departments) and representatives from the target communities. This structure aimed to ensure holistic community engagement and effective service delivery, with the ultimate goal of empowering women and improving health and hygiene.

  • SHG and Microfinance Movement Programme

    Janakalyan has comprehensive experience in managing Self-Help Group (SHG) initiatives and collaborating with NGOs across various states. Learning from the 90s, the organisation's journey began with bank linkages, but it soon recognized the value of establishing its microfinance institution. As a result, the Micro-Finance Institute called GNAN (Garibi Nirmoolan Avartan Nidhi) was established to fulfil the credit requirements of SHGs. This institute operates effectively, empowering SHG members to undertake productive endeavours with the credit support provided by GNAN. Through these efforts, Janakalyan fosters a robust SHG and microfinance movement, enabling sustainable growth and empowerment for individuals and communities.

Leadership Team

  • Prasen Raptan

    Executive Director

  • Dr. Sharanagouda Hiregoudar


  • Animarani Majumdar

    Vice - President

  • D H Kambli


  • Ramappa K T

    Member, Governing Board

  • Shila Sikdar

    Member, Governing Board

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A

    AAATJ5178QE20031 dated 28.03.2022

  • 80G

    AAATJ5178QF20211 dated 28.03.2022

  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    JANAKALYAN Shantinagar R H Colony No. 4 Post: Jawalagera, Sindhanur Taluk Raichur Distict, Karnataka, INDIA, 584143


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type
