Shree Ramana Maharishi Academy For The Blind

Works to rehabilitate the physically and mentally challenged through institution-based rehabilitation and rural community-based rehabilitation

  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
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  • Headquarters

    Bangalore, Karnataka

  • Since


Shree Ramana Maharishi Academy for the Blind (SRMAB) aims to rehabilitate both adults and children who are visually impaired, mentally challenged, or Read morehave any other disabilities. It does this through two approaches: Institution Based Rehabilitation (IBR) and Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR). Under IBR, the academy provides special education to more than 200 children from pre-school to X Class who are visually impaired, using Braille as the medium of instruction. The curriculum is adapted from the state education syllabus. In addition, it provides free lodge, board, and medical facilities. Additionally, it teaches children with special needs classical music, classical dance, yoga, musical instruments, and other creative activities. Dance and music as part of extra curricular activity was introduced in the year 1973 and the organization’s students have performed in about 2000 shows in India, UK, US, and Italy till date. The organization also works to build confidence of the visually impaired by providing skills training, helping them become independent and secure jobs. It provides training in manufacturing and packaging allied products, dairy farming, and horticulture. The organization has also tied up with numerous businesses in these fields. The academy also offers courses including a diploma in special education for visual impairment, bridge courses, and Continuing Rehabilitation Education (CRE) courses that are recognized by the Rehabilitation Council of India. IGNOU University distant learning model in visually disability is also available. In addition, it provides training to government teachers under UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) and DPEP (District Primary Education Programme) programs, enabling the academy reach out to many more specially-abled children. In addition to the main institute, it also works under IBR through its Thirumurthy Rural Development Center, established in 1985, which provides services to adults with visual impairment, speech impairment, hearing impairment, orthopedic impairment, and/or mental challenges. The center offers a two-year agro-based training that includes both theoretical and practical aspects in the fields of beekeeping, sericulture, poultry, fishing, agriculture, and dairy farming. In the first year, trainees are taught about all the fields, and after the ability and interest of each trainee is identified, trainees specialize in a particular field. Once the program is over, they are assisted with employment or self-employment opportunities. The center also provides education to speech and hearing impaired students and helps improve the functional literacy of the mentally challenged, with the aim to integrate them into mainstream schools. In addition, it acts as the administrative centre for CBR Tharabethi courses. Through Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR), SRMAB aims to help people with disabilities through community-based programs to facilitate social integration, equal opportunities, and rehabilitation programs for the differently-abled. These programs are established in semi-urban and rural areas in Karnataka, covering 7 districts and reaching out to 16,000 people in about 1,800 villages. CBR is involved in Health and Medical Rehabilitation, Education Rehabilitation, Social Rehabilitation, Economic Rehabilitation, and Livelihood Rehabilitation. SRMAB conducts health camps for the differently-abled, provides referrals for medical and surgical interventions, aids, and therapy to the differently-abled, and offers information to parents and care-givers regarding available facilities. It also provides pre-school, supplementary, and non-formal education to children with special needs, in addition to organizing co-curricular activities. For people with severe disabilities, it offers home-based education programs. Additionally, it provides educational kits and appliances that encourage children to enroll into mainstream school. In order to encourage social rehabilitation, the organization organizes village meetings and street plays to create awareness about health, education, and the rehabilitation of the specially-abled. In addition, it spreads awareness regarding disabilities to community leaders, volunteers, and other pertinent society members. It also conducts programs and performances by the specially abled. SRMAB provides vocational training for differently-abled people in trades such as tailoring, carpentry, village market, blacksmithy, cycle repair, and other such trades that are common in villages. It also helps provide loans to set up home-based enterprises. Finally, it works to mobilize the society and empower local disabled people by encouraging the community to run CBR programs on their own. It aims to empower Self Help Groups, Parents’ Associations, volunteer groups, and village development councils to manage the CBR programs. To do so, it provides short training and exposure to various levels of CBR personnel. Awards & Recognition: National Award for outstanding performance & Services (1989 & 2005), by President of India. Shell Hellen Keller Award & NASEOH Award for Equal Rights & Gainful Employment to persons with disability. (2005). T V Srinivasan (founder president) was honored with the Karnataka State Award as the social worker of the year (2008). K V Narasingha Rao, faculty HRD, awarded the best teacher of the year 2008, by the Governor of Karnataka.


  • Vocational Training

    A novel strategy for empowering people was developed in the late 1970s: combining education and skill development for vocational training. This method gives a person with vision impairment the confidence they need to learn new skills, become independent, and engage in productive activities. With this concept in mind, the Academy began producing and offering sustainable instruction in:

    producing packaging and related goods.
    Horticulture and dairy farming, with a focus on agronomy, are combined in TRDC's rural branch.
    As a full-time production endeavour, horticulture and packaging & related items have partnerships with numerous business establishments that purchase our products. After completing the training programme, the participants receive assistance finding suitable jobs or prospects for self-employment.

  • Institution Based Rehabilitation

    More than 200 visually impaired children can get special education from SRMAB, along with free boarding, accommodation, and medical care. The state curriculum is modified for education from preschool to class ten, using Braille as the primary language of instruction.

    A distinctive aspect of the entire program—earn while you learn—is the provision of vocational training in addition to trade education in areas like computers, horticulture, packaging, and dairy. Milestone activity allows our kids to study traditional dance styles, such as kuchipuci and Bharathanatyam, as well as classical music performed by well-known musicians. The kids have done exceptionally well, and they frequently perform for bigger crowds both domestically and overseas.

    Sports, games, and physical education are all included in the curriculum.

Demographics & Structure

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  • Internal, External Assessors



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  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    CA-1B, 3rd Cross, 3rd Phase, J P Nagar, Bangalore, 560078


Other Details

  • Parent Organisation

    Shree Ramana Maharishi Academy For The Blind

  • Type & Sub Type
