OnionDev Technologies

Uses mobile technology to create information sharing systems for individuals and communities without internet access

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  • Headquarters

    Delhi, Delhi

  • Since


OnionDev Technologies makes use of mobile technology to connect populations without internet access to corporate organizations, NGOs, social enterpris Read morees and government bodies. It works in partnership with telecom operators to collaborate on Value Added Services (VAS) and create a bottom-up information marketplace. Mobile Vaani is its primary product which makes use of Interactive Voice Response (IVR) to build tools for collection and sharing of contextualized information to suit the needs of communities with no or minimal media access. The aim is to simplify and streamline end-user information distribution in rural and urban areas to facilitate creation and dissemination of information by the user community and marketing of products by organizations to these users. The Mobile Vaani network is actively operating in Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa with a user base of 2 million users. It operates on three key pillars namely Voice Technology, Community-Powered Content and Community Volunteers. Voice technology is the lowest common denominator which ensures large-scale participation of community members, even from members who are poorly literate. The second pillar allows community members to create contextually relevant content and initiate discussions. Its large offline volunteer network of community members ensures that users are trained to take ownership of information sharing platforms and use them to enhance their lives. It provides a platform and various products as a service (PaaS). The Platform as a Service offering provides infrastructure to organizations for customizing and controlling their products and services and allows them to use public and private cloud services. It also allows organizations to launch, advertise and sell products, applications and ideas to a large user base with the help of Mobile Vaani network. The Product as a Service offering consists of various modules namely vSurvey, vComm, vForum, vAct and vHelp. vSurvey enables collection of qualitative and quantitative data through regular phones using using voice and keypad prompts. vComm allows creation of communities based on various interests, vForum allows communities to share knowledge and information. vAct allows users to lodge and track their grievances and vHelp allows incoming and outbound calls to provide immediate in-person assistance to users for guidance on various issues. OnionDev is the result of a collaboration between Gram Vaani and Life Impacting Services unit from OnMobile Global Limited. In recognition of its efforts, it has received Jurors Distinction in Manthan South Asia Awards in 2009, the Power of Ideas Award in 2010, the Rising Stars in Global Health Award in 2012, the mBillionth Award in 2012 and 2013 and the Flame Leadership Award in 2014.

Demographies Served


  • Health & Health Tech Programme

    In the realm of health and health tech, Oniondev Technologies addresses the breakdown of communication channels hindering informed decisions due to factors like literacy and the digital divide, particularly in healthcare in rural areas. It tackles issues on both the demand and supply sides. On the demand side, it combats low health-seeking behaviour, inadequate avenues for grievance resolution, and limited accountability. On the supply side, it addresses data collection limitations and the capacity to provide quality healthcare. By employing community media platforms, it empowers marginalized communities and healthcare workers to contribute to better health outcomes. Its technology aids in swift data collection and analysis for health officials and researchers, aiding underserved communities, frontline workers' upskilling, and health administration enhancement.

  • Workforce & Labour Rights Programme

    Oniondev Technologies engages in addressing workforce and labour rights issues prevalent in India. It acknowledges the underpayment and lack of protection for workers, even in registered factories, due to inadequate enforcement of legal provisions. With the aim to empower low-income industrial workers, the organisation's Workforce and Labor Rights programmes strive to raise awareness about workers' rights, enabling them to hold employers and Governments accountable for working conditions. It focuses on providing actionable information, promoting awareness, and facilitating grievance registration and redressal. Collaborating with trade unions, workers' collectives, and worker media organisations, Oniondev Technologies amplifies efforts to build solidarity and engage in collective action for improved working conditions and labour rights. Through its platforms, including phone platforms and online news portals, it contributes to workers' empowerment and justice.

  • Women & Child Development Programme

    Oniondev Technologies focuses on Women and Child Development by addressing the unequal access to media and information across India, especially among women in rural areas due to various forms of marginalization. The organisation works to empower women by overcoming barriers to digital literacy and facilitating their participation in systemic processes to enhance health, nutrition, family planning, socio-economic entitlements, livelihoods, and political progress. Its programmes target adolescent girls, women's collectives (Self Help Groups), and women leaders, aiming to provide actionable information, raise awareness, and encourage behaviour change. By collaborating with local leaders, SHG members, and community members, Oniondev Technologies fosters collective action, bridging digital literacy gaps, and empowering women to bring about positive change in their lives and communities.

  • Governance Programme

    Oniondev Technologies is dedicated to Governance, focusing on providing authoritative and actionable information to millions of citizens in rural India who lack access to communication channels. The organisation empowers citizens to voice their concerns, share opinions, and seek assistance in accessing their rights. Through a team of community volunteers, its platforms enable informed discussions, grievance redressal, and collaboration with local administration. These efforts aim to empower all citizens, irrespective of gender, caste, or class, with information and awareness, fostering responsible citizenship and collective change. By engaging low-income communities, community volunteers, and local administration, Oniondev Technologies facilitates awareness, knowledge building, and collective action, promoting transparency and accountability in governance while fostering a sense of unity and empowerment among citizens.

Leadership Team

  • Aaditeshwar Seth

    Co - Founder

  • Rohit Singh

    Vice President – Programmes and Partnerships

  • Sayonee Chatterjee

    Vice President - Gender & Child Rights

  • Rachit Pandey

    Chief Technology Officer

  • Mohd Sultan Ahmad

    Director - Media and Governance

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • Registration ID


  • FCRA

    Not Available

  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    Gram Vaani and Onion Dev, Building 195, 2nd floor, Lane No. 1, Westend Marg, Saiyad-ul-ajaib Ext, Near Saket Metro Station, Delhi, 110030


Other Details

  • Parent Organisation

    Gram Vaani

  • Sister Organisation

    On Mobile Global Ltd.

  • Type & Sub Type

    Private Limited Company