
Guides girl students from less privileged sections of the society towards professional excellence through leadership and skill development programs

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Mumbai, Maharashtra

  • Since


Katalyst program supports women learners from low-income households, pursuing professional and technical education such as Engineering, to secure jobs Read more in various sectors that offer them strong paths for career and economic development. Hence, in addition to the skill gap, Katalyst aims to bridge the socio-economic gap to create a level playing field so that these young women can aspire and excel to become transformational leaders. Katalyst’s vision is to empower women for equality in opportunity and leadership. One of its primary objectives is to provide a long-term mentor for every student and provide them with life skills training to develop them into mature, confident and self-assured individuals. The objective of the life skills training is to instil students with the ability to deal with the challenges of everyday work life and the curriculum consists of five core elements of Communication, Personality Development, Technical Training, General Awareness and Leadership. The mentorship program provides socio-emotional, academic and career support to students along with training in personality development with the aim of enabling the students to interact with expert industry professionals, learn essential life skills and find a suitable career path. Katalyst achieves its objective through a structured program with a blend of unique development interventions, including 600-hour proprietary and scientifically researched curriculum focused on personality development, communication, English proficiency, career readiness, corporate etiquette, technical skills and new age technology. Over their four years in the program, we also provide one-to-one mentorship, access to best in class technology, medical insurance for the girl and the mother, financial support, assistance with internships, and world class industry exposure and corporate interactions. For more details see www.katalystindia.org Set up in 2007 with 10 young women, Katalyst now has chapters in Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Delhi and has impacted the lives of about 2,200 girls, with 1159 currently in the program. Katalyst is an initiative of Third Sector Partners, India’s leading executive search firm focused on socially relevant organisations. Selection Criteria • Annual Family Income of up to INR 500,000 (<US$ 7,000). A thorough background verification is conducted through a proprietary process. • Meritorious students pursuing professional education such as Engineering, Chartered Accountancy, Architecture, Medicine, etc. Currently the cohort is from Engineering.


• Only 29% of senior roles in India are held by women. (Source: Grant Thornton Report, 2019) • 41% of the Indian businesses surveyed have no women in leadership roles • 80% of Indian engineers are not fit for any job in the knowledge economy as per Annual Employability Survey 2019 by Aspiring Minds (Source: ET Online| Updated: Mar 25, 2019) Women are not well represented in Management cadre especially women from low income communities. This gets further compounded with the challenges of women from low socio-economic strata, who despite attaining a professional degree, are unable to get quality jobs.


Katalyst aims to accelerate the growth of young women in professional education, through developmental interventions and an enabling environment, to enhance self-belief and leadership.

Demographies Served


• Over 55% of alumni have already reached the managerial level and 12% of alumni are at the senior leadership level • The median salary offered to Katalysts is 42.8% higher compared to other students • Employers feedback: About 94% of Katalyst candidates have met employer expectations, with the majority of 62.5% exceeding the same • Katalyst alumni now occupy positions of seniority in prestigious MNCs and large Indian companies, both in India and abroad, as well as the Civil and Administrative Services. • Katalyst Alumni make informed choices about career, higher studies, marriage and relocation


  • Placements

    Katalysts have secured jobs in many known organisations with the 2020 batch getting offers up to Rs. 29 Lakhs per annum. The average starting salary of the batch was 50% higher than that in the previous year.

  • Digital Enablement

    The organisation provides laptops at economical rates to the girl students along with access to the internet, technology and computer programmes.

  • Proprietary Curriculum

    The special curriculum that Katalyst designed and follows enables students to develop in the areas of self-development and leadership, communication skills, technical skills, English language competency, and career readiness skills.

    It comprises 600 hours of classes, 6 courses and 72 modules delivered across four years enabling all-round development in the students.

  • Internships and Corporate Engagements

    To ensure experience and exposure the organisation arranges for internship and field visits. This exposure may further lead to deciding the choice of career and greater knowledge about practical situations. It may even fructify with the student getting employment in the firm that they did an internship in.

  • Mentoring

    The enrolled students are connected to mentors who belong to different disciplines and bring in new experiences and views.

    These exchanges help the students define themselves, learn essential life skills and evaluate various career options.

    The programme's main focus is to promote socio-emotional support, personality development,
    academic support and career guidance support.

  • Alkemist - Women Beyond Boundaries

    Specifically designed for women in early careers, The Alkemist Program seeks to build Purpose Driven Leaders and Effective Managers. These participants are having 0 – 12 years of work experience. The uniquely curated program enables our ‘Alkemists’ to become active contributors of value driven growth for their organisations, while enhancing their personal self.

    Through the medium of Trust Groups, Professional Coaching, contextual Masterclasses and timely Counselling, the program creates a support system that results in enhanced self-belief, aspirations, managerial practice and social consciousness

    The program has three levels - Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced of 1.5 years per level. Each participant will join the level depending on their stage of life and will continue till Advanced level. Each level is comprised of online and offline interventions for 1.5 years.

    Trust Group Personal Counseling
    Professional Coaching Leadership outbound

Leadership Team

  • Poorvi Shah

    Chief Executive Officer

  • Shalima Jain

    Chief Operating Officer

  • Anjali Hari

    Director - Fundraising & Partnerships

  • Megha Verma

    Associate Director

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID

    U 91120 MH 2006 NPL15946

  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


Other Details

  • Parent Organisation

    Third Sector Partner

  • Type & Sub Type

    Section 8 (formerly Section 25)

Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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