Makkala Jagriti

Aims to empowers marginalized children and youth through holistic education programs, addressing challenges and fostering sustainable growth.

  • Silver Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Silver Certified Silver Certified


  • Headquarters

    Bangalore, Karnataka

  • Since


Makkala Jagriti works closely with govt. pre-school centres (Anganwadis) focusing on emotional, cognitive, language, physical and social development d Read moreuring the early years of development and set up learning centres within government schools and urban poor localities to engage school-going and dropout children in learning. Non-formal, activity and play-based learning methods help children develop life skills and transition into responsible and mature adults. Such centres in shelter homes also take care of the emotional and psychological needs of orphaned and runaway children. The organization builds capacity in youth by creating a common platform Yuva-cafe, enabling them to understand and achieve their dreams through holistic self-development. Parents are given guidance and opportunities to build healthy relationships with children through workshops. Issues such as authority, control, discipline, freedom and trust between parents and children are addressed in workshops. They also learn about the importance of the ecosystem and act like a community to sustain the same. The organization provides audio-visual teaching tools to teachers. The workshops for teachers are based on experimental learning methodologies inspiring them to create a vibrant learning environment. These workshops also empower the teachers by building their capacity to experiment with teaching techniques.


Academic learning nowadays is a process which encourages rote learning and mugging up concepts which lead to demotivated children and high drop-out rates. Youth do not have access to good skill development opportunities and thus do not have too many employment avenues.


Makkala Jagriti aims to make education a fun activity for children and supplement academics with activity-based learning improving interest in studies and better learning outcomes along with taking steps to give easy access to skilling opportunities to youth.

Demographies Served


The organisation has reached more than 50,000 children and youth, more than 80 schools transformed across 8 districts of Karnataka, more than 200 Anganwadi’s directly impacted and more than 500 teachers trained.

Vision & Mission

To create a value-based social movement to empower
the child and its community towards a bright future.

To facilitate holistic development for children and
diverse groups, in and around the community, to
build a sustainable and equitable society.

Donor History

APU, JSSF, Bosch, Yahoo, COL


  • Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)

    Partnering with Anganwadi units in urban and rural Bangalore, Makkala Jagriti set out to improve the learning levels of children in the three to six age group. Its approach involves working with children, capability-building of teachers and motivating the community to get involved.

  • Holistic Development Learning Centres (HDLC)

    This programme focuses on an all-inclusive approach towards learning and development in children from six to fourteen years of age. The intervention includes setting up of learning centres within government schools, urban slums and Government childcare institutions, leading to supplementing academic learning with activity-based learning.

  • Yuva Jagriti

    Under Its Yuva Jagriti programme, it has set up Yuva Cafés across the city of Bangalore through which Makkala Jagriti is working to empower youth. These cafés are situated in easy-to-access locations and provide a platform for youth to get together and learn skills based on their talents and interests that would lead to fruitful employment in the future.

  • Caregivers

    To help urban-poor and rural parents bring up their children facing socio-economic challenges, Makkala Jagriti initiated contact meetings with them in schools, Anganwadi’s and communities.

    It conducts two-day residential contact workshops which lead to better parent-child relationships. Teachers are mentored and trained online as well as offline to improve their classroom delivery and make learning more effective and engaging.

  • Early Childhood Care and Education (Ecce)

    The Early Childhood Care and Education program aims to provide quality preschool education to children from 3 to 6 years in Anganwadis by empowering and building capacities of Anganwadi teachers to impart early childhood education in their respective Anganwadis. The program focuses on different aspects of improving preschool education in Anganwadis including creating of a safe and conducive learning space in the Anganwadis; capacity building of Anganwadi teachers as well as sensitization and capacity building of parents of the children. The mainstay of the program is the training of Anganwadi teachers to implement early childhood education so that children progress appropriately in all domains of development (social, cognitive, language, emotional and physical (fine and gross motor skills). There are dedicated facilitators who work closely with the Anganwadi teachers on the ground for handholding and mentoring them. Additionally, the program also works closely with various functionaries of the Department of Women and Child Development at different levels to ensure that preschool education in Anganwadis is prioritized.

  • Hdlc

    Holistic Development and Learning Centre is Makkala Jagriti’s oldest and largest program where we work with children from government schools and urban poor communities providing them access to quality holistic education. The program model includes setting up of a children’s learning center in schools and communities where children can learn in a safe, non-threatening environment. Dedicated and trained facilitators from the organization engage with these children through daily sessions, events, exposure visits and other activities. The facilitation is done based on a specially designed SPICE curriculum that covers the Socio-emotional, physical, intellectual, creative and ethical development aspects among children. Following the Covid-19 pandemic, there has also been focus on supporting children with foundational literacy and numeracy skills to help them recover from learning losses suffered due to prolonged school closures. The program also focuses on capacity building of teachers to become child-centric facilitators and institutionalizing of practices within the school that aid in holistic development.

  • Transformation of Child Care Institutions Into Spaces of Holistic Learning and Development

    Government run Child Care Institutions are an important part of the child protection mechanism in India. Children are provided care and protection in these institutions, but the institutions do not necessarily provide quality education or opportunities for children to grow holistically. The aim of Makkala Jagriti’s intervention with Child Care Institutions is to facilitate holistic development and learning opportunities for children staying in these institutions and also to establish sustainable practices in the institutions that aid holistic development. The key program components include setting up an attractive learning centre in the institutions so that it becomes a dedicated learning space; facilitation of sessions for children, activities and events by trained and dedicated facilitators; capacity building of the staff of child care institutions on various child-centric behaviors and practices. The program is run in 10 districts with the permission and support of the Department of Women and Child Development, Govt of Karnataka.

Impact Metrics

  • Children & Youth Impacted With Holistic Development

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2017-18 7,609
    • 2018-19 11,716
    • 2019-20 17,659
  • Total Number of Holistic Development Learning Centres

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2017-18 31
    • 2018-19 133
    • 2019-20 253
  • Children's Improvement in Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Levels (Kannada Reading and Writing Abilities)

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Children's Improvement in Foundational Numeracy (Math, Numbers and Basic Operations)

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Children’S Improvement in Aspects of Holistic Development Such as Growth Mindset, Interpersonal Skills, Creative Thinking, Etc.

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Children’S Progress in Different Domains of Development

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Knowledge, Skills and Practices of Anganwadi Teachers in Early Childhood Education

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Anganwadi Grading - Overall Improvement of the Anganwadi So That It Becomes a Conducive Learning Environment for Children

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Improvement of Children’S Overall Learning Levels Including in Foundational Literacy and Numeracy

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Improvement in Children’S Social and Emotional Wellbeing

    Year-wise Metrics
  • Improvement in the Participation and Support Levels of the Institutions and Their Staff Towards Holistic Development Programs in the Child Care Institutions

    Year-wise Metrics

Theory of Change

What is the organization's Theory of Change?*
Makkala Jagriti is committed to driving positive change in the society through its programs and initiatives. The vision of Makkala Jagriti is to create a value based social movement that empowers children and their communities towards a brighter future.

Our theory of change outlines the underlying assumptions, strategies, and expected outcomes that guide our work. By clearly articulating our theory of change, we aim to enhance our understanding of the causal links between our activities and the desired impact, thus maximizing our effectiveness in achieving our mission.

Current Situation:
Children from marginalized communities are often first-generation learners who struggle to remain enrolled in school and have an inherent fear of learning. There is a lack of access to quality education and opportunities for children to learn and grow holistically across age groups from early childhood to young adulthood. Additionally, there is a scarcity of safe and enabling environments that support these children and youth in learning in a safe, non-judgmental space. Furthermore, children from marginalized communities lack positive role models in their communities, and parents and the community are unable to positively influence the growth of these children.

Inputs and Actions:
To address the current situation, [Organization Name] will undertake the following inputs and actions:

Create non-judgmental, non-threatening, safe, and joyful learning spaces for children and youth by establishing learning centers.
Facilitate holistic development opportunities for socio-emotional, physical, intellectual, creative, and ethical growth of children.
Provide 21st-century life skills, career guidance, and job linkages for youth.
Empower parents through trainings, meetings, consultations, community visits, and workshops.
Foster shared visioning with the community through community events and celebrations.
Generate knowledge and evidence for advocacy with community leaders and government to establish more such learning spaces.

Outcomes (Enabling Factors):
By implementing the above inputs and actions, we expect the following outcomes:

Safe and conducive learning environment for children.
Holistic development opportunities for children and youth.
Increased awareness and empowerment of parents.
Enhanced community awareness and support for educating children and youth.
Favorable support from local governing bodies for the implementation of our programs.

The Change We Wish to See:

Through our theory of change, we strive to create a social movement that empowers every child, youth, and their communities towards a bright future. We envision a transformed landscape where children from marginalized communities have access to quality education, safe and nurturing learning environments, and positive role models. By equipping them with essential life skills, fostering community support, and advocating for systemic change, we aim to break the cycle of educational disadvantage and enable these children and youth to reach their full potential.

By implementing our theory of change, we are confident that we can contribute significantly to the long-term transformation of the lives of marginalized children and youth, ultimately creating a more equitable and inclusive society.

Leadership Team

  • Joy Srinivasan


  • Sunayana Chatrapathy


  • Rohit Shetti

    Director - Programs

  • Aravind Madesh T

    Manager Partnerships

  • Vivek Shamaiah

    Senior Manager - HDLC

  • Amrutha Murali

    Senior Manager - ECCE

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees


  • Strength of Governing Body



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    Makkala Jagriti, 56/3, 18th Cross, 4th Main Rd, Opposite Kendriya Vidyalaya School, Malleshwaram, Bangalore, 560055

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2018-19

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2017-18

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.