Access Development Services

Transforms lives through joint action and drives financial strength and inclusive livelihood solutions to achieve Sustainable Development Goals.

  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
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  • Headquarters

    New Delhi, Delhi

  • Since


Access Development Services is a global organisation that partners with multiple stakeholders to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. It priorit Read moreises financial strength and security and works with civil society organizations, Governments, and donors. Through its efforts in evidence-building, model creation, and thought leadership, Access drives innovations in inclusive finance and livelihood solutions. It follows a three-tier approach that involves innovating value chains, empowering stakeholders, and shaping narratives through consultations and publications. Access is committed to strengthening community-based institutions and providing relevant financial and livelihood services to underserved households. It possesses expertise in hosting global discussions, working across sectors, and developing scalable models. It acts as a bridge between the marginalized and market opportunities. Additionally, Access invests in local capacities, supports inclusive value chains, fosters innovation, and enhances the resilience of community-based institutions to achieve sustainable impact.


The organisation has empowered 3000 women Kirana store owners in Delhi, 1000 weavers with a 40% increase in income and 600 women artisans.


  • Udaan Programme


    Udaan, an initiative supported by the Walmart Foundation and implemented by Access Development Services in Delhi, focuses on supporting Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) and promoting women's participation. The project aims to improve smallholder farmers' income by including value-addition approaches and introducing climate-resistant practices. Through empowerment initiatives, including training and promoting women's groups, Udaan strives to improve both farmer and FPO incomes while encouraging sustainable agriculture.

  • Project Samriddhi – Kirana for Women


    Project Samriddhi, also known as "Kirana for Women," is a transformative initiative supported by the Mastercard Centre for Inclusive Growth and USAID. The project aims to empower 3,000 women kirana owners in Delhi by improving their executive abilities in household and business concerns. Through training in financial inclusion, digital literacy, and business skills, the project equips women with the knowledge and capabilities to effectively manage their kirana businesses. The participants have reported improvements in sales, business management insight, and utilisation of financial institutions and digital banking platforms for their business transactions.

  • Living Looms of India

    This initiative, supported by HSBC, revives handloom weavers in four clusters through design, technology, and market mediation. Access Development Services provides market linkages, strengthens governance, improves production efficiency, and offers training programmes. The project has empowered around 1,000 weavers, resulting in a minimum 40% increase in income through enhanced market opportunities.

  • Child Labour Free Jaipur


    Supported by the British Asian Trust, this initiative focuses on eliminating child labour in the handicraft sector by empowering women artisans. It has established a Producer Company where 600 women artisans create handcrafted products. Through skill development, business support, and market linkages, the project ensures sustainable livelihoods for these artisans, leading to a significant increase in their income. As a result, child labour engagement in Jaipur's handicraft industry is reduced. The Producer Company, now with a strong board of highly skilled women artisans and around 800 members, plays a vital role in empowering the community and promoting ethical practices in the industry.

  • Self-Reliance and Livelihoods for Refugees

    The Self-reliance and Livelihoods for Refugees project, supported by the British Asian Trust and UNHCR, aims to empower refugees in Delhi and Haryana by providing them with honourable livelihood opportunities. Through a comprehensive approach involving skill development, entrepreneurship, and access to markets, the project enables refugees to achieve self-sufficiency. ACCESS offers counselling services and training in essential life skills, financial literacy, and vocational trades to empower refugees who were previously engaged in lowly jobs. As a result, hundreds of refugees from various locations in the National Capital Region of Delhi have successfully moved on to more respectable livelihood options, including running their own small businesses and securing formal employment in different sectors.

Impact Metrics

  • Provided Entrepreneurship, Financial Literacy and Digital Literacy Training

    Program Name

    Livelihood Enhancement of Artisans for Future (LEAF)

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2017-18 200
    • 2018-19 204
    • 2019-20 204
    • 2021-22 293
  • Participants of Livelihoods India Summit

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2015-16 500
    • 2017-18 350
    • 2019-20 300
    • 2021-22 2500

Leadership Team

  • Vipin Sharma

    Chief Executive Officer

  • Radhika Agashe

    Executive Director

  • Puja Gaur

    Vice - President

  • Subir Ghosh

    Vice President - Programme Support

  • Sukhbir Ahluwalia

    Vice - President & Head HR

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    22, Hauz Khas Village, Ground Floor, New Delhi, 110016


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type

    Section 8 (formerly Section 25)