Dream School Foundation

Break the cycle of the socio-economic vulnerability of children and families and help them to help themselves through the power of education.

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Bangalore, Karnataka

  • Since


Dream School Foundation (DSF) (www.dsfindia.org) is a registered non-profit organisation committed to making the right to equitable & quality educatio Read moren a reality for children in India. Our work is focused on making a sustainable difference in the lives of the most disadvantaged and excluded children and community through education while promoting gender equality. Dream School Foundation serves the community through three key programmes: 1. School Transformation and Engagement Programme (STEP) - This programme seeks to resolve problems of education and equality in government schools, resulting in more conducive learning conditions and better student learning outcomes. 2. Transformational Youth Development and Engagement Programme (TYDE) - This programme focuses on the issue of marginalised children dropping out at the high school stage and facilitates continuance till they attain meaningful livelihood through scholarships, supplementary academic coaching and life-skills training. 3. Livelihood & Employment Assistance Programme (LEAP): Programme for non-skilled and semi-skilled urban underprivileged communities - especially women - and helping them develop meaningful livelihood opportunities through skill building and training.


Nearly 1.2 million of India's 1.5 million schools are government-run, serving up to 140 million children from disadvantaged backgrounds. According to various statistics and studies, while much has been accomplished in terms of enrolment and school accessibility, quality and equality problems remain unresolved, affecting the lives of millions of children who are not privileged. Some figures pertaining to education are quite disheartening : • Only 25% of students in Grade 5 can perform simple division • Only 44% of students in 8th standard can perform basic arithmetic • More than one-fourth of children enrolled in Class 8 can’t read at a Class 2 level • Over 60% of dropouts, discontinue education due to students’ lack of interest, owing to deficiencies in curriculum and teaching infrastructure • Over 25% of students in India drop out of school at the higher primary level • Only 52% students continue their education after their Grade 10. • 31% of our youth (15-29 years) are not in education, employment or training. • Only 53% of youth completing graduation are employable. Women's participation in jobs in India has been quite dismal – at just 20.5% in 2020. Historically, cultural norms and societal expectations have limited women's access to education and employment opportunities. Gender-based discrimination, lack of safe and inclusive work environments, limited access to skill development programs, and the burden of unpaid care work inhibit women’s participation in jobs in India.


1. School Transformation and Engagement Programme: This is a programme to support Government Schools in Karnataka in improving their learning outcomes through (a) Improving Infrastructure - DSF provides support to ensure adequate classroom/ lab/ WASH infrastructure is available in Government schools, thus ensuring conducive learning environment (b) Learning level enhancement – DSF provides STEM kits to schools and supports/ trains students on discovery based experiential learning of science and math; Also provides training on 21st century skills and emotional/ mental health. (c) Capacity Building- DSF trains teachers on application based teaching and discovery based experiential learning of STEM disciplines. Also trains the teachers on emotional/ mental well-being so that the teachers can identify and provide adequate support to children who need emotional care. Also ensures greater stake holder participation in affairs of the school and development of students, thus ensuring programme sustainability. 2. Transformational Youth Development and Engagement Programme: DSF provides the following support for children from Class 8 onwards through this initiative: (a) Financial assistance/ scholarship for pursuing their education from school to graduation (b) Supplementary academic coaching (c) Technical certification programmes (d) Life skills training (e) Emotional and mental health programmes (f) Career counselling (g) Individual and group mentoring (h) Youth leadership development opportunities and (i) Finishing school skills and (j) Placement support 3. Livelihood and Employment Assistance Programme (LEAP). Through this programme, DSF assists under-privileged semi-literate women from marginalised community to learn skills and exposes them to technology that can enhance employment opportunities and help in creating micro-enterprises. Through this programme women are provided training on: (a) Vocational skills (b) Spoken English (c) Lifeskills (d) Basic computer skills (d) Entrepreneurship skills


- 65+ Government Schools supported and have transformed into schools with conducive learning environment, thereby ensuring better learning outcomes. - Over 30,000 children from Government Schools have benefited from the programs offered by DSF. - 800 children graduated with the support of financial and academic support of DSF and are presently in gainful employment, thus ensuring their families are pulled out of poverty.


  • DSF School Transformation and Engagement Programme (DSF-STEP)

    This programme seeks to resolve problems of education and equality in government schools, resulting in more conducive learning conditions and better student learning outcomes.
    The focus areas of STEP are:
    (a) Improving Infrastructure - DSF provides support to ensure adequate classroom/ lab/ WASH infrastructure is available in Government schools, thus ensuring conducive learning environment
    (b) Learning level enhancement – DSF provides STEM kits to schools and supports/ trains students on discovery based experiential learning of science and math; Also provides training on 21st century skills and emotional/ mental health.
    (c) Capacity Building- DSF trains teachers on application based teaching and discovery based experiential learning of STEM disciplines. Also trains the teachers on emotional/ mental well-being so that the teachers can identify and provide adequate support to children who need emotional care.

  • DSF Transformational Youth Development and Engagement Programme (DSF-TYDE)- HeadStart

    The programme focuses on the issue of marginalised children dropping out at the high school stage (from Class 8 onwards) and assists, mentors and monitors children and ensures they complete their school education. The offerings include:
    - Scholarship
    - Individual mentoring and counselling
    - Competency development that includes:
    * Functional competencies that focusses on
    Transformation – A way of living, communication Skills
    and physical & emotional wellbeing
    * Academic competencies that include supplementary
    academic coaching on science, math and English
    * Technical competencies that include computer
    proficiency, basic coding skills, robotics etc.

  • DSF Transformational Youth Development and Engagement Programme (DSF-TYDE) – Ten Plus

    This is an extension of our HeadStart programme and supports the most vulnerable children from dire socio economic conditions for pursuing their PUC (Grades 11 & 12) and graduation. The offerings include:
    - Scholarship/ financial support to pursue PUC/ Undergraduate programs of their choice including engineering, medicine, commerce etc.
    - Coaching for engineering/ medical entrance exam
    - Mentoring, career counselling, placement support
    - Competency development
    * Functional competencies that focusses on leadership skills, communication skills, physical & emotional wellbeing and campus to corporate/ employability skills
    * Academic competencies that include expert sessions by industry executives to supplement learning at college, coaching for professional courses etc.
    * Technical competencies that include higher level computing skills in the areas of AI/ ML, data science, cyber security, programming and on accounting/ financial modelling and security and capital markets.

  • DSF Livelihood & Employment Assistance Programme (LEAP)

    This programme is targeted at non-skilled and semi-skilled urban underprivileged communities - especially women - and helping them develop meaningful livelihood opportunities through skill building and training. Through this programme, DSF assists under-privileged semi-literate women from marginalised community to learn skills and exposes them to technology that can enhance employment opportunities and help in creating micro-enterprises. The women are provided training on:
    (a) Vocational skills
    (b) Spoken English
    (c) Lifeskills
    (d) Basic computer skills
    (d) Entrepreneurship skills

Impact Metrics

  • No. of Children Impacted, No. of Schools, Baseline & Endline Assessment, Attendance, Drop-Outs, Marks Scored, Admission Rates

    Program Name

    DSF School Transformation and Engagement Programme

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 40000
  • No. of Students Impacted, Drop-Outs, Results in Class 10

    Program Name

    DSF Transformational Youth Development and Engagement Programme (DSF-TYDE) – HeadStart

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 250
  • No. of Students Impacted, Dropouts, Class 12 Results, No. of Students Getting Into Tier 1 Colleges, Placement Ratio (Graduate Students)

    Program Name

    DSF Transformational Youth Development and Engagement Programme (DSF-TYDE) – Ten Plus

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 400
  • No. of Women Trained, No. of Women Getting Livelihood Opportunity – Jobs and Self-Employment

    Program Name

    DSF Livelihood & Employment Assistance Programme (LEAP)

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 0

Leadership Team

  • Maitreyee Kumar

    Founder and Executive Director

  • Sabu Joseph

    Founder, Director

  • Sunand Sampath

    Founder, Board Member

  • Girija B. R

    Director, Board Member

  • Sriram Ramji

    Board Member

  • Bhama Sridharan

    Director – STEM Education

  • Subramanian Parameswaran

    Founder, Director – Dream School Foundation USA

  • Dr. R Sugant

    Chief Impact Officer

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    A1/1, Dattaprasad Apts. 10th Main, Malleswaram,, Bangalore, 560003

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.