Sankalpa Rural Development Society

Works to bring awareness about rainwater conservation practices, the importance of management of rainwater and why rainwater harvesting is essential

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Gadag, Karnataka

  • Since


Founded in January 2008 by Mr. Sikandar Meeranaik, an entrepreneur specializing in modern-day rainwater harvesting through bore well recharge, this no Read moren-profit organization is committed to addressing water scarcity faced by farmers affected by declining water tables and inadequate monsoon rains in rural India. Operating under the Karnataka Societies Act, 1960, Sankalpa Rural Development Society (SRDS) operates across the state with its primary office situated in Hubli. Staffed by experts in the field, the primary objective is to raise awareness about rainwater conservation practices and underscore the significance of water preservation and recycling for our overall well-being. Utilizing established rainwater harvesting techniques and innovative practices, SRDS focuses on resolving water scarcity issues for both rural and urban communities. The organisation aims to eradicate water scarcity in India by employing an integrated rural development approach, advocating the vital need for Rainwater Harvesting among farmers and communities. The initiatives encompass area development, the implementation of water harvesting solutions including bore well recharge, rooftop water harvesting, farm ponds and rejuvenation of village ponds. Additionally, the organisation prioritizes women's empowerment through self-help groups, financial literacy education, and improved living standards.


Lack of access to sustainable clean water is an issue for almost all people in rural India. In Karnataka often afflicted by drought, and rapidly falling water tables, the issue of rain water harvesting and awareness of water use is vital.


Our action is centred on rain water harvesting and water awareness. We are currently involved in a number of projects in this field encompassing bore well recharge, water awareness trainings in rural villages, village pond rejuvenation, farm pond and bund construction as well as self help groups for women, and community forest plantations.

Demographies Served


Over the past years we have been working steadfastly to change this situation. with our signature bore well recharge method, which effectively recharges even fully dried up bore wells, as well as our work with rural communities, our impact has been considerable across 10 states of India. More than 2800 bore wells recharged, 22 community ponds rejuvenated and countless other initiatives including community tree plantations, and self help groups for women.


  • Pure water project


    SRDS provides a viable solution for villages facing drinking water scarcity. In collaboration with the Panchayat, the organisation has installed a Reverse Osmosis (RO) filtration system. The Panchayat contributes by providing a storage shed and the necessary water supply. The initial cost for this unit is Rs 3,50,000, which is gradually recovered over 3-4 years as villagers purchase water at the rate of Rs 3 for 20 litres. Access to pure water is crucial, particularly in areas where groundwater toxicity adversely affects the health of the population. For instance, in the Gadag area, elevated fluoride levels in groundwater contribute to health issues among villagers.
    The RO system, capable of producing 1000 litres of purified water per hour, effectively caters to the needs of a large population.

  • Community Forest jan Van

    Forestry plantation on barren land to create community forests.

  • Community Forest jan Van

    Forestry plantation on barren land to create community forests.

  • Harvesting Rainwater from Roofs

    Roofs serve as an ideal surface for collecting rainwater. When appropriately channelled, this water can serve various purposes: from household and drinking needs to agricultural use or recharging groundwater levels through bore wells. The rooftop rainwater harvesting system comprises distinct components designed to direct rainwater to its intended destination. The roof serves as a catchment, gathering rainwater that then navigates through a network of pipes and filters before being stored in a reservoir or directed back to an underground bore well through a small infiltration well. This method of rooftop harvesting is straightforward, cost-effective, and requires minimal maintenance.

  • Self-Help Groups and Microfinance for Rural Women

    SRDS collaborates with approximately 5,600 women in 700 Self-Help Groups across the Gadag and Dharwad areas. In Gadag District, these groups operate in 65 villages, while in the Dharwad region, women from 48 different villages are actively involved.
    Partnering with ICICI Bank and Micrograam Social Development Foundation, it provides microfinance loans to empower these women as small-scale entrepreneurs in their respective businesses. These loans facilitate the establishment of enterprises such as local grocery stores (Kirana), investment in livestock like cows or buffaloes for milk production, and acquiring sewing machines to launch tailoring businesses, among other ventures.

  • Drought Relief with Infosys


    During the summer of 2017, extensive surveys were conducted to collect household details. Smart cards have been issued to each household, ensuring transparent and fair delivery during water rations.
    Currently, the focus is to train tanker drivers to ensure the quality and cleanliness of the water supplied. This operation demands meticulous documentation and reporting.

  • Pond Rejuvenation


    Rejuvenation of village ponds of 1-2 acres - creating a sustainable water source for villages, live stock, wildlife and birds. also with the support of local farmers, the desilting work allows farmers to take advantage of the built up fertile soil in the pond. This is carted away and spread on their lands to enhance the fertility of their farm land.

  • Urban Solutions

    Whether the residence is large or small, the organisation provides guidance and support for rainwater harvesting, ensuring full compliance with the latest government regulations for the home or housing community. For individual households equipped with water tanks, the services extend to assisting in the filtration of rooftop water. During the rainy season, this filtered water can be utilized for all household purposes, including drinking water, which significantly reduces dependence on Corporation Water Supply for the three months of rainfall. The cost for this filtration, including plumbing and labour charges, ranges from 10,000 to 15,000 Rupees—a cost-effective solution for conserving water and effectively harvesting rainwater.

  • Industry water solutions

    Industrial operations often demand substantial water consumption. Leveraging rooftop rainwater harvesting, the organisation helps fulfill water requirements at a minimal cost.
    Harnessing rooftop rainwater offers multiple advantages: it saves costs, aids in aquifer recharge, guaranteeing a reliable water supply, and has the potential to enhance the potability of existing groundwater by diluting its solids.

  • Bore well Recharge via Rainwater Harvesting

    The innovative approach to rainwater harvesting through bore well recharge can rejuvenate even dried-up bore wells. The excessive drilling of new bore wells and overexploitation of existing ones have led to a significant depletion of groundwater levels, resulting in numerous bore wells running dry.
    The earlier method used was the single ring method. To address the challenges in obtaining sand for filtration, the organisation has now introduced an alternative method called the Twin Ring Method, which is cost-effective and more accessible.

Impact Metrics

  • 2800+

    Program Name

    Bore well recharge systems

    Year-wise Metrics
  • 24 Village Ponds 1-2 Acres Each

    Program Name

    Gram Saksham Village pond rejuvenation

    Year-wise Metrics
  • 2800+

    Program Name

    Bore well recharge systems

    Year-wise Metrics
  • 24 Village Ponds 1-2 Acres Each

    Program Name

    Gram Saksham Village pond rejuvenation

    Year-wise Metrics

Leadership Team

  • Mr. Sikandar Meeranaik


  • Prakash S Ganiger

    Board Member

  • Girija Akki

    Board Member / Vice President

  • Sharanappagouda A Sanganagourdra

    Board Member – Secretary

  • Mr. Naveen Jha

    Chief Mentor

  • Umesh Mugali

    Chief Accounts Officer

  • Umesh Mugali

    Chief Accounts Officer

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    1st floor, Yoga Center, Dr Eshwar Menasinkai Building.Near Samudya Bhavan House Number 52 Lingaraj Nagar North, , Hubballi, Karnataka, India, 580031, Gadag


Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2023-24

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2023-24

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.