
Utthan is a grassroots-based institution with a mission to empower women and young girls by providing them with the perspective, resources and tools they need to amplify their voice, gain access & control over productive resources, entitlements & services, and take control of their bodily autonomy.

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Ahmedabad, Gujarat

  • Since


Utthan’s journey began in 1981, when four women chose to work in the desolate Bhal region of Gujarat, helping marginalized communities to self-organiz Read moree around critical livelihood issues. It is a grassroots-based institution with a mission to empower women and young girls by providing them with the perspective, resources and tools they need to amplify their voice, gain access & control over productive resources, entitlements & services, and take control of their bodily autonomy. To create systemic change and drive sustainable impact, Utthan also facilitates partnerships and synergies with various stakeholders and engages in evidence-based advocacy and policy dialogue while continuously taking up its own organizational development.


Utthan has built a capacity to work with a wide range of stakeholders at the micro, macro and international levels, integrating lessons learnt from each. Utthan’s thrust areas are intrinsically linked to each other and have emerged as major issues during its journey for social justice in Gujarat. ● Livelihood Security ●Gender equity & women’s Rights ● Access to safe water & Sanitation & hygiene ● Institutional building & leadership development Promoting peaceful coexistence, ensuring human rights, gender justice and inclusive, sustainable development for positive change in the status of the marginalized (women, youth and children from Dalit, tribal, OBC, religious minorities and economically poor communities) forms the core of Utthan’s approach. Utthan is an evolving exploration in community based, community-led change founded on a core of non negotiable values: equity, democracy, liberty, secularism, social justice.





    Utthan has been determinedly working to support 45
    Gram Panchayats in Bhavnagar, Dahod, and Mahisagar districts of Gujarat since 2021. Our focus has been on mobilizing mandated government resources for village development through gender sensitive Gram Panchayat Development Planning (GPDP) and MGNREGA through specially women’s leadership building
    participatory and inclusive process. Our model emphasizes long-term visioning for sustainable village development, sensitizing Gram Panchayats to optimally
    use available resources and schemes, addressing the needs of marginalized communities, supporting annual
    planning, strategizing for approval and implementation, and reviewing and monitoring by the people. This initiative aim to create climate-resilient villages where residents understood climate risks, their causes, and could effectively cope with these risks by implementing resilient village plans utilizing available resources.

  • Sustainable Agriculture

    Utthan's livelihood intervention revolves around ensuring livelihood security, wherein we are engaged with 5000
    women farmers across 29 villages from 4 districts of Gujarat. Our primary objective is on "Building women's leadership for effective knowledge and skills transfer in the areas of holistic, sustainable agriculture and nutrition security.” Utthan approach to sustainable agriculture revolves around an agricultural framework that supports chemical-free sustainable farming practices and systems dedicated to ecological stability, economic sustainability, which adhere to the principles of social justice and equity. Utthan's holistic model yields several notable outcomes including increased climate friendly agricultural productivity and food security; enhanced gender equity and women's decision making power within households and communities, improved land ownership for women, providing economic security, strengthened social cohesion and community resilience.

  • Gender Programme

    Handholding of 5 Women's Federation wherein ensuring leadership amongst women members and social justice to them through providing Gender Equality and Rights. Also liaison them with the Government Welfare Schemes.

  • Women - Led Activity Based Enterprise


    Women-led activity-based enterprises play a pivotal role in fostering economic growth and empowerment. From innovative startups to community-driven initiatives, these enterprises led by women not only contribute to diverse sectors but also challenge traditional norms, showcasing the importance of inclusivity and gender equality in entrepreneurial landscapes. Through their leadership, women bring unique perspectives, resilience, and creativity to the forefront, shaping a more vibrant and equitable business environment

Impact Metrics

  • Member's Added in Women Federation

    Program Name

    Gender Equity & Women's Rights

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2017-18 459
    • 2019-20 720
    • 2020-21 12832
    • 2021-22 14556
  • 564

    Program Name

    Livelihood Security

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2016-17 1255
    • 2017-18 104
    • 2020-21 5000
    • 2021-22 11956
    • 2022-23 13773

Leadership Team

  • Ms. Pallavi Sobti-Rajpal

    Joint CEO

  • Babubhai Prajapati

    Area Manager - Tribal

  • Jaya Rathod

    Area Manager - Coastal

  • Pravin Bhikadiya


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    36, Chitrakut Twins, Nehru Park, Ahmedabad, 380015


Other Details

  • Parent Organisation


  • Sister Organisation


  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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