Kalapuri Foundation formerly known as Adhar Samajik Sanstha

Kalapuri Foundation is a social enterprise engaged in developing a network of artisans, workers, and micro-entrepreneurs capable of producing high-quality handicrafts.

  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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  • Headquarters

    Kolhapur, Maharashtra

  • Since


Why, How and What of Kalapuri Foundation: • WHY We embrace artisan communities; giving them new opportunities, hope and a better life. Kalapur Read morei works exclusively in the area of reviving traditional handicrafts of Kolhapur. Current activities include manufacturing of Kolhapuri Chappals, Kolhapuri Jewellery, Terracotta Pottery, Handmade Baskets and Ethnic Apparels. While working on reviving these crafts, we try to break the cycle of poverty and gender equality by giving equal and handsome pay to each of our artisan. • HOW We develop artisan communities into stakeholders in their own producer companies. First we identify the craft which is on the verge of extinction. Then we identify the artisans who practice this craft but by traditional way and impart training to them in order to make them more professional towards their craft. We give them advance tool kits and once the artisan is trained and ready to manufacture, we provide raw material and designs to them. Finally, we buyback all the hand produce from them. • WHAT We train and develop artisan communities into producer companies and bring their handicrafts to the global market through our Kalapuri® brand/platform. We encourage artisans to form their own producer company and give them an opportunity to be a stake holder of their own enterprise. We follow ethical business practices. We empower artisans to earn sustainable income to support their families. 70% of the artisans associated with Kalapuri are rural Women Artisans. • Connection to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 01 - No Poverty, 05 - Gender Equality 08 - Decent Work and Economic Growth 09 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 10- Reduced Inequalities Women Empowerment: We firmly believe that our women must be financially independent. By giving their craft respect and the true value it deserves, we have brought about greater interest and engagement of artisans in their work.


Kalapuri Foundation’s innovative model of Women Empowerment through Social Transformation. At Kalapuri Foundation, we have thoughtfully developed an innovative model of Women Empowerment through Social Transformation in the form of change in the mind set, attitude and work culture of artisan community. For developing this model, we conducted many surveys of the artisan communities in different handicraft forms and after analysing and studying the outcomes of the survey reports, we came out with an innovative model which will assure the upliftment of the artisan’s family in general and Women Empowerment. The model works as follows: 1. Identify the craft. At Kalapuri Foundation, we ask the following questions to decide the craft to work on.  Is the hereditary art of craft is on the verge of extinction?  Can we identify the artisan community who is still working with this craft?  Does the craft involves at least 50% of women participation?  Is the new generation ready to continue working with the craft?  Is the craft marketable?  Is the craft scalable?  Is the craft sustainable?  Will the revival of a dying craft generate employment opportunity to weaker sections in society? Through these filters, at Kalapuri Foundation, we have chosen four main crafts which we thought can bring change in the life of the artisan community. These crafts are – • Kolhapuri Chappal - Kolhapuri Chappals has its own legacy which is carried over 1200 years. It is a GI product. • Terracotta Home Decor articles – Terracotta Articles date back to Indus valley Civilization. • Traditional Kolhapuri Imitation Jewellery – Kolhapuri traditional jewellery is a hereditary craft from Kolhapur. • Poly Propylene Strip Baskets – These baskets are sturdy, long lasting, durable, handy, washable and useful for daily needs 2. Identify the Artisan Community who is practicing the craft. Once we identify the craft, we identify the artisan community, their geographic location, their family profile, their socio-economic status, their aspirations etc. Surveys are conducted to understand the pain points of these artisans. Our surveys in the above 4 crafts revealed some common pain points of these artisan communities. These pain points are as follows:  The artisans are unorganised  They are not highly educated  Although they are excellent craftsman, they still use traditional tools and equipments. They are not aware of modern methods of manufacturing.  The working condition is not conducive, hygienic and comfortable  They are not professional towards their own work. They lack the sense of timely delivery, quality norms and branding and packaging.  Financially they are weak and can’t invest in raw material & advanced tools.  Marketing of their products is their main pain point. They are very week in marketing their products. They are not aware of modern marketing techniques and are miles away from the internet and e-marketing platforms.  They lack financial discipline. Once we identify the pain points of the Artisans, then: 3. Impart Training to the Artisan. Training is the pivotal stage of the social transformation model. Through training we achieve: • Change in attitude of the artisans towards their own work culture. • Soft skill training – Train the artisans for basic verbal and written communication. Train them for interaction with customer. • Skill Enhancement – Artisans are trained to enhance their traditional skills through the use of advanced tools and equipments, use of sustainable and environmental friendly materials, better working conditions etc. • Marketing techniques – Artisans main pain is marketing their products. They are introduced with various online and off line marketing techniques. 4. Distribute Tool kits required to practice their art and craft After training, next pain point of the artisans is that they don’t have the necessary tool kits to practice their art and craft. At Kalapuri Foundation, we provide the essential tools to every artisan so that non availability of the tool kits is not a hurdle in their progress path. 5. Distribution of Raw Material Many a times, the artisans find it difficult to procure the raw material required to produce his craft. The reason of non availability of raw material is twofold. Firstly, they do not know the source of quality raw material and secondly many a times they can’t afford to invest in raw material inventory. At Kalapuri Foundation we understand this problem of the artisans very well. We provide all the raw material required to produce a craft by the trained artisans. By providing the raw material to the artisans, their capital is not blocked in the raw material inventory and we can have better control of the quality of the raw material. Sourcing of raw material also becomes easy when the raw material is bought by Kalapuri Foundation from a reliable supplier. Thus at Kalapuri Foundation, we provide beads of various sizes, thread, pendent etc to women artisans to weave Traditional Jewellery, Buffalo Leather, TC Leather, TPR sole, stitching sole etc to Kolhapuri Chappal artisans, Poly Propylene strips to women artisans for weaving PP strip baskets. 6. Marketing of the finished products produced by the artisans. The Women artisans have magic in their fingers but they don’t know how to market their products both domestically as well as internationally. They are also not aware of online and off line modes of marketing. Marketing is the major issue for the handicraft artisan community. At Kalapuri Foundation, we assure all the artisans that all the handicraft products made with their golden fingers will be marketed by Kalapuri Foundation. Through our own web site and other e market places like Amazon, Flipkart, Okhai, Jaipore etc. we provide a marketplace for the handicraft products made by these artisans. We treat our artisans as our family members. We follow ethical business practices while dealing with the artisan community. Fair price is paid to all the handicraft products produced by the artisans. 7. Women Empowerment through Social Transformation model At Kalapuri Foundation right from identifying the craft, identifying the artisans, providing necessary training to them, providing required tool kits and raw material bank to market their products domestically and internationally through Kalapuri’s platform hand holding support is given to the Women artisans at all stages. Essential Design interventions and R&D work for product development is made by the competent team of Kalapuri Foundation. We carefully nurture the handicraft art and provide a platform to the Women artisans to freely showcase their skills. This model has helped hundreds of women to be financially self sufficient, has given a new identity to her in her family and has provided own space to her to grow and nourish at her own pace.


At present Kalapuri Foundation is working with 4 main crafts namely 1. Kolhapuri Chappal (A GI craft) - Have a manufacturing unit 2. Traditional Kolhapuri Jewellery - Full Fledge manufacturing unit will be operational in the month of April 2023. 3. Poly propylene strip hand baskets and bags 4. Terracotta home décor articles - A Common Facility Center (CFC) is in the pipeline with the hand holding support by NABARD. Below is the Statistics of Kalapuri Foundation's work towards Society. •28 Villages Connected •54 Self Help Groups of Women Formed •62 Training Programs Conducted •80% Women Artisans •620 Toolkits Distributed •1240 Artisans Trained •1500+ Grocery Kits Distributed were distributed to the artisans during Covid time •2000+ Artisans Registered •3500+ Medicine kits Distributed Projects executed by Kalapuri with the help of Government Agencies  Khadi & Village Industries Commission (KVIC), Ministry of MSME, Government of India sponsored Kolhapur Traditional Jewelry Cluster, Kolhapur under the Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI). This CFC project is executed and is operational from October 2023.  NABARD - Detail Project Report (DPR), Business Development Plan (BDP) for Terracotta project at Warnul is submitted to NABARD authorities. Approval for the same is awaited.  Development Commissioner of Handicrafts - Many workshops, training programs and exhibitions are organized in association with DC (Handicrafts).  Woman on Wings - A NGO form Netherlands has incubated Kalapuri Foundation for various professional trainings.  Kalapuri Foundation is incubated by Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, Indian Institute of Crafts & Design, Jaipur, Indian Institute of Management, Udaypur.


1. Empowering Women Through Skill Development: Empowerment is at the heart of Kalapuri's mission. The organization recognizes the importance of empowering women to uplift not only themselves but also their families and communities. By offering skill development and vocational training programs, Kalapuri equips women with the tools they need to be financially independent. This not only improves their self-esteem but also enhances their ability to provide a better future for their children. 2. Preserving Traditional Art and Culture: Kalapuri's emphasis on traditional art forms plays a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage. This, in turn, creates opportunities for women to participate in artistic endeavors. Through art and cultural programs, women can celebrate their rich heritage, gain recognition, and generate income, thereby ensuring the perpetuation of their unique traditions. 3. Health and Nutrition: The health and well-being of women and children are paramount for Kalapuri. The organization conducts health awareness campaigns, provides access to healthcare facilities, and offers nutrition support. By addressing health and nutrition concerns, Kalapuri aims to ensure the physical and mental well-being of women and children, thus enabling them to thrive and lead better lives. 4. Raising Awareness and Advocacy: Kalapuri doesn't stop at direct support but also advocates for the rights of women and children. It raises awareness about gender-based discrimination, child labor, and other issues that affect the most vulnerable. By engaging with policymakers and communities, the organization strives to create an environment where women and children can live and grow without fear of exploitation. 5. Breaking the Cycle of Poverty: Perhaps the most significant impact of Kalapuri's work is the ability to break the cycle of poverty that often traps women and children in marginalized communities. By offering educational opportunities, vocational training, and a platform for women to participate in income-generating activities, Kalapuri provides a path out of poverty, which has lasting effects on future generations.


  • Kolhapur Traditional Jewellery Cluster

    Kolhapur Traditional Jewelry Cluster is operated by Kalagrami Handikraft Producer Company Limited (SPV, Special Purpose Vehicle). This cluster is sponsored under Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI) of Ministry of MSME, Government of India. The Nodal Agency (NA) of this cluster is Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) whereas this cluster is guided by Time Industrial And Entrepreneurship Development Institute. This cluster is implemented by Adhar Samajik Sanstha, Yalgud.

    The cluster is sanctioned and supported by way of grants of Rs. 1.27 crores through Ministry of MSME to promote traditional jewelry products and to create employment opportunities for more than 400 rural women artisans in jewelry making. The cluster is located at Yalgud, Tal- Hatkanangale, Dist- Kolhapur. The main objective of the cluster is to equip traditional artisans and producers of the associated clusters with the improved skills and capabilities. Also, to provide sustainable income to women artisans

Impact Metrics

  • Women Employment

    Program Name

    Kolhapur Traditional Jewellery Cluster

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2021-22 50
    • 2022-23 100
  • Women Empowerment

    Program Name

    + Revival of Heritage Handicraft- Kolhapuri Chappals, a GI Product

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2021-22 50
    • 2022-23 70

Leadership Team

  • Atish Chavan


  • Aparna Chavan


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA

    Not Available

  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    Milkat No 998/1 Inamdarwada, A/p Yalgud, Tal- Hatkanangale, Dist - Kolhapur-416236


Other Details

  • Parent Organisation

    Kalapuri Foundation

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2021-22

    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2023-24

    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.