Adhyayan Quality Education Foundation

Keeping the child at the center, we support leaders to improve and sustain school quality through systemic, data-driven governance.

  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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  • Headquarters

    Mumbai, Maharashtra

  • Since


At the Adhyayan Foundation, we uphold a vision of 'a good school for every child'. A good school is a place that encourages happy, independent and Read morecollaborative learners, facilitated by teachers who are supported by their leaders. At Adhyayan, we believe that working in collaboration with leaders and owners of schools on stakeholder-inclusive self-review is a way of ensuring regular effort and practice toward constantly improving schools. This review is done against a framework that provides evidence of "where your school is" and also the route for your "next best step" as a school, a leader, and a teacher to make your school the best it can be for your students. Keeping the child at the center, we support leaders to improve and sustain school quality through systemic, data-driven governance. Our approach focuses on four cornerstones of effective leadership and governance: Working with system leaders to build a common vocabulary and vision of what 'good' schools look like. Involving all stakeholders from the student level to the State level to co-create this vision and plan of improvement. Developing and embedding strong tech-based systems to ensure continuous evidence collection, analysis, and evidence-based decision-making at all levels. Creating spaces that let leaders and teachers learn from each other, and problem-solve together in the form of 'professional learning communities.

Demographies Served


  • Systemic School Improvement Programme

    The Systemic School Improvement Program has been conceptualized as a comprehensive program to improve the quality of teaching, learning, and educational governance by catalysing ecosystem leadership. The program is being implemented by the DoE, Government of Goa in partnership with AQEF, to build the capacity of education leaders to continuously quality assure Government schools through leadership-driven and data-based monitoring, and to use the data to take due action.
    Furthering its role as a partner to the Directorate of Education (DoE), Government of Goa, AQEF is currently implementing a comprehensive program to address the distinct needs of the state:
    (a) the need for building stakeholder capacity (specifically school principals, hub leaders, inspectors and district-level officials) to adapt education delivery and governance to the new reality
    (b) ensuring effective and continued monitoring for sustained improvement in education outcomes.
    (c) ensuring a strong ecosystem

  • Systemic School Improvement Programme

    Leveraging the idea of school complexes from the National Education Policy 2020, where schools are clustered into groups of senior and higher secondary schools along with their feeder middle and primary schools, the Programme for Holistic Development of the School Ecosystem was initiated at various stages in 3 districts and in another district the focus has been to support in improving the foundational literacy learning outcomes by supporting the teacher pedagogy practices. The aim of the programme is:
    a. To ensure that a contextualized operation model is developed for activating school complexes in Arunachal Pradesh.
    b. For the school complexes to become the site for professional development and subsequent improvement of government schools.
    c. Building capacity of system leaders for school improvement and operationalization of the mandates of NEP through certification.

  • Systemic School Improvement Programme

    Adhyayan Foundation in partnership with Samagra Shiksha, Department of Education, Govt. of Tripura, aims to develop a school quality assessment and accreditation framework, and operationalise school complexes for driving school improvement in 1,440 schools using an evidence-based approach in South Tripura and Dhalai district of Tripura as part of the ‘Effective Governance through School Complexes’ programme.

  • The Nagaland Education Project

    The Nagaland Education Project – The Lighthouse / Nagaland: Enhancing Classroom Teaching and Resources (NECTAR) Project was envisioned with the objectives of enhancing governance of schools statewide and improving teaching practices and learning environments in school complexes. Key objectives of of the consortium of organisations work are as follows:
    Strengthening state-wide planning for school governance and quality, through the development and deployment of frameworks, strategies and resources.
    Improving state school governance and quality, and capacity building of teachers, school leaders, education officials, and SMCs/SMDCs
    Facilitating the institutionalisation of these reforms in the public-school education apparatus in the state, and building capacity of state institutions to sustain and strengthen these reforms.
    P3 is a consortium consisting of 4 organisations: Adhyayan Services, Adhyayan Foundation, YouthNet and Samarthya.

  • Career Awareness and Exposure Programme

    In Goa, post the pandemic, two of its economic drivers: tourism and mining were hit badly. This led to the students in Goa feeling unsure and confused about their career pathways. It led to the need of beginning to understand their interests, needs and aptitudes, while getting exposure to a wide variety of local industries and employment opportunities by the support of the Honourable Chief Minister of Goa.

    In partnership with Antarang Foundation and CII, Goa, with the support of the Directorate of Education, all 78 government high schools of Goa are supported with Career Awareness and Exposure, while also building capacity of teachers to support in career counselling for their schools.

  • Read Alouds Programme

    Adhyayan Quality Education Foundation has been working to support the Directorate of Education, Goa in their Systemic School Improvement Program (SSIP) since 2018. This collaboration aims to enhance the overall quality of education in the state.
    As part of the SSIP, the Read Alouds programme has been adopted by DoE, Goa, under the state's Foundational Literacy mission to support primary grade students. The programme is closely linked to foster a love for reading amongst children while focusing on literacy skills such as oral comprehension, listening skills, building vocabulary, etc. Mentor teachers are being chosen to support the systemic process of this across the state with training and building a learning repository.

  • Read Alouds Programme


    500+ subject teachers from 52 Sarvodaya Schools in North and Central Delhi, and 100+ teachers from 101 MCD schools in Keshavpuram, Delhi to conduct engaging and interactive read-alouds. This will support teachers create reading corners and classroom libraries so that children have easy
    access to good books.

    The programme focuses on building a warm rapport between the teachers and students which will create an enabling learning environment; building teachers' knowledge of using children's literature to improve literacy outcomes; an increase in children's interest in reading and setting them up for lifelong learning; improvement of teachers' language skills which
    will have long-term impact on teaching and pedagogy.

  • Gooru Navigator Programme - Manthan

    Since NIPUN Bharat mission is one of main priorities in Goa in the efforts of improvement foundational literacy and numeracy skills, the Gooru Navigator initiative was started across 720 government primary schools in Goa to track the learning outcomes of students and create a pathway for improvement for them with resources available with teachers through the Gooru Navigator app.

  • Reviving Public Rural Libraries

    The Read-Aloud programme implemented by Adhyayan Foundation since May 2022 was one of the many programmes launched in Gram Panchayat libraries across Karnataka as part of Oduva Belaku of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (RDPR). The primary objective of Oduva Belaku was to make the library a space that becomes a vital part of the child’s development journey. Schools have been a space which are overstretched and often bound by the mandates of what learning should look like in that set up. On the other hand, libraries are not bound by the same restrictions and can be looked into further as a space in the larger ecosystem of the child to further its learning and holistic growth. Libraries are temples of knowledge and igniting the love of reading in children at a young age can be transformational for them. The library thus, occupies a central place in the community of care surrounding a child

  • Abhyaas - Body of Practitioner Knowledge

    The Body of Knowledge aims to create a live knowledge platform that states in India, their educational bureaucracy and other civil society organisations can access and contribute to ensure a free flow of research, knowledge and ideas with regards to educational policy, governance and school leadership.

    Currently, educational quality improvement intervention in nations exhibit a fragmented approach and almost work in unconnected silos and lack systematic documentation, particularly with regards to system-level leaders and NGO practitioners. This group of leaders stemming from school Headmasters and above, possess the potential to impact numerous schools, yet lack access to practical, peer-based, and evidence-based tools and practices that would enable them to effectively execute their roles. Although policies outline their responsibilities, the lack of practical guidance hinders the replication or contextualization of successful interventions, posing significant challenges.

Impact Metrics

  • No. of Standards Shifted

    Program Name


    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 455

Leadership Team

  • Kavita Anand


  • Anushri Alva


  • Nita Luthria Row

    Director - People Practices

  • Bhavna Shah


  • Tiasha Banerjee

    Deputy CEO

  • Charmi Chheda

    Manager - Communications and Outreach

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    A-17, 1st Floor, Royal Industrial Estate, Sewree Wadala Cross Road, Wadala West. Mumbai 400 031, 400031

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type

    Section 8 (formerly Section 25)

Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2017-18

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2018-19

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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