Ekam Foundation Mumbai

Works as an enabler in meeting the health and education-related expenses for financially needy children

  • Bronze Certified 2023
Transparency Rating:
Transparency Rating
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Mumbai, Maharashtra

  • Since


Ekam Foundation Mumbai, a registered charitable trust, is committed to improving the quality of healthcare, education, and overall well-being for chil Read moredren, irrespective of their economic, racial, or religious backgrounds. Originating from humble beginnings in a library hall at Wadia Hospital for children, the foundation has persevered through the challenges posed by the pandemic, establishing itself as a reputable organization. By aligning with government efforts such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2030, Ekam has dedicated a decade to addressing the health and education needs of underserved children, achieving significant milestones in transforming and empowering young lives. Ekam's core mission remains cantered on providing equitable access to health and education, with a special emphasis on empowering girls, often overlooked in family hierarchies. This foundational goal continues to guide the organization, driving its relevance and impact even after a decade of service. Employing a focused strategy to bridge gaps in healthcare and educational accessibility, Ekam has evolved into a sustainable entity, offering dignity and compassion to its beneficiaries. Embracing a child-centric approach, the organization envisions these empowered children as future ambassadors, carrying forward the mission by spreading positive change and inclusivity in society. Operating with trust and transparency, Ekam Foundation Mumbai upholds the highest compliance standards, ensuring reliability and accountability for its stakeholders, including donors. Its commitment to outcome assessment and monitoring systems has contributed significantly to its sustainability and growth over the past decade, enabling the foundation to effectively meet the needs of its beneficiaries through impactful projects and programs.


Ekam has assisted more than 5500 children with healthcare across 200 hospitals in over 20 states nationwide. Their educational assistance has extended across 23 states, encompassing 180 educational institutions, benefitting over 800 children within three years of launching this program. It also provided support to enhance the institutional capacity of 31 educational institutions and 9 medical institutions, spanning both urban and rural areas of the country.


  • Surgery Support Programme

    The Surgery Support Programme aims to unite underprivileged children with both public and private healthcare providers, ensuring accessible, timely, and top-notch healthcare services for these children. The vision is to foster the health, education, and overall well-being of children, empowering them to reach their utmost potential.
    Through this initiative, the foundation extends its outreach efforts to children from underprivileged communities, ensuring timely and effective tertiary healthcare. Providing more than just financial aid, Ekam Foundation Mumbai acts as the last-mile funder, offering swift and essential interventions for beneficiary families. The program's goal is to arrange subsidized elective surgeries for various medical conditions, including congenital heart diseases, orthopedic issues, eye and ear ailments, as well as heart and liver transplants, collaborating with a network of public and private hospitals.
    The foundation has widely disseminated its helpline number amo

  • Hospital equipment support

    Ekam foundation facilitates financial assistance for children facing health and education expenses. It collaborates with medical and educational communities to offer timely and ample support, ensuring children across India have access to affordable healthcare and education.
    The Hospital Equipment Support (HES) initiative was launched to enhance patient care in hospitals. Through HES, the foundation partners with hospitals in our network, providing equipment, medical professional training programs, and infrastructure assistance. The program aims to enhance struggling hospitals and elevate existing standards to deliver improved patient care. During the challenging times of the Covid-19 pandemic, HES emerged as a vital support system for numerous hospitals, offering additional aid to healthcare system in times of adversity.

  • Training of nursing staff

    In 2014, Ekam Foundation Mumbai initiated a Nurse Training Programme aimed at enhancing nursing practices, specifically focusing on the Neonatal Resuscitation Program – First Golden Minutes (NARP). Ekam foundation’s team conducted training sessions for nurses and several doctors from Ber Jerbai Wadia Hospital and LTMG Hospital. The program encompassed basic NRP for Nurses and advanced NRP for Doctors, specifically tailored for healthcare professionals in Mumbai and Pune hospitals. This training initiative was conducted in collaboration with the Indian Academy of Paediatrics (IAP).

  • ICU equipment for COVID wards

    To aid in the battle against COVID-19, Ekam Foundation Mumbai extended support by providing ICU equipment to six hospitals situated across Meghalaya, West Bengal, Assam, and Maharashtra, amounting to a total contribution of 1.3 crores. This assistance was directed towards the COVID wards within these hospitals, aiming to enhance their capacity to handle the rising influx of COVID patients and ensure the necessary care and assistance. The ICU equipment encompassed monitors, ventilators, oxygen concentrators, and other crucial items essential for managing critically ill patients. This initiative significantly bolstered the capabilities of the COVID wards in these six hospitals, enabling them to better address the exigencies of the pandemic and deliver high-quality care to patients in critical condition.

  • School Health Programme

    The School Health Programme by Ekam Foundation Mumbai was launched to promote Health and Hygiene awareness in primary schools under the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM). The primary objective was to cultivate behavioural changes among children, aiming to reduce the prevalence of common infectious diseases, improve overall health, and diminish morbidity and mortality rates. The program's focus areas included educating children on hand washing and personal hygiene, toilet etiquette and sanitation, oral health, ensuring safe drinking water, and cultivating healthy eating habits.

    Each year, Ekam Foundation Mumbai conducts research on a fresh topic and curates content vetted by experts, ensuring relevance and child-friendly approaches. It integrates key messages into engaging stories, making it relatable for children.

  • Installation of ECO-SAN toilets

    In collaboration with Sanitation First, a London-based charity, Ekam Mumbai constructed eco-friendly toilets at Al-Falah School in Malwani, Mumbai, to enhance access to safe and hygienic sanitation facilities for students and staff.
    Before the official inauguration of these eco-friendly toilet blocks, Ekam Mumbai organized training sessions for Al-Falah School's students, teachers, and staff. These sessions aimed to familiarize them with the ECO-SAN toilets, instructing them on the proper usage and maintenance. The training utilized digital presentations, detailing the concept and functioning of Eco San Toilets, highlighting the five-step usage process, and providing clear guidelines on Do's and Don'ts.

  • Installation of water purifiers

    In collaboration with the Rotary Club of Bombay and Eureka Forbes, Mumbai, Ekam Mumbai installed RO water purifiers in numerous schools located in Malwani, Malad, with the goal of enhancing access to safe drinking water for schoolchildren.

  • Ekam Education Program

    The Education Enhancement Program (EEP) is Ekam's primary educational initiative dedicated to assisting children and young adults in completing their education for a brighter future. Its objectives include providing direct financial aid to prevent dropouts due to financial constraints and supporting a larger number of girls, particularly in professional courses, through enhanced scholarships.
    The foundation assists in covering school tuition fees either partially (75%) or fully (100%) for disadvantaged children starting from middle school. It offers one-time scholarship to exceptional female students in higher grades or pursuing professional courses. It provides supplementary assistance such as tablets, laptops, or additional tuition support, ensuring students have the necessary tools to enhance their learning experience.

  • Institutional Capacity Building

    This program contributes to Ekam's overarching objectives of enhancing the infrastructure and capabilities of schools and hospitals within its collaborative network, reinforcing its primary initiatives in Surgery Support and Education Support. The Institutional Capacity Building (ICB) program operates within the broader framework of improving the capacity of schools and hospitals, complementing its primary focuses on healthcare and education. It aims to assist individuals from economically disadvantaged backgrounds in accessing improved education and healthcare services offered by these institutions. Furthermore, the program extends its reach across the nation, targeting institutions in some of the most underserved areas.

Leadership Team

  • Ameeta Chatterjee

    Managing Trustee

  • Dr.Vasantha Nair

    Trustee and National Medical Director

  • Ameeta Khanna


  • Dhritisha Lahiri


  • Shalini Awasthi

    Head,Education Programme

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • FCRA

    Not Available

  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    Mezzanine Floor, DGP House, 88-C, Old Prabhadevi Road, Mumbai, 400025

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.