Yavatmal, Maharashtra
A group of youths imbued with the work of great social reformers came together to serve people in natural disasters i.e.; flood, earthquake or in situ Read moreations of caught fire. They mobilized people on social issues by organizing social events and generate awareness among them on social, health, education and agricultural issues. In order to increase efficiency of people, providing greater consistency and meet the goals of the organization it was found necessary to impart training and facilitate people to undertake measures to overcome the problems they face. To do this all the group realized the need to have a legal entity, hence the group established an organization named Rasikashraya in the year 1999. Significant areas of its contribution are providing relief to farmers by way of promoting sources for creating livelihoods, empowering women, empowering persons with disability and to work on health issues of people.
Yavatmal is one of the five distressed districts of Maharashtra State. The index of the district is 23.54 and is being the poorest district of Vidarbha region. The poverty decided in human development index is not merely based on per capita income but, also on the benchmark of facilities available and the death rate. In accordance with that the Niti Ayog has declared that the required facilities are lacking in the district. Livelihood of people is mostly dependent on agriculture and the other sources of income are meagre. Due to very less sources of income the people have to manage their expenses within the income or otherwise have to borrow money. Under this circumstance they can’t afford hiring private health services and rely upon government health services. On the other hand, the quality of government health services is deteriorating day by day and thereby eighter they deprive of the services or they don’t obtainservices or benefits in time is the scene today. It is a tribal dominated district and the level of education is very low. Therefore, there are various problems in the district like education, employment, health. The amount of irrigation in Vidarbha is minimal and agriculture is dependent on nature. The average rainfall of Vidarbha is 900 mm. In spite of this, in the last few years due to erratic rainfall and less than average rainfall, the expected yield of Kharip crops could not be achieved. There has been a large decline in the rabi crop. Due to unseasonal rains, crops are being destroyed and due to natural calamities, farmers are in trouble. Therefore, India has the highest rate of farmer suicide.
Economic and social development tools by increasing accountability in this innovative way to make the local people and committees active through capacity building through the organization's activities and projects and to ensure that their rights and entitlements are not compromised.
Demographies Served
Cause Area
•To increase public access to health care and promote right to care through community-based accountability process by making it available to everyone. 1.5 lakh people have been affected through initiatives such as Community Action for Health, Strengthening of Maternal and Child Health Services, COVID 19 Vaccination and Helpline to strengthen services by implementing community based monitoring and planning of health services. •Development of capacity of persons with disabilities through DPO, bringing children into the education stream, skill development of youth has resulted in employment opportunities. 89% of the disabled are contributing to the family, while 96% of the disabled are contributing to the society by participating in social and cultural events. •8400 children have been impacted through the activities such as Life Skill Education for children in rural tribal areas, pre-primary education in slum areas, school materials (Kit), awareness of adolescent changes through Gujgoshtti activities, financial support for education. •The organization strives to provide a better life for elderly people by addressing their aspirations and needs, economic, healthcare and social needs through community resource groups. It has provided cataract surgery, linkage to government schemes, healthcare delivery, minor home repairs and ration kits and minor assistance to more than 700 elderly people. •Encouraging women members of self-help groups to develop small businesses for their livelihood by developing skills, starting income generation activities for livelihood of widows of suicide farmers, 6759 women have been empowered through financial support and skill development. While 2457 cases of family disputes and split families have been handled through counselling. •In order to strengthen the water source and increase the storage capacity of soil and water conservation in 30 villages of four block in yavatmal district, De-siltation, deepening and widening of drains, river revitalization, farm band, revitalization of mud drain embankment have benefited a total of 1032 farmers and 176.62 TCM increase in water storage and 851 acres irrigation capacity has been increased while 412 wells and borewells have sustained increase in water storage. •Over 30500 HHs were affected during the Kovid-19 epidemic by coordinating and assisting the community in various aspects of food, health check-up, safety measures, vaccination campaigns etc. Delivering basic health care, ration kits, sanitation kits, clothes and warm clothes to the flood victims in four districts of Maharashtra. 1400 needy families have been helped in the district.
Community Health
Yavatmal is one of the five distressed districts of Maharashtra State. The index of the district is 23.54 and is being the poorest district of Vidarbha region. The poverty decided in human development index is not merely based on per capita income but, also on the benchmark of facilities available and the death rate. In accordance with that the Niti Ayog has declared that the required facilities are lacking in the district. Livelihood of people is mostly dependent on agriculture and the other sources of income are meagre. Due to very less sources of income the people have to manage their expenses within the income or otherwise have to borrow money. Under this circumstance they can’t afford hiring private health services and rely upon government health services. On the other hand, the quality of government health services is deteriorating day by day and thereby eighter they deprive of the services or they don’t obtainservices or benefits in time is the scene today.
Making the health services public and also to make them available to everyone in Yavatmal district is the aim of Rasikashraya. Rasikashraya is a leading organization that constantly promotes service entitlement process through community-based responsibility. It is working in the district since last ten years as the nodal agency for bringing in to force the observation and planning of community-based monitoring of health services. It has been running activities like community action for health services, surveillance of health services by the people, strengthening mother and child care services, creating awareness and support in enhancing Corona vaccination, understanding health problems of people and make efforts to solve them through helpline and outreach program. All these projects are being run by forming village committees in villages, activation of committees by imparting them training and making them responsible in an innovative way in maintaining health rights of people. -
We believe that the children are the future of the Country. More they are educationally stronger more they will contribution in country’s wellbeing. This can be accomplished by providing them quality education, nourishment and safe atmosphere. Rasikashraya’s educational efforts are supporting children in advancing them towards achieving their ambitions. It works with various levels like guardians, teachers, Anganwadi workers, community etc., for fulfilling needs of children. This has really helped in changing lives of more than 3000 children. A joyful, healthy and creative child whose rights are reserved with justice and equality.
For this purpose,Rasikashraya has been working for children in slum areas for providing them pre-primary education, paying fees for poor and needy children in getting entry in college, hostels and competitive exams, providing teaching aids and also guide them for career and provide information about health, nourishment, child labour and sexual abuse. It also -
Elderly Care - My rehabilitation at My own house
India is second rank in the world in regard to the population of above 60 years of age persons and third above the 80 years of age persons. Lifespan of Indian people has been enhanced by 18 years in last five decades and the population of persons above 60 years of age has been increased three- fold. As per census 2011 population of 60+age people were 103.83 million and predicted that it may increase up to 178.59 till 2031 at this growth rate of population. The old age population is 47 % in rural area and 20.5 % in urban area.
Efficiency began to decline in old age. The old age people generally suffer from mental problems and face problems of oblivion, inferiority complex and emotions of loneliness. People have to face many problems in old age in which some prominent are shelter, food, medicine etc. The health problems like problems related to heart, high blood pressure, problems of blood vessels, sugar, non-communicable deceases also annoy in the old age. The old age people have also
Population of persons with disability is 2.68 crores as per census 2011 which is 2.21 % of the total population of India of which 69 % live in rural areas. Even though the percentage of disables is meagre but they are far away from the development. The society has not integrated this section in any of the activity. The disables have collateral position in the collective property of the family and also the secondary place in facilities and rights. Believing this section of the society an inefficient they are denied the employment and hence the condition of disabled has become very complicated. Rasikashraya is therefore, working for the rehabilitation of this section of the society since 2012. It has been working for health, education, socialization, employment and empowerment of 613 persons with disability from 30 villages (23 Gram Panchayats) of Ghatanji block in Yavatmal district. It has been making efforts for bringing about their inclusion for their rights and entitlements. Many cha
Women development
Women empowerment is one of the most important points in the development process of the world. Government of India has made woman empowerment one of the prominent objectives. Our constitution has given equal rights and equal opportunities to males and females and the importance of sexual partnership has been recognized with regard to development.
Rasikashraya is one of the promoters of starting SHG in Ghatanji Tehsil area. SHG is an organization of the rural poor that works for elimination of poverty of its members and establishing economic freedom in the family. The group members save their money in monthly installments in a grouped manner and quench their daily needs. The group also work for solving their social and economical problems. Rasikashraya is making efforts to support groups in entrepreneurship development which will lead to employment generation and economic development. A counselling Centre is being run for women development along with supporting the families of widows -
NRM and Climate Change
Average annual rainfall of Vidarbha region is 900 mm. Due to erratic nature of rain fall the expected crop production could not be possible in last year. The same thing was happened with the Rabbi crops and due to this the farmers have got in to trouble.
Agriculture is totally rain-fed. If the rain water fallen on surface is systematically checked and harvested the problem of drinking water could be solved and also remaining water could be used for irrigation. Due to lack of soil management the upper layer of fertile soil is going waste and storing in Nallas and lastly in Dams or reservoirs. Most of the dams, reservoirs have been got silted and lost their water holding capacity. Therefore, Rasikashraya had undertaken soil and water conservation work in Yavatmal district. During 2016 to 2022 the Organization has carried out soil and water conservation work in 30 villages of Ghatanji, Yavatmal, Pandharkawada and Kalamb blocks of Yavatmal district. The work mainly carried out was de-silt -
Disaster Management
Arrival of Monsoon sometimes devastate some parts of the state. This causes more loss than the benefit. The people in Sangali, Kolhapur, Yavatmal and Wardha have faced tremendous natural calamities due to flood. Many bunds were broken, houses were sunken, crops were destroyed and the farm land was damaged. The flood situation has raised many problems for women, children and old age people. Food, health services and sanitation were beyond control of people. Many people were become victims of contagious deceases.
Rasikashraya is extending relief to people caught in natural calamity since last three years with the help of local social workers. Primarily, the organization provides health services, ration kit, sanitary kit, clothes and warm clothes. It has helped 1400 needy people and provided educational kits to 260 children.
Leadership Team
Demographics & Structure
No. of Employees
Internal, External Assessors
Ethics and Transparency Policies
Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy
Political & Religious Declarations
On Affiliation if any
On Deployment Bias if any
Registration Details
PAN Card
Registration ID
F-5489 Yavatmal
VO ID / Darpan ID
CSR Registration Number
Other Details
Type & Sub Type
Financial Details
IncomeRs.7,104,064ExpensesRs.7,104,064Admin ExpensesRs.683,354Program ExpensesRs.6,420,710Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.6,331,334ExpensesRs.6,162,666Admin ExpensesRs.1,056,897Program ExpensesRs.5,105,769Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.6,613,250ExpensesRs.5,449,826Admin ExpensesRs.289,978Program ExpensesRs.5,159,848Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.6,571,373ExpensesRs.5,551,992Admin ExpensesRs.604,562Program ExpensesRs.4,947,430Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.