Social Activities Integration (SAI)

Upliftment and bright future of the deprived, marginalized and underprivileged children and for nation building.

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Mumbai, Maharashtra

  • Since


The children of Sex Workers residing in the Red Light Areas like Kamathipura & Falkland, where the profession of prostitution of their mothers is Read more highly vulnerable of life threatening due to dreaded diseases and possibility of physical assault because persons from all categories and every walks of life are constantly visiting for the said activity and some of them are perverts. Hence this situational causing embarrassment and adverse impact on the minds of the children and defraying from going to school. The atmosphere in their locality is very pathetic and not encouraging for pursuing the education. We therefore wish to come forward for providing the opportunity of the education to these children for their safety from the offence of sex-abuse and sexual exploitation by the male domination and to prevent the girls children from entering in to the activity of prostitution & boys in to becoming pimps like their ill- fated mothers. Hence there is need of “APANI DUNIYA” away from brothel atmosphere. Morning children are attending public schools, Afternoon they attend Study Club in SAI’ s office at Byculla, Mumbai & in the evening the return to them at 6 p.m. At that time they do not have space to seat & study in their homes i.e. brothels & they find it extremely difficult to sleep at night because of the continues prostitution of their mothers. Their living place is very small consisting of one bed having size of 3 *6 Feet. On the top surface of the bed the mother is carrying on prostitution activity and under the bed the child/ children are sleeping, there is no place for the children for the study peacefully and concentrate on it. Moreover, the customers visiting brothels are rude, aggressive, drunk & unmannerly behaving inhumanly with the sex workers using slang words sometimes quarreling & beating. Due to these children cannot sleep, focus on their studies & seeing atrocities to their mothers by customers their behavior become uncommon, wild & resulting in to irritating responding to others. This impact is very bad on the tender mind of the children. Hence to protect the wellbeing of the children & build up bright future of the children it is also absolutely necessary to shift them to SAI’s 11.5 Acres own land and establish “APANI DUNIYA- OUR UNIVERSE” A proposed Shelter at Kuhe, Taluka –Bhiwandi, District- Thane.


Issue - Since 1991 we are working with the community of poor female sex workers for HIV/AIDS prevention and care program and we came to know that the tender aged girls were also dragged in to prostitution. To overcome this pathetic situation, we have started enrolling the children in the nearby public school for their betterment and break this vicious circle. Despite this because of unconducive atmosphere in the brothel and their area the children are not completing their education and dropping out from the education stream. Hence objective of the progress of the children is not fulfilled. To mitigate this adverse situation it is proposed by us to set up a Shelter in Kuhe Village, to admit to them in public school and shift these children thereat so that they will remain away from their existing brothel area/ living area, study well and show satisfactory progress to come up in the life.


Apani Duniya – Shelter on SAI’s own 11.5 acres land (at Kuhe – Bhiwandi, Thane district of Maharashtra) for Children of Poor Sex Workers. The Project is set up for the welfare of the children of the sex workers of Mumbai’s brothel’s and to remove from unconducive the purpose of the same Is as follows. Construction of Shelters (Ashram) on SAINGO’s 11.5 Acres land at Kuhe Village, Taluka- Bhiwandi, District- Thane for children of Sex Workers for educational purpose. Objectives- 1. To Provide the SAFETY/SECURITY to these children. 2. To provide them safer & secure Shelter and School away from the brothels where their mothers are carrying on the profession of prostitution. 3. To stop child prostitution & human trafficking. 4. To enable them to attend the school & study club of SAI on regular basis. 5. As they will be away from evil atmosphere of brothels & atrocities of mothers there will not be adverse impact on their tender minds & will not behave wildly. This will result in to better concentration on their school studies. 6. They will be provided proper food, dinner & better sleeping arrangement. 7. The staying together will emerge the feeling of unity, fraternity & security.


Impact- Bringing the children of Sex Workers away from Brothel and in the natural environment of SAI’s “Apni Duniya,” children will get independence, open space to stay, play, study and enjoy and they will get better sleep, they will make focus on studies and develop their personalities. Children will be freed from unsafe brothel and freed from physical abuse, harassment, atrocities and will have a safe and happy life and focus on studies with a future perspective. In Apni Dunia, children will get nutritious food on time so the mortality rate due to malnutrition will be zero. Destitute women will get employment. The concept of this model is to build the future of orphans, underprivileged, neglected children.




    1. AWARNESS PROJECT - Street plays, slide shows, Magic shows, pamphlet distribution, poster exhibitions being conducted all over the country. More than 3000 shows already conducted for the prevention of HIV/AIDS and to eliminate stigma and discrimination to take healthy care of PLHA and their children.

  • 2. DIDI PROJECT-(sister project- Peer Model)- for 5000 sex workers in brothel of South Mumbai.


    2. DIDI PROJECT-(sister project- Peer Model)- for 5000 sex workers in brothel of South Mumbai. The health educational program for sex workers and their children for HIV/AIDS prevention and control with providing free condom distribution. This project is based on the peer educator (DIDI-sister). SAI has developed brother –sister relationship with Sex Workers in Mumbai. This project is by the DIDI and for the DIDI. Since they belong to the same community, they are well aware of the needs and grievances of the community. Since they are HIV positive they can relate to the needs of the project which they have begun with guidance of the institute. They are motivated and trained at SAI to help and spread the prevention strategies for HIV infection.



    3. FREE MOBILE & STATIC CLINIC FOR SEX WORKERS & THEIR CHILDREN- SAI provides Free medical treatment, Voluntary counseling testing (VCT) for HIV/AIDS, Care and support centre for poor sex workers and their children through this Mobile Clinic. Their most important role is in the project, they have a tough task of getting the other Sex Workers to the mobile clinic for services like HIV testing, counseling and free ART & TB treatment in Public Hospitals and providing medicines of BHC/ UTI/STI/SKIN infections in Mobile Clinic. They also play a major role in letting the sex worker community know that there are NGOs like SAI who are always going to be on their side and help them in possible way.

  • 4. DROP IN CENTRE - For Poor People living with HIV/AIDS.


    4. DROP IN CENTRE - For Poor People living with HIV/AIDS. A fully equipped support and care support for People Living With HIV/AIDS- PLHA with their family members are taking advantage of this project. It was started by only 7 PLHA. In a nut shell they were inspired by an event which took place where the Peers working at SAI took out a protest march to get medical facilities from public hospitals. This gave them a vision to have their own clinic where all medical facilities and other psychological support would be provided free of cost. There is monthly meeting conducted aimed at providing a platform to discuss their problem and provide solutions to them. Regular briefing on nutrition, healthy life styles and emotional support are provided here.

  • 5. Aastha/ Project - HIV prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases for 2200 floating sex workers.


    5. Aastha/ Project - HIV prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases for 2200 floating sex workers. Recruited as staff and peer staff and trained in tackling the problem of STI among sex workers. This project had been successfully being implemented. The peer staff had become expert counselors due to self-motivation and image building. They worked in late evening hours targeting the floating sex worker population. They worked in 8 floating areas of the region of Mumbai. They had successfully completed the project and was amalgamated in the HIV/AIDs prevention program with Mumbai District AIDS Control Society (MDACS).

  • 6. PPTCT- Prevention of Parent to Child transmission -)- Prevention of HIV in newborn of HIV infected mothers.


    6. PPTCT- Prevention of Parent to Child transmission -)- Prevention of HIV in newborn of HIV infected mothers by strategic intervention of drugs and support programme. 10 widows living with HIV/AIDS and other PLHAs were part of this project. SAI has prevented 310 children from getting HIV infection from their HIV infected pregnant mothers since 2006 to 2015. It was funded by Mumbai District AIDS Control Society & National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO)

  • 7.Community Care Center(CCC) for Poor People Living with HIV/AIDS in Thane District.


    7.Community Care Center(CCC) for Poor People Living with HIV/AIDS in Thane District. Played a critical role in providing treatment, care and support to people living with HIV/AIDS ((PLHA) in Thane district Under NACP-III this Centre was attached to 4 ART Centre’s and ensured that 5000 PLHA were provided Comprehensive Care & Support.

  • 8.Mobile Integrated HIV, STIs Counseling and testing Centre in Thane district


    8.Mobile Integrated HIV, STIs Counseling and testing Centre in Thane district -- This mobile ICTC/STI clinic was providing 'services-on-wheels' to the High risk group which included, Female sex workers, migrants, MSM,IDU in collaboration with other 15 NGOs working with 22500 High risk population in Thane District., who were not particularly inclined to visit the static ICTCs.



    9. PEDIATRIC AIDS INITIATIVE (PAI) - PAI project was giving support and care to 50 Children Living With HIV/AIDS (CLHA).
    The treatment for CLHAs for opportunistic infections and anti retroviral therapy was given by NACO (National AIDS control organization)
    SAI’s role in this project was:
    Diagnosis of HIV infection in infants and children.
    Enumeration of CD4 count in children
    Pre – ART care, counseling and support for those who don’t qualify for ART
    Counseling and support for those who require ART.
    Psycho-social support.
    Nutritional support.
    Traveling and logistical help for the children

  • 10. Sanman project is HIV/AIDS preventive program for homosexual and the transgender community.


    10. Sanman project is HIV/AIDS preventive program for homosexual and the transgender community. The sexually minority is largely discriminated and half of this community vulnerable for HIV. This community has formed its own support group and indulges in activities like awareness and free distribution of condoms. We have about 3000 registered under this project. The peers trained in this project are highly motivated for their cause.

  • 11. MISSION EDUCATION- This project provide place to children of sex workers .


    11. MISSION EDUCATION- This project provide place to children of sex workers in governmental/ Non-governmental schools. We are taking concrete measures to strengthen their existent studies. A review of their school performances and necessary steps are taken to improve them. Regular parent-teacher meetings are conducted to ensure confidence in the education system and also will make the parents aware of the benefits of being literate. All the necessary aid like school fees, books, clothes and snacks are provided by SAI. Till date 315 children learnt in this project.

  • 12. HAMARA PARIWAR - This project provide school support programme for children of people living with HIV/AIDS.


    12. HAMARA PARIWAR - This project provide school support programme for children of people living with HIV/AIDS. Most of the children here belong to the PLHA who do not send their children to school as they cannot afford the fees. We take care of all the needs of these children and make the parents as well as the children for the need of education and the support which their parents would need when they grow up to become responsible adults.



    13. TRAINING CELL IN HIV/AIDS - Continuous medical education is given on HIV/Aids to medical and paramedical staff and students of the major and minor medical institutes, NGOs and other colleges. We had conducted sessions in which there is an intensive interaction between the audience and the PLHA. These sessions had played a major role in breaking the ice between PLHA and the audience. Here the trainees got to knew the problems of the PLHA and become emphatic towards them. Doctors attending the training program had also said that they were also discriminating these PLHA and now understand the plight of them. They have pledged that they would treat these PLHA as normal patients and with greater respect. (project is over) 600 Medical and paramedical attended this program.

  • 14. Cancer Aid cell


    14. Cancer Aid cell- Started in 2013 predominately providing financial, nutritional, psychosocial support to cancer infected kids of poor families and providing equipment to their parents such as sewing machine to generate income. Till now 319 kids are supported. Support extended to this project by our fundraising activities.



    Under this project we had providing Care & Support to 25000 PLHA registered in main 5 Public ART Centers at Viz. J.J. , Nair , KEM Hospitals, Gourabai Hospital, Sewari MCGM Hospital and BPT Hospital In this project the said people were Personally contacted by our Outreach workers, counselor and doing the awareness task and motivating them for ICTC Tests. ART, periodical check-up in the Public Hospitals also bringing back those clients who have discontinued the ART from the Public Hospitals. In addition to this the project was also providing the assistance to these people in getting the benefits of the Govt .Schemes for them.
    The specific objectives of Vihaan include:
    1. Early linkages of PLHA to Care ,Support and treatment services
    2. Improved treatment adherence and education for PLHA
    3. Expanded positive prevention activities
    4. Improved social protection and wellbeing of PLHA
    5. Strengthened community & reduced stigma and discrimination.



    16. HEPATITS B PROJECT ( PAHEL PROJECT) - In the project we had provided the free health care services to the poor female sex workers, pregnant women , women in child bearing age, their family members and residing in A,B,C,D & E wards of Mumbai for the prevention and treatment of Hepatitis B. Our Out Reach Workers are personally contacted them and educated them about the awareness of the disease and referring them for the necessary test in the Public Hospitals. After the testing those women who are found as Negative are vaccinated and Positive women were given the required treatment in the Public Hospitals. 569 women had registered with us and they are under our active follow-up.


    17. PROJECT OF MANUFACTURING OF ECO-FREINDLY WOODEN STOVE- We had manufactured wood fuel stoves. We had designed an ecofriendly Wood fuel stove which is generating bare minimum smoke and emission. By using this stove we can protect the actual users mainly women in India from the diseases like Cough, TB, Eye –disorder, throat infections etc. we have proposed to market these stoves in the Rural sector and Tribal areas at the moderate and affordable rates to this poor community and protect their health and environment as well. Our generous funding partner viz. C E D-Finland have provided us PEMS Machinery ( U S A Made) free of cost for the Emission testing of these stoves. We have conducted 4 market survey for these stoves in the Rural and Tribal areas of Thane and Palghar Districts nearby to Mumbai and found that the said stove is very much appreciated by the Rural a

  • 18. Sahet Project


    18. Sahet Project- We the Social Activities Integration ( SAI ) Mumbai has Organized SEHAT Project for the vaccination Of Hepatitis – B to High Risk population in various parts of Mumbai & Thane Districts. At the outset we have conducted various meeting in the different 8 main areas of High Population of Mumbai & thane Districts & we have done the awareness drive for the Hepatitis B amongst them. Afterward we have selected the Outreach Workers from the community. With the help of these ORWs we have identified the eligible clients from the said community up to 1842.
    There were 3 doses of vaccinations. 1ST dose was given to the client with conducting his/her Blood Test.. The 1st Dose has started in the Month Of May 2019 and concluded with 3rd dose in the month of Dec -2019
    We have vaccinated 1842 clients from different areas of Mumbai and Thane districts. We have found 34 clients as Hepatitis B positive. In the month of December 2019.

  • 19. Educational Tour to New Delhi of 76 Tribal Children from Palghar _ Maharashtra and Poshina- Gujrat.

    19. Educational Tour to New Delhi of 76 Tribal Children from Palghar _ Maharashtra and Poshina Sabarkantha district- Gujrat. We had conducted 2 educational trip of 76 tribal students to achieve the aim, objective and vision to provide the opportunity to these students to actually visit and experience the historical and prominent monuments and places to enrich their knowledge , inspire and motivate them to develop their personality and transform their life in better manner in ensuing time. Also the visit of these students will set the milestone and ideals for other such backward community students to get encouraged and come out successful in the academic career meritoriously and secure such opportunity in their life too in future to elevate profoundly.

  • 20. Safety Mobile Phone App for the floating Sex Workers

    20. Safety Mobile Phone App for the floating Sex Workers- During 2017-18 we had successfully completed this project entrusted to us by Social Center X of Finland. We had provided this facility to 500 such beneficiaries.

Impact Metrics

  • Covid19 Prevention Program and Daily Food Distribution for 400 Sex Workers & Their Children for One & Half Year.

    Program Name


    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 5000
    • 2021-22 8000
    • 2022-23 11000
  • . Didi Project-(Sister Project- Peer Model)- for 5000 Sex Workers in Brothel of South Mumbai.

    Program Name

    2. Didi Project

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 2000
    • 2021-22 2500
    • 2022-23 2800
  • Free Mobile & Static Clinic for Sex Workers & Their Children- Sai Provides Free Medical Treatment, Voluntary Counseling Testing (Vct) for Hiv/Aids, Care and Support Centre for Poor Sex Workers and Their Children Through This Mobile Clinic.

    Program Name

    3 Mobile Clinic

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 2000
    • 2021-22 2500
    • 2022-23 2800
  • Drop in Centre - for Poor People Living With Hiv/Aids. a Fully Equipped Support and Care Support for People Living With Hiv/Aids- Plha With Their Family Members Are Taking Advantage of This Project

    Program Name

    4. DROP IN CENTRE - For Poor People living with HIV/AIDS

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 150
    • 2021-22 170
    • 2022-23 255
  • Aastha/ Project - Hiv Prevention and Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases for 2200 Floating Sex Workers.

    Program Name

    5. Aastha/ Project - HIV prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases for 2200 floating sex workers.

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2013-14 2200
  • Pptct- Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission -)- Prevention of Hiv in Newborn of Hiv Infected Mothers by Strategic Intervention of Drugs and Support Programme

    Program Name

    6. PPTCT- Prevention of Parent to Child transmission -)- Prevention of HIV in newborn of HIV infected mothers.

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2013-14 1100
    • 2014-15 1300
    • 2022-23 0
  • Community Care Center(Ccc) for Poor People Living With Hiv/Aids in Thane District

    Program Name

    7. Community Care Center(CCC) for Poor People Living with HIV/AIDS in Thane District

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2013-14 1600
    • 2014-15 1750
  • Mobile Integrated Hiv, Stis Counseling and Testing Centre in Thane District -- This Mobile Ictc/Sti Clinic Was Providing 'services-On-Wheels' to the High Risk Group

    Program Name

    8. Mobile Integrated HIV, STIs Counseling and testing Centre in Thane district

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2013-14 3600
  • Sanman Project is Hiv/Aids Preventive Program for Homosexual and the Transgender Community.

    Program Name

    9. Sanman project is HIV/AIDS preventive program for homosexual and the transgender community.

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2013-14 2200
    • 2014-15 2600
    • 2015-16 3000
  • Mission Education for Children of Sex Workers

    Program Name


    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 45
    • 2021-22 46
    • 2022-23 63
  • Cancer Aid Cell

    Program Name

    11. Cancer Aid cell

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2020-21 8
    • 2021-22 8
    • 2022-23 17
  • Sai-Vihaan Project

    Program Name


    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 13000
    • 2020-21 17500
    • 2021-22 24950
  • Hepatits B Project ( Pahel Project)

    Program Name


    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2017-18 310
    • 2018-19 259
  • Sahet Project- for the Vaccination of Hepatitis

    Program Name

    14. Sahet Project- for the vaccination Of Hepatitis

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2019-20 1842
    • 2022-23 0
  • Educational Tour to New Delhi of 76 Tribal Children From Palghar _ Maharashtra and Poshina- Gujrat.

    Program Name

    15. Educational Tour to New Delhi of 76 Tribal Children from Palghar _ Maharashtra and Poshina- Gujrat.

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2018-19 35
    • 2019-20 41
  • Safety Mobile Phone App

    Program Name

    16. Safety Mobile Phone App for the floating Sex Workers

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2022-23 0

Leadership Team

  • Mr. Vinay M. Vasta

    Founder, Secretary & Director

  • Dr. Vijay R. Kadam


  • Smt. Salma Hamid


  • Mr. Salim Shah


  • Mrs. Prabha Gupta


  • Mr. Pramod D. Sawant


  • Mr. Babsaheb Asardohkar


  • Mr. Rohidas Lokhande


  • Mrs.Jayashri Nandkumar Lengade


  • Mrs. Kirankumari Singh


  • Mrs. Surekha Raybhan


  • Dr. Ravindra G. Pendkar (CardioVascularThorasis surgeon)


Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    G.F. Room No.14 Byculla MCGM School Building, N.M. Joshi road, Byculla-West, Mumbai, 400011


Other Details

  • Parent Organisation


  • Sister Organisation


  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2018-19

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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