United Way Mumbai

Works on bringing social change in six major focus areas namely, education, health, financial stability, environment, social inclusion and public safety by seeking collaborative support from multiple stakeholders

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Mumbai, Maharashtra

  • Since


Works with the objective of initiating long-term, extensive and sustainable social change in six key focus areas of education, health, income, environ Read morement, public safety and social inclusion. In the education sector, the vision is to improve accessibility of education for all sections of the society to help in employment retention. In the health sector, the aim is to improve access to healthcare and improve the health infrastructure. In the income sector, it works to ensure financial stability for individuals as well as their families. Its work in the environment sector is focused on conservation and preservation of the environment and development of an ecologically responsible culture. Its work in the other two key areas is focused on improving public safety through better safety infrastructure in Mumbai and to ensure social inclusion of individuals from all backgrounds. It works by collaborating with NGOs and corporate organizations with active involvement in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes, designing of CSR strategies, due diligence of NGOs, impact assessments, financial reporting, employee reporting, programmatic reporting and workplace giving campaigns. The present projects include the Mission Mangroves Initiative which aims to replenish the cover of Mangrove trees along the coastline of Mumbai, the TATA Mumbai Marathon, the Let's Read Campaign, Project Poshan to combat malnutrition, the United for Road Safety Campaign, Project Ankur which aims at ensuring early childhood development, Live United against Diabetes Initiative to ensure prevention as well as management of diabetes, the Kerala Flood Relief Campaign and the Commemoration of World Hepatitis Day 2018. Its past projects include L'Oreal Citizen Day, 3M Volunteer Day Activities, Let's READ Carnival, DESIRE Society Summer Camp, Integrated Child Health Project, Uttarakhand Disaster Response, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and Mission Skill Development. Over the course of its operation, it has collaborated with more than 300 companies and more than 1,00,000 individual donors; raising approximately INR 648 crore for community development projects.


Poor communities struggle for social inclusion and access to basic amenities like education, healthcare and income while communities are unaware of the scale of environmental destruction and lack a sense of public safety


United Way Mumbai has initiated multiple initiatives to better the lives of the poor and also runs campaigns to spread information and awareness on socially relevant issues and search for collective solutions.


United Way Mumbai claims that: 33 ha of land has been adopted for plantation and maintenance 1,49,845 saplings planted 5.67 tonnes of waste cleared from wetlands 2,798 volunteers mobilized 99,329 people engaged through competitions and sessions 188 webinars, sessions and mangrove trails organised 31,670 books were distributed to 6,334 children 128 mini libraries set up in 74 schools and NGOs 140 story telling sessions conducted


  • Tata Mumbai Marathon

    Over the course of 17 editions, the Tata Mumbai Marathon has been recognised as one of the top ten marathons in the world. United Way Mumbai facilitates the fundraising for the event and distributes it among the participating NGOs.

  • Let’s Read

    It’s the organisation's nationwide programme to encourage reading amongst underprivileged children who cannot afford books. United Way Mumbai believes that each child should experience the joy of reading.

    It intends to distribute a set of five illustrated books each to ten thousand children and also gift a set of 125 books, to NGOs working with marginalised children, enabling them to set up mini libraries.

    Besides the distribution of books, reading sessions will be held with children's authors and conduct workshops to train NGO staff on reading skills to take the children on surreal journeys through them.

  • Mission Mangroves

    Partnering with the Mangrove Cell of the State Forest Department and the Mangrove and Marine Biodiversity Conservation Foundation It set out to regenerate and restore Mumbai’s mangrove cover. The mangroves had depleted over the years of their existence and acted as a protective shield against natural disasters like floods, cyclones, tsunamis, etc.

  • Project Poshan

    Partnering with the Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS), United Way Mumbai initiated Project Poshan to fight malnutrition.

    Maharashtra, being a state with one of the highest rates of malnutrition, It established connections with the ICDS to provide supplementary nutrition to children below six years, enrolled malnourished children to ensure visibility of their status, medical screening and consultation of undernourished children, capacity building of ICDS staff and monitoring the growth of children based on multiple parameters.

  • United for Road Safety

    To emphasise on road safety in Mumbai, United Way Mumbai initiated the United for Road Safety programme.

    The programme included many interventions namely two wheeler rider training, slow down campaign, global road safety education through the new generation and Jeevan Doot all the campaigns are aimed at improving people’s appreciation of safe behaviour on the road.

Impact Metrics

  • Children Received Exposure to Stem Education Pedagogy

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2017-18 43450
    • 2018-19 59995
    • 2019-20 27891
    • 2020-21 31270
  • Beneficiaries of Remedial and Non Formal Education

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2017-18 27221
    • 2018-19 23399
    • 2019-20 38597
    • 2020-21 25207

Leadership Team

  • George J Aikara

    Chief Executive Officer

  • Sanaa Shaikh

    Chief Operating Officer

  • Ajay Govale

    Vice - President: Community Impact

  • Anil Parmer

    Vice - President: Community Investment

  • Prachi Nautiyal

    Vice - President: Corporate Partnerships

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number

    Not Available


  • Headquarters

    309, Nirman Kendra, Famous Studio Lane, Dr. E. Moses Road, Mahalaxmi Estate, Mumbai, 400011

  • Offices in Cities

Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2019-20

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
    Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.
  • 2020-21

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2021-22

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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  • 2022-23

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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