United World Against Diabetes

Promotes diabetes care, prevention, and awareness while advocating for those affected and conducting scientific research for a cure

  • Bronze Certified 2023
  • FCRA
  • 80G
  • 12A
  • CSR-1
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Bronze Certified Bronze Certified


  • Headquarters

    Pune, Maharashtra

  • Since


United World Against Diabetes (UWAD) is a nonprofit organisation dedicated to tackling diabetes and related health issues. It focuses on activities su Read morech as promoting diabetes care, prevention, and awareness, as well as conducting scientific research to find a cure. UWAD also extends its efforts to address obesity and other non-communicable diseases, improve access to affordable medicines, protect medicinal plants, and raise awareness about the impact of climate change on health. In addition to its diabetes-related initiatives, UWAD advocates for Type 1 diabetic children and women, while also providing education, guidance, and medical support to help families in rural areas and schools manage diabetes effectively. The organisation envisions a future where India and the world are free from the burden of diabetes, striving towards this goal through its mission of promoting diabetes care, awareness, prevention, and control.


India is known as the diabetes capital of the world, with more than 101 million people living with diabetes and 136 million prediabetic. United World Against Diabetes (UWAD) is a non-profit organization promoting diabetes care, control, prevention, awareness, education, policies, and scientific research studies.


UWAD empowers underprivileged communities by promoting diabetes healthcare and awareness, combating diabetes through awareness, early detection, and comprehensive care.


UWAD empowers underprivileged communities by promoting diabetes healthcare and awareness. We combat diabetes through awareness, early detection, and comprehensive care. By educating communities, providing essential healthcare services, and supporting sustainable diabetes management, particularly in underserved areas, we strive to reduce diabetes prevalence and improve the quality of life for those affected. By training local educators, advocating for policy changes, and leveraging technology, we aim to build healthier, diabetes-free communities.

Vision & Mission

UWAD's mission is to promote diabetes care, control, prevention, awareness, education, policies, and scientific research studies, with a vision of a diabetes-free world.


  • Project Haripriya - Eyeglasses for elder people

    UWAD focuses on raising public awareness about diabetes as a significant health concern and educating individuals about its risk factors. It conducts diabetes camps to facilitate early detection, distributes free medicines to underserved communities, and promotes dietary management and nutrition for diabetes. Additionally, it offers yoga, meditation, and alternative remedies for blood sugar control, while continuously engaging in research and development efforts. Special events cater to children with type 1 diabetes and the organisation advocates for the rights of individuals living with the condition. Through diabetes awareness camps in both corporate and community settings, UWAD guides pre-diabetic individuals on effective diabetes management strategies.

  • Rural Diabetes Awareness and prevention Initiative


    UWAD, is committed to providing medical health check-ups, diabetes awareness, free medicines, and eyeglasses to those in need in rural and remote areas where medical facilities are limited. This initiative aims to raise awareness about diabetes, offer guidance on diet and yoga for diabetes, and provide knowledge to help control blood sugar levels. The medical and technical team visits rural remote areas to conduct necessary medical checkups and diabetes screenings, and to provide essential Ayurvedic and herbal medication. They also provide knowledge about local herbs that can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Expert-led sessions on diet and yoga for diabetes are also conducted. Eye health check-ups, power eyeglasses, and essential medicines are provided to those in need. Local areas’ Asha health workers and Gram Panchayat also participate with us.
    Theme: – Rural Healthcare

    Direct Beneficiaries: – 2000+


  • (Diabetes Mitra) : Rural Diabetes Health Educator

    In rural areas, access to diabetes education and support services is often limited, leading to inadequate management of the condition and increased risk of complications. This project proposes the establishment of a Rural Diabetes Educator and Diabetes Friend Program to address these challenges and improve outcomes for individuals living with diabetes in rural communities. The Diabetes Health Educator Training Program is designed to address the growing need for trained professionals capable of effectively educating individuals with diabetes on disease management and lifestyle modifications.
    Main aim of this program to provide accessible and culturally sensitive diabetes education and support services in rural areas and train local community members as Diabetes Educators and Diabetes Friends to facilitate peer support and education and reduce the incidence of diabetes-related complications and improve overall health outcomes in rural populations.

Impact Metrics

  • Eyeglasses for Elder People

    Program Name

    Project HariPriya - Eyeglasses for elder people

    Year-wise Metrics
    • 2023-24 4,927

Milestones & Track Record

UWAD holds Special Consultative Status with the United Nations and works against diabetes, obesity, and other Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).

Leadership Team

  • Dr. Lalit Kumar Upadhyay


  • Dr. Om Prakash Khushwaha

    Vice - President

  • Sanjay Sharma


  • Barkha Lalitkumar Upadhyay

    Board Member

  • Hanuman Dass

    Board Member


  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



Other Details

  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2023-24

    Admin Expenses
    Program Expenses
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