Action For Development Of Demos (ADD)


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  • CSR-1
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  • Headquarters

    Patna, Bihar

  • Since


The Society of creating this social organization was laid during a formal meeting between few socially and culturally active people on 2nd April 2000. Read more On 9th February 2004 the ADD was registered under society registration Act. XXI, 1860, and the Registered office established in Patna(Bihar). Action for Development of Demos (ADD) basically is a social, non-political, non-profit making voluntary organization hopefully functioning for all those needy people who have yet been deprived of the basic rights and essential facilities which they legally deserve under the Govt. provisions. We sternly ignore the discrimination on the basis of race, caste and religion and also have been working for drawing the Government’s attention to them. Obviously it’s tough but not impossible to bring a positive change in the socioeconomic and political condition of underprivileged section of society through participatory learning and implementation of different welfare programmes. The organization acts as a catalyst of empowering rural masses towards a new platform of uniformity with specialty. The organization has the following missions, target group and goals:- ADD’s Mission & Vision:- To establish a healthy society of worthy individuals free from discrimination or exploitation by bringing awareness in the field of education, health and raising the economic condition of poor and helpless men, women and children. Goal of ADD:- Creating a self-dependent, self reliable and productive community across every corner of our nation. Making every citizen of the rural India socially equivalent in capital output capacity compared to what we call as an urban class an earning class. Diminishing the marginal gap between rich and poor, between educated and uneducated. Making our true India i.e. rural India literate. Bringing the technological advancement, IT advancement accessible to every deserving needy people. TARGET GROUP:-  Socially, economically and politically marginalized people with special focuses on Women, dalit, schedule tribe, minorities and depressed backward classes.  Young People, children (emphasis on out of school, child labor, disable children/ people and victim of any type of sexual abuse) distressed women and old age.  Small and marginalized farmers, agriculture laborers, bonded labor, tenant and migrant population.


We rectify the issues, analyze them and the course of action is then governed by the same. The variants in the issue are CHILD EDUCATION, WOMEN LITERACY, NURSING MOTHERS CARE, PUBLIC AND COMMUNITY HYGIENE, WINTER CARE TO OLD CITIZENS, COMPUTER LITERACY etc. These all are the issue where we have been actively working and implelementing our various programme to cure and rectify the same.


As a part of the action, it has been throughly surveying the rural areas of Bihar where the government aid is still not reachable. As per the survey report, it implements its various progrmmes there including the field of Education, Women Empowerment, Literacy, old age rehabilitation etc. All its programme are run and managed by its core Team members. Time-to-time feedback is collected form the benefitted beneficiaries. As a course of action we always are in active mode to start every new initiative which may be helpful for the needy poor people.


The impact is remarkable and progressive. We have achieved a good number in the number of child beneficiaries. Dozens and dozens of families from the rural socially backward localities of rural Bihar everyday visit our office just to enroll their children under our Child Education Programme. We have helped hundred of rural nursing mothers in rural Bihar in context to their health, medical care and their babies health care. We fell proud that we successfully distribute thousands of blanket to senior citizen in the chilling cold of winter season. Overall impact of our functionalities in these realms are quite progressive and impressive, we heartily appraise or kind donors for this.

Vision & Mission

To establish a healthy society of worthy individuals free from discrimination or exploitation by bringing awareness in the field of education, health and raising the economic condition of poor and helpless men, women and children.

Donor History

Arvind Kumar Singh, T C Meenakshisundaram, Chandra Mouleshwar Prasad Singh, Jaswinder Pal Singh Swanni and Rashmi Menon


  • Ray of Education for poor & neglected child


    Under the aforesaid Programme, we delightfully have planned to adopt poor neglected children in reference to provide primary education to them because during our regular survey of the Backward Rural Areas often we have been watching hundreds of Poor Children who yet now have ever not been to school in their lives or have been the school Drop-outs. Their Parents are still unaware about the importance of Education. So all we shall be doing under this banner that, we would sort out such children and convince their Parent to let us Educate them and make them Educated so that their children may also walk with the others people in this society where self dependency is obligatory to everyone. Under the banner the selected children will be financially supported for gaining Primary Education in terms of the Educational Expenses including Tuition Fees, Coaching Fees, Stationary Expenses, School Uniforms, Books etc.

  • Medical Camp & Awareness Programme for poor & Senior Citizens


    Under this programme, we have planned to improve and enhance the health of rural poor & senior citizens in the backward rural area of Bihar. Our volunteers with the help of our team members survey the identified rural backward areas, where we point out the needy old people whose health have not been in good position, There we then start our personal interaction-cum-counseling. We finalize the list of beneficiaries keeping in view the financial status of the identified poor old people. We pre-announce the date and venue to the selected beneficiaries regarding the medical camp. On the fixed date, we organize a medical camp under the supervision of MBBS Doctors and health segment specialsed personals. All the gathered old needy beneficiaries and personally diagnosed by the doctors where we also provide the prescribed basic medicines.



    Working in the rural areas since last 15 to 20 years, we have always thought of doing something for the rural adult girls and women who are usually forced to take a care of their house stuffs like their mothers do. This has been a traditional trend here. In reality these girls and women have the real potential to support their families financially. To make this come true, we launched this programme
    Under which we have been planning to first identify the financially weak poor girls and women and then enroll them for giving them a Vocational training in tailoring and Embroidery. This training would be for 9 months where all the expenses would be managed by the organization. After the pogramme we also have planned to help these beneficiaries I affording a sewing machine so that they could start their own tailoring centers and may earn of their own.

  • Mission Dry Rations kits Supplies for Poor elderly People


    In this programme we aim to support the poor elderly people of the society by providing them with the food (Dry Ration Materials) supplies to help them fight back this tough time of COVID-19 pandemic and after the pandemic the post impact.
    Since the last 15 years we have been working in the rural backward slums and there we have been sharply observing that the Senior Citizens have been the worst affected. Their situation is worth miserable and stern steps need to be taken to enhance their condition and life style. Moreover, the current prolonged havoc created by the Corona, deepened the pathetic problem. Poverty, garbage’s, sewage untreated discharge, unbearable harsh conditions all have resulted in the hectic condition of the senior citizen. Even thinking of two bread and meal a day is a big dream like deal. We readily have been planning to do ever possible actionable to improve their condition.



    The rural poor nursing mother in the backward localities are quite vulnerable to many of the communicable diseases and risks associated with their maternal lives. Despite of the varied Govt. Programmes and Schemes, still those rural nursing mothers are deprived of essential healthy facilities which they deserve. So with a high concerned vision of raising the degrading Child-Mortality rate and improving the life-standard of poor nursing mothers, ADD has been hopefully running this Dedicated Programme since last 12 years. Under this attempt, ADD has been successfully working over the helpless poor mothers who have not been in a proper healthy state to nurture their newly borne babies and maintain their own health condition to bear all the situations before their maternity.
    Hence under this kind project there we have made provisions for free nutritional support, distribution of medicines as post natal support to the mothers, immunization to newly born child.

Theory of Change

ADD’s Theory of Change is based upon Active Participation and adoption of a long – term and holistic approach for achieving the desired goals.We believe so because we have to get the full satisfaction from our beneficiaries as well as for our mental peace. ADD believes in the constitutional principle of Decentralization of Power and so it transfers the responsibilities of the paid staffs to the village community in the long run in order to sustain the activities in the area of development.

Milestones & Track Record

Objective :-
ADD’s motto is to secure the lives of poor & neglected senior citizens i.e. Old Men & Women who have been living as a burden on their wards.
As per our programmes all such poor Senior Citizens men and women are selected and then they are provided with our pre-decided stuffs in comforting their lives. The whole of our effort is to make them realize that they are the prestigious section of the society and they should not feel themselves as being neglected.

Before implementing the programme, we carried out a survey in the poor and neglected areas of the rural Patna where we listed out about 500 Senior Citizens asking for help from us, out of which after a strict investigation we finalized about 200 beneficiaries. Later as per the provision of our this dream project, we do provide the selected beneficiaries with clothes, groceries like rice, flour, mustard oil, etc- along with green vegetables and milk, all on monthly basis and with no charges. Apart of this we do also provide them with Health-Check up facility twice in a month along with nutritious health drinks like horlicks and chawanprass.

Achievement :
During the whole reporting year, yet now we have benefitted about 125 Poor Senior Citizen Men & Women, under our this prgramme. Now it’s really a matter of proud to say that all of them are now enriched with confidence and are leading a far better life than earlier. They now feel secured under the kind umbrella of our noble programme.

Leadership Team

  • Ravindra Narayan Shahi


  • Ganesh Jee

    Board Member

  • Shiv Kumar

    Board Member

  • Atul Narayan

    Board Member

  • Bittu Kumar

    Programme Coordinator

  • Sarita Shahi

    Board Member

Demographics & Structure

  • No. of Employees



  • Internal, External Assessors



  • Ethics and Transparency Policies


  • Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy


Political & Religious Declarations

  • On Affiliation if any


  • On Deployment Bias if any


Organisation Structure

Organisation Structure


Awards & Recognitions

GuideStar India

Registration Details

  • PAN Card


  • Registration ID


  • VO ID / Darpan ID


  • 12A


  • 80G


  • FCRA


  • CSR Registration Number



  • Headquarters

    East Indira Nagar, Road No. 5, Kankarbagh, Patna, 800020


Other Details

  • Parent Organisation


  • Sister Organisation


  • Type & Sub Type


Financial Details

 Income / Expenses
  • 2020-21

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    Program Expenses
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  • 2021-22

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  • 2022-23

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  • 2023-24

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