Rajapalayam, Tamil Nadu
Ritham charitable trust is registered under trust rule (registration number is 200500019, dt-19.01.2005). Abbreviation of RITHAM is Rehabilitation and Read more Training for Handicapped and Mentally Challenged Children. And it has successfully completed its' 20th year. The main and primary object of the Trust shall be to develop confidence in the minds of all type of physically and intellectually challenged children and motivating them to face the daily activities without others help. Our Trust was started with 4 students to cater the needs of special children in and around Rajapalayam, Virudhunagar District, Tamilnadu State, India. Over the years, the institution has grown from strength to strength and as on date, it is one of the most reputed special schools in this region. They are usually mild to severe affected children. This is a day care centre, van picks up the students and drops them back at their door steps. Begun as a Special School only, now it is growing with Early Intervention centre, Vocational Training centre, Sheltered Workshop, Learning Centre, Autism Treatment Centre and Outpatient Department centre. We are travelling towards the effective special education available to the rural, poor and underprivileged special students as like as the urban area special students for the past 20 years continuously.
Our school is located in Rajapalayam that is a semi-urban area. We cover 3 taluks and 20 villages in and around Rajapalayam. On a door-to-door survey taken by our school teachers showed that there are still so many special children living in and around Rajapalayam. Many of them have Cerebral Palsy (CP) a non-progressive neurological physical disability, Intellectually Challenged and Multiple Disabilities. Many of these children have never been to a school and are usually left alone in the house without any day-care. They eating and defecating in the same place. Many were not getting adequate attention to their problems from the family because of the ignorance of the parents. Their parents are daily wage earners, they earn approx Rs.200-300 per day. The parents are making meagre money for living can't take / accompany the kids to the school. In rural areas literacy rate very poor and no awareness about special children. The Parents thinking about their children was born by our ancestors Curse or Karma. And it is also hard to take these kids in the public transport system. Public transport that reaches these areas is not always geared to their needs. They were unable to send their special children "all alone" to a special school without some attender or reliable person. Someone has to take them to the stop which is not close by and see that they board the bus. And be there when they return. For working parents this is not an option. Very often, the parents cannot take a day off to reach the kids to school and pick them up when it gets over, which is probably why kids who are even mild never see school. The Parents also have no awareness about special education, behavioral issues, Government schemes, sexual abuse and other problems. In the Rural area male is a hierarchy, they don't give their earnings to home and neglect women's leadership.
Our school gives special education to Mentally Challenged Children, Cerebral Palsy children, Autism and other disability students. The school gives Special Education, Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy, Vocational Training, Yoga and Games. Our motive is to teach them how to improve their daily living skills, such as getting dressed, using the bathroom, and eating on their own; communication skills, such as understanding what is said and being able to answer; social skills with peers, family members, adults, and others. And where possible educate them for an independent, productive life. The education and training of these children differs a lot from that of normal children. Their syllabus has to include self-dependence, etiquettes, conversation, everyday activities etc. While chalking out their syllabus their level of I.Q. and behavioral problems have to be considered. Their home environment is required to be weighed gin while chalking out the syllabus. Since there is no safe method to teach these children, each child is a class by himself requiring special attention. It is truly a Herculean task to inculcate self-independence among the mentally retarded children. Our GOAL is to prevent children from being a burden to their families and educate them to be able to support themselves. We build confidence and give them some recognition in the society. To make them aware of their inherent abilities, skills and talents and help they realize the importance of supporting themselves. To train them in various skills thereby aid them in being self-reliable and support themselves. Planning to improve our vocational training thus by giving employment opportunity for the students. This will give them the adequate money and enormous confidence to live independently. We closely work with the community and educate their parents about the child rights issue, government schemes for the special children etc. We give much concentration on the gender issue and educate the female children and their parents about the maturity and menstrual hygiene and how to safeguard them from sexual abuse.
Demographies Served
Cause Area
Children attending the school are mostly from economically backward families. Many do not get adequate attention to their problems from the family because of the ignorance of their parents. They are usually mild to severely affected children. The children show remarkable improvement in all aspects after started attending school. Case study: A Student Sri S. HariPrasath initially did his schooling in English medium. Since his teacher found him having difficulty in learning, he was recommended special education in our special school in 2006. The specialist teacher fully evaluated him and found out that he had a moderate learning disability condition. Accordingly, they framed syllabus based on his reading and numerical skills. Thereafter, for every 3 month the student was evaluated and syllabus was reframed accordingly. Since he was taught in such a way he easily understands, there was speedy progress in his learning ability. The teacher noticed significant progress in his learning in all three evaluations and kept on framing the syllabus accordingly. Due to this strenuous effort, there was significant progress in his writing, reading, and recitation skills. The student thereafter got through the standard 8th public examination with good marks. In parent teacher’s meetings the student expressed his willingness to appear for the 10th standard public examination. Hence it was decided in the teachers meeting to train him to appear for the 10th standard exam based on the syllabus framed by the state government for students having learning disabilities. The student was trained for the syllabus similar to the method followed for 8th standard training. The student got through with good marks in the 10th standard public examination also and is presently he is worked in office assistant post in our organisation. In this way, our organisation is making efforts and imparting personalized education. Another case study is the story of a student named I. Guruvaiya who was studying in the primary school in his native village. Since the teacher observed some changes in his learning and activities, he told his parents to admit him to the Ritham School for special children to continue his education. Thereafter from 13th July 2007 onwards, he joined Ritham school and hence has benefited from the specialized syllabus. Based on the farming experience of his parents, they gave him training in planting saplings, irrigation, weeding, and bund forming. Now he is working in the agricultural related works in his village. This way the organisation is helping children with special needs lead a dignified life and support themselves on their own.
Ritham Out Patient Therapy Department:
We are running Out Patient Therapy Department for Intellectually challenged and other kids. Movement and play experiences provide the foundation for the development of motor, sensory, perceptual, and cognitive, language and social skills for infant and young children. For the infant and young child with physical or other developmental delays, these experiences are compromised. This means that parents and professionals need to work together as a team to create opportunities for movement and learning. Improve cognitive, social, motor and speech activities.
Our ‘Outpatient Therapy’ identifies the disability and gives awareness about the disability and prevents the contractures at very early stages and also prepares pre-academic skills. The kids came from outside and take treatment from our professionals. -
Ritham vocational training centre
Vocational means that part of continuous and coordinated process of rehabilitation, which involves the provision of those vocational training and selective placement, designed to enable a disabled person to secure and retain suitable employment. In this modern trend an individual should earn at least Rs. 200 per day to lead a decent life. Keeping in mind we taught them vocational training. We are now doing following vocational training:
i) Tailoring
ii) Data Entry
iii) Commercial Paper Cover Making
iv) Cleaning Powder
v) Candle making
vi) labon stick
vii) Phenyol Making
viii) Agarbathi Packing
ix) Soap Oil -
Ritham Learning centre
Our main aim is to educate our students and then send them to main stream education. We select mild level students and teach normal school syllabus. After continues effort we try to write the state board syllabus exams like ESLC and SSLC. Upon continuous classes and rigorous training we enrolled the students in state board public exam. Till now 19 students from four batches were passed the public exam and secured good marks.
Ritham Sheltered Workshop
The institute mainly caters to the developmental needs of the person with Intellectual disability. About 30% of them constitute mild intellectual disability. This is a group that can be trained to develop vocational skills. If trained those with mild disabilities can be mainstreamed into the society.
Another 25% are of moderate disability or with multiple disabilities and the rest need long term institutional care. Those with moderate disability also can be trained with sustained care but their production and income levels will only commensurate with their residual abilities.
Now we to do sheltered work shop for moderate disabilities. We produce candle making, phenyl making, cleaning powder, labon stick and paper cover made by old weekly news letters. -
Ritham Autism Program
We give free Special Education, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Psychological Counseling and Physiotherapy to the Autism children under the honourable Prime Minister Health Scheme.
Ritham Special School
Ritham Special School was started in 2004 with 4 students to cater the needs of special children in and around Rajapalayam, Tamilnadu, India. Over the years, the institution has grown from strength to strength and as on date, it is one of the most reputed special schools in this region.
Ritham Early Intervention Center:
Early intervention is an educational therapy that helps to equip children with special needs with functional skills like fine motor, cognitive, communication, social, and self-help skills for learning and living. Early intervention may begin at any time between birth and school age as it is important to maximize the potential of the child during the optimal learning window.
• To understand individual kid's adapting needs and to give intervention to their development in a naturalistic and interactive learning environment.
• To elevate individual kid's ability to understand regular education.
• To team up and engage every kid's family for a far reaching support for the kid's improvement.
In this E.I class age group of 0-6 are included. We teach basic skills to their children. We mainly train the ADL and fine motor activities. We do the assessment by Upanayan scale. According to the scale we fix the skills.
Impact Metrics
Program Name
Ritham Special School
Year-wise Metrics- 2013-14 3048
- 2014-15 400
- 2015-16 256
- 2016-17 228
- 2017-18 280
- 2018-19 300
- 2019-20 236
- 2020-21 236
- 2021-22 148
- 2022-23 168
- 2023-24 152
Program Name
Ritham Early Intervention Centre
Year-wise Metrics- 2013-14 544
- 2014-15 28
- 2015-16 36
- 2016-17 40
- 2017-18 24
- 2018-19 28
- 2019-20 16
- 2020-21 16
- 2021-22 12
- 2022-23 28
- 2023-24 60
Program Name
Ritham Outpatient Therapy Department
Year-wise Metrics- 2013-14 136
- 2014-15 32
- 2015-16 80
- 2016-17 112
- 2017-18 72
- 2018-19 120
- 2019-20 104
- 2020-21 104
- 2021-22 72
- 2022-23 20
- 2023-24 12
Program Name
Ritham Vocational Training Centre
Year-wise Metrics- 2015-16 104
- 2016-17 124
- 2017-18 144
- 2018-19 128
- 2019-20 76
- 2020-21 76
- 2021-22 36
- 2022-23 68
- 2023-24 64
Program Name
Ritham Sheltered Workshop
Year-wise Metrics- 2019-20 64
- 2020-21 64
- 2021-22 44
- 2022-23 44
- 2023-24 40
Program Name
Ritham Learning Centre
Year-wise Metrics- 2018-19 12
- 2019-20 44
- 2020-21 44
- 2021-22 40
- 2022-23 8
- 2023-24 16
Program Name
Ritham Autism Centre
Year-wise Metrics- 2018-19 72
- 2019-20 68
- 2020-21 68
- 2021-22 32
Leadership Team
Demographics & Structure
No. of Employees
Internal, External Assessors
Ethics and Transparency Policies
Formal CEO Oversight & Compensation Policy
Political & Religious Declarations
On Affiliation if any
On Deployment Bias if any
Registration Details
PAN Card
Registration ID
VO ID / Darpan ID
CSR Registration Number
272, 272-A, Vasantham Nagar, Shenbagathoppu Road, Near AKDR women's college, Thendral Nagar, Rajapalayam, 626117
Other Details
Type & Sub Type
Financial Details
IncomeRs.2,090,833Admin ExpensesRs.61,107Program ExpensesRs.1,463,319Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.2,635,273Admin ExpensesRs.55,777Program ExpensesRs.1,953,754Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.266,659Admin ExpensesRs.130,626Program ExpensesRs.2,157,762Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.2,764,518Admin ExpensesRs.100,586Program ExpensesRs.2,535,534Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.3,365,253Admin ExpensesRs.164,906Program ExpensesRs.2,715,366Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.4,187,879Admin ExpensesRs.130,445Program ExpensesRs.3,289,870Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.3,550,323Admin ExpensesRs.98,812Program ExpensesRs.2,801,020Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.2,663,204ExpensesRs.3,550,322Admin ExpensesRs.3,402Program ExpensesRs.2,024,421Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.3,141,701ExpensesRs.2,185,600Admin ExpensesRs.134,286Program ExpensesRs.2,508,384Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.4,406,170ExpensesRs.3,088,880Admin ExpensesRs.218,504Program ExpensesRs.4,175,984Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it. -
IncomeRs.3,673,442ExpensesRs.6,736,007Admin ExpensesRs.184,454Program ExpensesRs.3,376,477Tip: Click on any value above to exclude it.