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10 education NGOs supporting disadvantaged children

EDUCATION empowers people around the world. For the most underprivileged people, it is almost impossible to go to school, get jobs, have a home or get enough food to eat. These individuals are disadvantaged and lack the resources to improve the living standards for the next generation. This is due to extreme poverty which cripples the lives of individuals, families and entire communities across India. But the work and programs of an education NGO is changing the futures of disadvantaged people across the country. 


The work of an education NGO is crucial in this mission to empower underprivileged families across India. The education NGO identifies the most disadvantaged children in our urban and rural communities and uses education to empower them either through classroom education or learning sessions in their localities. The work of these education NGOs will save children from circumstances such as child labor, child marriage, sexual exploitation and future unemployment and will instead promote learning, better health and longer lives.


Here are 10 education NGOs supporting disadvantaged children in India:



Vardhishnu was founded when its founders went to a landfill in Maharashtra and found more than 100 children wading through mountains of trash to collect pieces of garbage to sell later on for food. In 2013, the Jalgaon-based education NGO formed around 5 safe learning spaces for 300 children in urban slums to learn reading and writing, health awareness and life skills. Equipped with knowledge, these children are now able to go to school and change their futures for better. Vardhishnu fights the crime of child labor through education and this has a positive impact on their families and larger communities. To support Vardhishnu:


Support Vardhishnu


Magic Bus India Foundation

Magic Bus India Foundation started when a group of children from an urban slum were invited by a man named Matthew Spacie to play a game of rugby. For the next few months of playing with the children, Matthew noticed that their behavior had started to change. The children were going back to school, learning new skills and mentoring the younger children. This is how the education NGO Magic Bus India Foundation started and since 1991, it has sent countless children back to school, taught them valuable future skills and seen the children graduate and go on to get good jobs and earn an income. To support Magic Bus India Foundation: 


Support Magic Bus


Every Girl In School

Girls are one of the most disadvantaged groups of people in India. Female foeticide, female infanticide, child marriage and the denial of education are some of the issues that girls face from their own families and communities. Without an education, girls are at a disadvantage and their futures have no prospects. Every Girl In School is a campaign to send girls back to school. The group of education NGOs covers the cost of school fees, uniforms, books, school supplies and other education related expenses. By educating girls, families are more prosperous, their future children are healthier and the future workforce is stronger. To support Every Girl In School:


Support Every Girl In School


Vidya Poshak

Families often become broken due to issues such as domestic abuse and discrimination against daughters. These families end up turning into households headed by single mothers who escape a violent marriage along with their daughters. For these mothers, education is often unaffordable and as a result, their daughters are forced to build a future without an education. Vidya Poshak is an education NGO that provides scholarships to girls from households headed by single mothers and makes sure that these girls receive the educational foundation to live independent and dignified lives in the future. To support Vidya Poshak: 


Support Vidya Poshak


Humanity Welfare Organisation Helpline

The founder of this education NGO had a personal reason to start an NGO for disabled children. Javed Ahmed Tak was shot in the spine as a teenager in the armed conflict that plagued Kashmir in the 1990s. He lost his legs and was confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life but he resolved to not let his circumstances ruin his purpose in this world. He established Humanity Welfare Organisation Helpline in 2003 which has since educated children with disabilities and helped them continue their higher education, become employed and live in a self-sufficient manner. To support Humanity Welfare Organisation Helpline:


Support Humanity Welfare Organisation


The National Association For The Blind

Infants and children with disabilities are often seen as a “curse” and a “punishment” and families often give up on these children and either abandon them or leave them in the house without the chance to go to school or excel in other fields. The National Association For The Blind in Delhi supports orphans and children who were abandoned because they are blind. The education NGO makes sure that these children have access to education and also medical care and rehabilitative therapies to help them live full and complete lives as blind individuals. To support The National Association For The Blind: 


Support NAB


Satya Special School

Satya Special School started its work when its founder went to the home of one of her patients, who was a disabled child. In a rundown shack, she found the child shackled to a bed and covered in her own waste. Her own mother had locked up the disabled child because she couldn’t take care of her. Satya Special School was founded in 2003 and has teachers and physiotherapists who educate the children and provide them with appropriate rehabilitation to overcome their disabilities and be integrated into mainstream schools to improve their futures. The education NGO has educated over 1,200 children with disabilities. To support Satya Special School: 


Support Satya Special School


Ayang Trust

Education is used as the tool to save generations from perishing due to a natural disaster. The communities living on Majuli Island are in danger of losing their homes and livelihoods due to the rising waters that threaten to submerge their island but Ayang Trust has a solution to ensure that the communities don’t perish. Founded by a former IIT-ian, the education NGO established The Hummingbird School for children of the island to receive a strong education and be eligible for jobs to save their families’ livelihoods that are being threatened due to the shrinking river island in Assam. To support Ayang Trust:


Support Ayang Trust


Bhartiye Netraheen Kalyan Parishad

For underprivileged blind girls, their disadvantages are three times as much as other children. Unable to access education, these girls are resigned to a bleak future without the opportunities to discover their potential and contribute their skills and talent to the world around them. Bhartiye Netraheen Kalyan Parishad in Delhi provides an education for girls with visual impairments and teaches them Braille in addition to other important skills to improve their abilities and strengthen their futures. Founded by an individual who is blind himself, the NGO has an empathetic and empowering core. To support Bhartiye Netraheen Kalyan Parishad: 


Support Bhartiye Netraheen


Asha Jyothi 

Asha Jyothi is an Andhra Pradesh-based organization that cares for special needs children who have been abandoned by their families. Asha Jyothi was founded by an individual who lost his special needs daughter and decided to help underprivileged families without the means to care for their special needs children. Founded in 1998, Asha Jyothi now cares for 75 children with disabilities who receive education, in addition to other basic needs, to make sure that their futures are better than their pasts. In educating special needs children, the education NGO is giving these children the chance to have the future of their dreams. To support Asha Jyothi:


Support Asha Jyothi


Support an education NGO!

Education is one of the most powerful tools to change the trajectory of a person’s life – from despair to hope. Even if born in an impoverished household without a roof over their heads or food on their plates, education can empower that child to rise above his or her circumstances and improve their futures. Education will enable that child to graduate from school, get safe and decent employment and earn an income. The future of that child will now be brighter and he or she can ensure that their children will have what they did not have. 



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