ELEPHANTS are one of those rare animals that are loved by almost everyone. Large, majestic and affectionate, elephants leave a positive impression on people and are symbols of maternal warmth and gentleness. The recent news coming out of the Wayanad landslides narrates stories of understanding and kindness displayed by elephants to those fleeing the disaster. But faced with habitat loss and conflict with humans, elephant NGOs explain that elephants can also be aggressive toward humans and are known to exhibit dangerous behavior to protect their herds and homes. 

There are only around 20,000 to 25,000 elephants in India. The main threats to their population include encroachment onto elephant territories to construct buildings, roads and other development projects. This habitat loss cuts elephants off from their food sources and from other elephants within their herds. Faced with food loss, elephants wander near human settlements in search of food and this causes conflict between humans and elephants that often ends in injuries and death, on both sides. Forced to enter human territories, elephants also get electrocuted from electric wires and hit by trains, leading to their deaths. There are also more sinister and deliberate reasons for the dwindling elephant population which includes illegal poaching to sell male elephants’ tusks on the black market as ivory products.

Elephant conservation is of prime importance to elephant NGOs across India to reduce elephant deaths and increase the elephant population. Here are 5 elephant NGOs working with local communities and Forest Officers to mitigate human-elephant conflict:

Wildlife Protection Society of India

Wildlife Protection Society of India is one of the elephant NGOs operating in Odisha’s deciduous forests, where elephants make their home. The communities that dwell at the edge of the forests often burn fallen Kendu leaves and Mahua flowers during the dry months. The elephants, scared at the raging forest fires near their habitat, flee their homes and enter human villages in search of shelter and food. This leads to human-animal conflict, which can often turn fatal. Wildlife Protection Society of India trains local women in 100 villages in Dhenkanal, Keonjhar and Angul districts to dispose of the leaves and flowers in a safe manner that does not further distress the elephant population. To support Wildlife Protection Society of India:

Support Wildlife Protection Society of India


Wildlife Protection Society of India

Centre For Wildlife Studies

Elephant NGOs across India implement strategies to mitigate human-elephant conflict especially in villages bordering elephant habitats. Centre For Wildlife Studies has an innovative solution being implemented in Nagarahole and Bandipur in Karnataka: early warning systems. The elephant NGO’s real-time AI-enabled acoustic monitoring systems are fitted in high human-elephant conflict areas. The network of acoustic sensors detect elephant movement and alert communities and officials through an app or text messages. People, aware of elephants nearby, are not caught off guard and can protect people and property without harming the gentle giants. To support Centre For Wildlife Studies: 

Support Centre For Wildlife Studies


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Aadivasi Welfare Foundation

Human habitats are expanding into forested areas inhabited by elephant herds causing elephants to forage into human habitation in search of food. When this happens, elephants unknowingly destroy crops and cultivated fields in the process. Aadivasi Welfare Foundation is one of the elephant NGOs working with local communities around the Damana Wildlife Sanctuary to reduce the local people’s dependence on agriculture and the forests for their livelihood. To ensure that the people have sufficient sources of income, the organization trains the people in alternative occupations, such as beekeeping, so the people are not severely affected by destroyed crops or agriculture. To support Aadivasi Welfare Foundation:

Support Aadivasi Welfare Foundation


Aadivasi Welfare Foundation

Environmentalist Foundation of India

Elephants depend on the lakes and ponds bordering the Western Ghats forests in the Kinathukadavu area of Coimbatore for their survival. But increasing industrialization in this area has led to contaminated lakes, polluted water and an increase in water related diseases which affect people and animals. Environmentalist Foundation of India is solving this problem by clearing the trash, construction debris and invasive weeds from water bodies. The team then strengthens and deepens the water bodies to improve water retention. The local communities are also educated on proper water management practices and systems. To support flora and fauna, To support Environmentalist Foundation of India:

Support Environmentalist Foundation of India


Environmentalist Foundation of India

Nature Conservation Foundation

Elephant populations are affected by human activities such as habitat encroachment, harmful methods to scare away the animals and the lack of knowledge on human-elephant conflict prevention. Nature Conservation Foundation is one of the elephant NGOs working in the In the Cauvery and Malai Mahadeshwara Wildlife Sanctuaries to raise awareness and develop strategies and practices to facilitate human-elephants coexistence. The organization trains community leaders, educates tourists, organizes visits for school students, conducts street plays and monitors the effectiveness of the initiative especially among children, the next generation of leaders. To support Nature Conservation Foundation:

Support Nature Conservation Foundation


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Support elephant NGOs this World Elephant Day

This  World Elephant Day, you can support these elephant NGOs to repair the relationship between elephants and humans as elephants cope with habitat loss, scarce food and hunters. Lend your support to these gentle and majestic creatures and do your part in the global elephant conservation effort. 


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