THE 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals are a development blueprint to improve life on Earth for all people and protect the planet and its resources for future generations. The Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs came into effect in 2015 and acts as a roadmap of sorts for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. When people around the world work together to achieve these objectives, the lives of people in different geographies will get better. 

United Nations Day is observed around the world on October 24th to commemorate the day that it came into effect in 1945. The idea of the United Nations and the need for such a force was much needed after the end of WWII with most of the world devastated and this includes India which saw 3 million of its citizens dead after the Second World War. The Sustainable Development Goals guide individuals and organizations across India as they achieve their aims to empower and uplift the most marginalized.

Here are the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and NGOs that are working hard to achieve their aims!

SDG 1: No Poverty 

The global poverty line is $2.15 which is ₹180.77 and there are millions of people across India that live below the poverty line. End poverty in all its forms everywhere is the mission of Sustainable Development Goals 1: No Poverty. End Poverty is an NGO in Haryana that works toward the economic development of the poor in the areas of rural education, sustainable agriculture, dairy development and other areas. To support End Poverty:

Support End Poverty

SDG 2: Zero Hunger

It is estimated that 220+ million Indians are undernourished, leading to low immunity, organ damage and even death. End hunger is the goal of Sustainable Development Goals 2: Zero Hunger. Mission: Feed The Hungry works with NGOs that prepare and distribute fresh and nutritious food to underprivileged children and homeless adults to improve their health and help them access education and employment. To support Mission: Feed The Hungry:

Support Mission: Feed The Hungry

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being

Healthcare is a basic right but more than 70% of Indians have no access to medical care and treatment. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being is the goal of Sustainable Development Goals 3: Good Health and Well-Being. Mahan Trust is an NGO that brings medical care to underprivileged communities deep in the forests of Melghat. From a small hut to a large multispeciality hospital, Mahan Trust has cared for 1.25 lakh patients since 1997. To support Mahan Trust:

Support Mahan Trust

SDG 4: Quality Education

Education is the key to transforming lives and improving the futures. But there are crores of Indians who have never attended school. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities is the aim of Sustainable Development Goals 4: Quality Education. Samaritan Help Mission educates children in slums to give underprivileged children a solid academic foundation to evade poverty. To support Samaritan Help Mission:

Support Samaritan Help Mission

SDG 5: Gender Equality

Girls across India still endure discrimination which stops them from going to school. This is disconcerting since education improves futures. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls is the goal of Sustainable Development Goals 5: Gender Equality. Mission: Every Girl In School covers the cost of school fees, books, uniforms and other education related expenses for girls whose families cannot afford to send them to school. To support Mission: Every Girl In School:

Support Mission: Every Girl in School

SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Water sustains life. But more than 160 million Indians lack access to clean water and this causes diseases and death. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation is the mission of Sustainable Development Goals 6: Clean Water and Sanitation. Since 1986, WaterAid India has been making clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene accessible. By installing hand pumps and water pipes in poor communities, the NGO saves lives. To support WaterAid India: 

Support WaterAid India

SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

Modern society depends on affordable access to energy but 60+ lakh Indians lack access to electricity. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy is the goal of Sustainable Development Goals 7: Affordable and Clean Energy. Energy Swaraj Foundation makes local communities self-sufficient by enabling localized energy production and consumption and involving the public in ensuring clean and sustainable production. To support Energy Swaraj Foundation: 

Support Energy Swaraj Foundation

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

There is a 7.8% unemployment rate in India and the lack of decent employment leaves many without access to income, housing, medical care, nutrition and other basic needs. Full and productive employment and decent work is one of the aims of Sustainable Development Goals 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. Youth 4 Jobs Foundation helps young people obtain equal access to education and employment opportunities. To support Youth 4 Jobs Foundation:

Support Youth 4 Jobs Foundation

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 

The focus of Sustainable Development Goals 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure is to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. Small Scale Sustainable Infrastructure Development Fund promotes equitable, economic and social development to empower poor and marginalized communities. To support Small Scale Sustainable Infrastructure Development Fund:

Support Small Scale Sustainable

SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

One of the major forms of inequality among people is gender discrimination with women at a disadvantage. Reduce inequality within and among countries is the aim of Sustainable Development Goals 10: Reduced Inequalities. Sharanalayam is an organization that empowers disadvantaged and exploited women with vocation-based skills training and gives them a solid foundation on which to rise to an even and equal position. To support Sharanalayam:

Support Sharanalayam

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Increasingly, air pollution is a major cause for concern for countries around the world. This is of particular concern to India, whose cities are among the most polluted in the world. One of the core areas of Sustainable Development Goals 11 is to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Mission: Right To Clear Air works with NGOs to increase forest cover across India through tree plantation and nurturing. To support Mission: Right To Clean Air:

Support Mission: Right To Clean Air

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Food waste is one of the focus areas of Sustainable Development Goals 12: Responsible Consumption and Production to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. Mission: Manage India’s Waste works at the source level to reduce waste that goes to landfills, segregate food waste to prevent the release of harmful chemicals into the air and water resulting from the toxic mix of wet and dry waste and promote composting. To support Mission: Manage India’s Waste:

Support Mission: Manage India's Waste

SDG 13: Climate Action

Trees absorb carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas, and this helps cool the planet. Climate change is thus accelerated by deforestation and the rapid loss of trees. Taking urgent action to combat climate change is the goal of Sustainable Development Goals 13: Climate Action. Give Me Trees is an NGO founded by Peepal Baba that has planted 1.27 crore trees and is on a mission to plant 50 lakh trees across India. To support Give Me Trees:

Support Give Me Trees

SDG 14: Life Below Water

The oceans are important for more than just oxygen production. Its marine life is an important part of our ecosystem and a principal source of food and livelihoods for the majority of people. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans is the main goal of Sustainable Development Goals 14: Life Below Water. Environmentalist Foundation of India revives water bodies across India to preserve and protect marine life and raise awareness on its importance. To support Environmentalist Foundation of India: 

Support Environmentalist Foundation of India

SDG 15: Life on Land

Life on the planet is based on the delicate codependence between plant, animal and human life. But human encroachment on animal habitats threatens life and increases the risk of natural disasters. Protect, restore and promote sustainability is the aim of Sustainable Development Goals 15: Life on Land. Centre For Wildlife Studies works with local communities to mitigate human-animal conflict and reduce the loss of animals’ habitats. To support Centre For Wildlife Studies: 

Support Centre for Wildlife Studies

SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Trafficking in human beings is a crime that emerges from the chaos of poverty, conflict and even natural disasters. The goal of Sustainable Development Goal 16 is to provide access to justice for all and to meet this objective, Guria rescues girls and women who are abducted and forced into prostitution. In addition to rescue and rehabilitation, Guria also prosecutes traffickers and provides legal support to rescued women in court. To support Guria:

Support Guria

SDG 17: Partnership For The Goals

To achieve these objectives, it is imperative for compassionate donors and hard working organizations in different parts of India to come together. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development is the main focus of Sustainable Development Goals 17: Partnership For The Goals. With more support to nonprofits whose on-ground work transforms lives, UN SDGs can be achieved. To support organizations:

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YOU can make a difference!

This United Nations Day, your support to these organizations can help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals to improve life for everyone across India. When you donate to any of these NGOs, you empower underprivileged and disadvantaged people across India and help them live better lives! 


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