After a 24-year long career with Unilever in UK, when Nihal Kaviratne returned home to Mumbai with wife Shyama,.
CANCER is a disease that millions of Indians suffer from. It is estimated that around 700,000 new cancer cases.
IN the annals of Indian cinema, the name Nargis Dutt stands as a symbol of grace, talent and enduring.
WORLD Cancer Day shines the light on the importance of learning about this disease which affects millions of people.
CANCER, a formidable adversary that claims millions of lives worldwide each year, has prompted the establishment of various initiatives.
CANCER is a dreaded word for individuals and families across the globe. For those in low-income households, the burden.
CANCER is a relentless adversary and for those without financial means, the battle becomes even more daunting. In Rishikesh,.
CANCER, a formidable adversary, often plunges individuals and their families into a whirlpool of physical and emotional turmoil. In.
AN NGO for cancer patients addresses the multifaceted challenges that arise during a cancer journey, including medical, emotional, financial,.
IN a world fraught with challenges, there are remarkable individuals who stand as beacons of hope and compassion, shining.
Priya Dutt observed the devastation that cancer can bring to a family at an early age after her mother.
CANCER is a significant health concern worldwide and India is no exception. In recent years, cancer has been steadily.
AS the world marks February 4 as World Cancer Day, the disease remains a significant public health concern in.
EVERY year, November 7 is observed as National Cancer Awareness Day in India. The Government of India in 2014.
INTERNATIONAL studies estimate that over 10 million people die from cancer every year, and at least one-third of common.
CANCER, of which there are about 200 different kinds, is by far one of the most costly diseases to.
OBSERVING World Cancer Day reminds us that the Emperor of Maladies, as the disease is dubbed, continues to plague.
Help children from poor families have a fighting chance to survive WHILE India struggles with the Coronavirus pandemic, other.
She was full of life, running around all the time, refusing to sit still. Today, her life is confined.
Bi was leading a lonely life after the death of her husband till Sita the goat came along. After being diagnosed with cancer, she couldn’t see her goat for 6 months but managed to do so shortly before her death.
These old friends who once fought cancer together at St. Jude, have now reunited at the NGO to celebrate life and remember the good times. Donate for cancer!
Millions of cancer patients die every year, making cancer one of the leading causes of death in India Cancer.
Mr. Yogendra Kumar Sapru is the Founder Chairman & CEO of Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA). An experienced pharmaceutical.
Spend a day with Cancer Patients Aid Association’s (CPAA) team and you’re sure to be moved by their heart-warming.
It took me way longer than expected to get to St. Judes’s; more so because it’s located in a.