APPALLED by the stark reality of 31 million orphaned children in India and the condition of institutions housing them,.
“MENSTRUAL health and hygiene automatically take a back seat during a crisis and nobody even takes notice,” says Arun.
BASED in Patna, the capital of India’s poorest state, Shoshit Seva Sangh provides free quality education in an English.
COMPLETING 30 years in the social sector, Akanksha Foundation has been educating children from low-income communities across Mumbai and.
Says Meenakshi Gairola, founder of United Efforts “WHAT will I be when I grow up?” is a common question.
This is the lesson Zarina Screwvala learned after she co-founded Swades Foundation SWADES Foundation believes that India will never.
Aarti for Girls was founded on this principle; a chat with founder Sandhya Puchalapalli IN 1977, Sandhya Puchalapalli, an.
Says Bhumi co-founder Dr. Prahalathan KK – and what he did during the pandemic pause STARTED by a small.