Donating as a habit

donate to help children like these

Think about this for a second. You are stuck at the traffic signal, and a child comes up to you. She is selling something: pens or roses or stickers. You are at once uncomfortable, torn between pity and annoyance. 

You could buy a pen from her or donate some money to her for a meal. But would that make any real difference for her? How about her next meal? Will she be back on the street tomorrow?

Just like you, we asked ourselves these questions when we started Give. Over the years we have realized that it isn’t enough to simply donate once. We need to do more. 

This week, we invite you to pause and reflect on the changes you want to make in this world. If you are ready to commit to a cause, we have a way for you to create an impact. Find a program you want to support and subscribe to donate monthly. Make donating your new good habit!

On the blog

Why you should make donating a habit

We often hear from our donors about how giving has made a difference in their lives. Here is the story of Suhel Banerjee, an early subscriber on our monthly giving platform. Link

Campaign in need of donations:

Mission 10 Million Meals

Akshaya Patra, Isha Education and Annamrita have joined hands with us on an endeavor to deliver 10 million mid-day meals to schoolkids every year. Join the mission to feed children in 19 states across India.

Make a difference with just Rs.1000/- p.m – GIVE NOW

Did you know 

From Kashmir to Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan to Tripura, Give has partnered with 200+ nonprofits from 22 states across India. 


Established in 2000, Give is the largest and most trusted giving platform in India. Our community of 2.6M+ donors have supported 2,800+ nonprofits, impacting 15M+ lives across India.

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