GOOD deeds make the world go round. From funding a school student’s education to making a blood donation, good deeds impact the person doing the good deed as well as the world around them. Good deeds also create a ripple effect and go on to positively impact more people than just one. When we make a conscious decision to help someone in need, we are joining hands with them to improve their lives and showing them that we believe in them and prioritize their well being. Throughout the course of our lives, we have all received a little help from our friends, or even strangers. This could include a friend cooking our meals when we’re unwell or lending a listening ear or shoulder to cry on when we’re experiencing a personal problem. We all need a helping hand here and there and when we receive it, our gratitude makes us want to help others in turn. 

It is easy to forget about the good deeds we may have done for others. The habit of helping others may have become second nature to us or we may have been taught to do our good deeds in secret to ensure that our intentions remain focused on the person we’re helping and not about ourselves and how much we are doing for other people. But acknowledging our good deeds and even writing them down in a journal serves many good purposes. 

person typing on a laptop

Journaling good deeds reminds us how important others are

Tracking our good deeds in a journal reminds us of the people we have helped and how important they are to us. When we look back at the things we have done to help others, such as the charitable donation we made to a women’s rights organization or the student whose tuition fees we paid for, it reminds us of how important others are and encourages us to continue investing in their lives. It also reinforces our commitment to causes that we consider to be of prime importance. 

Journaling good deeds reminds us what we can do for others

Remembering our good deeds also serves to remind us that we are indeed capable of uplifting people’s lives and making a positive impact in the lives of generations of people. It is easy to get caught up in the busy moments of life and forget about our capabilities when it comes to helping others. But journaling our good deeds (and potential good deeds) can not only remind us of this but also help us organize and plan how to best help others going forward. 

We can journal our good deeds on! helps us do this through an online good deeds journal where we can log our good deeds and earn coins and stars for acts of kindness such as making an online donation, using public transport, donating clothes, supporting our household help or donating blood. As each good deed is logged, we can upload images of our good deeds. Think of this journal as a personal diary or vision board that we place in our rooms to remind us of our accomplishments and inspire ourselves and others to do good. We can personalize our page and share it with others to encourage them to join us on your charitable journey. 

two children eating a meal

We can share our good deeds journal on social media

Our online good deeds journal can also be shared to our social media feed to help us share our personal journey with others, help them learn about the issues that are important to us and show our friends and followers how they can get involved in supporting the issues we care about, step-by-step. Each social media platform allows us to share our notes, voice effects and other personalized content to our good deeds social media post. These tools help us express our thoughts about the importance of doing good deeds and serve as an example to others on how to best use their skills, time and finances and channel all their good intentions into action.

Support an NGO on

One of the best ways to do good (and earn coins) is to support an NGO or become a partner with a monthly mission on To search for fundraisers that reflect our interests, we can head to and type in the name of the cause we want to support or the name of the NGO and make our donation. Furthermore, to make a constant and sustainable impact, we can become monthly partners with monthly missions to help people receive support throughout the year and just through a one time donation.

Make a donation in someone else’s name

To encourage others to join you, you can even get the ball rolling by making a donation to an NGO on behalf of someone else – in their name! Once you find the NGO, make your donation and instead of entering your name and details, enter the name and details of the person in whose name you are donating. Once you download your donation certificate with the name of your friend or loved one, you can send it to them as a memorable and meaningful keepsake, which can inspire them to support the organization. 

Good Deeds Journal FAQs:

Here are some FAQs on’s Good Deeds Journal:

  1. What are gold coins and how do they work?

Users can earn coins through various activities, such as logging good deeds, donating, referrals and raising funds on You can check your coin balance by going to

  1. What are Givestars and how many levels are there?

Users can earn Givestars based on their coin balance:

1⭐Givestar for 1,000 coins

2⭐Givestar for 2,000 coins

3⭐Givestar for 5,000 coins

4⭐Givestar for 10,000 coins

5⭐Givestar for 20,000 coins 

  1. Will I get coins if I donate on GiveIndia?

Donations on the GiveIndia platform will not award users coins, but coins and Givestars can be earned on Donate and earn coins equal to the donation amount (up to 1,000) and share the fundraiser and get 50 coins! Someone who donates via your shared fundraiser link will help you get 1/10th of the donation amount (up to 1,000 coins). Sign up, and get 50 coins!

  1. Can I exchange my coins for real money or rewards? Or give my coins to other users?

At this time, does not facilitate the direct exchange of coins for real money. But, coins can be redeemed for badges and levels available on the platform. 

  1. Is my personal information safe on

Yes. takes user privacy and data security seriously. Your personal information is protected as per’s privacy policy, which can be viewed on the website. When you delete your account, your uploaded images and text-based logs will also be permanently removed from the platform.

Start journaling your good deeds on!

To start your good deeds journal, head to, log in and start journaling! You can personalize your page, check your good deeds timeline, chat with the team if there are any questions and inspire yourself and others to make the world go round with your good deeds! To start journaling: 

Start your Good Deeds Journal!


Give’s mission is to “make giving bigger and better.” Give is the most trusted donation platform in India for fundraisers and crowdfunding campaigns. Through our technology solutions, we enable individuals and organisations to fundraise and donate to a cause, charity or NGO with trust and convenience. Give’s community of 2.7M+ individual donors and 300+ organisations supports 3,000+ verified nonprofits with 80G deduction and serves 15M+ people across India. Find a fundraiser today!


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