AT first glance, it’s a struggle to find what dogs, cats, horses, buffaloes and hens have in common. But if we take a closer look, we can see that each of these animals are abused and mistreated to the point of extreme suffering and even death. India Animal Foundation enables NGOs across India to rescue animals from despair and give them much needed medical treatment, food, safe shelter and the chance to be adopted into loving homes.
Each animal has their own struggles – from scouring the streets for food to being crammed into cages too small to move or breathe. Even dodging oncoming vehicles or being forced to transport heavy loads of cargo on their backs uphill. NGOs across India see their pain and are working hard to locate and rescue these animals from their silent suffering and bring them to places with safe shelter, regular food and the love and care of humans. Learn how the following India Animal Foundation fundraisers are helping dogs, cats, horses, buffaloes and hens with the care and treatment they need.
Here are 7 groups of animals you can support:
The abuse of street dogs and pet dogs happens so often that we are almost forced to look in the other direction when we see cases of extreme animal abuse. But dogs depend on us to help them, especially when the mistreatment that happens to them is because of humans. Dogs are often beaten, starved, burned, chased or run over by vehicles by people who choose to harm innocent animals who have no voice or power to defend themselves. But these dogs are living creatures and as Darshan says in the video below, “we can do something about this and give dogs a better life.”
Team Prayas and India Animal Foundation receives distress calls from concerned individuals or searches the streets to rescue dogs who need help. Once the dogs are safe in their care, the team administers urgent medical treatment, gives them healthy food and a safe and loving home to live in with lots of fun and games and the chance to live their lives without fear and deprivation. Darshan and Team Prayas need support to continue rescuing more dogs from miserable conditions and giving them the care they deserve. To help street dogs who need your support, you can donate here:
Stray cats face harsh conditions on the streets where they are exposed to abuse, starvation and accidents that leave them with broken bones, malnourished and without food or water. Furthermore, they are also abused by people who beat them, pour boiling water or oil on them, stuff them into bags and dump them in garbage bins and even kill them. This has a disastrous effect on cats and as Priyanka Bangari from People For Animals Uttarakhand explains, the cats “suffer from tumors, cancers, blindness and deformities and every second of their lives becomes challenging.”
People For Animals Uttarakhand and India Animal Foundation are rescuing stray cats from these miserable conditions and providing trauma care and medical interventions to keep the cats alive. For many cats whose illnesses and deformities are too advanced for adoption, shelter and care is needed for the rest of their lives. The team also runs a 24-hour helpline so people can seek help for injured cats they come across. People For Animals Uttarakhand needs your help to continue caring for the hurt cats in their care. To help stray cats who need your support, you can donate here:
Farm animals such as buffaloes endure horrific cruelty and abuse in illegal slaughterhouses. In many of these places, around 40 buffaloes are crammed into spaces meant for 10 buffaloes. The buffaloes are kept in filthy sheds and females are injected with harmful substances to extract milk, which they are forced to produce for an unnatural and unhealthy amount of time. Asher Jesudoss of People For Animals shares that “their bones are broken from beatings, they are tied up with rope”, tortured behind closed doors and suffer in silence.
People For Animals and India Animal Foundation are fighting to save buffaloes from torture and cruel treatment. After a lifetime of abuse, these sick and injured farm animals are finally being given safe and spacious shelter, sufficient food, good treatment and medicines to treat their injuries from being abused for so long. “We want to provide a lifetime of happiness and ease the suffering of these farm animals who would otherwise have had a slow and painful death,” shares Asher. To help buffaloes who need your support, you can donate here:
Working animals like horses, donkeys and mules are protected by laws that restrict their working hours and the weight they are allowed to carry. But these laws are not enforced and the result – these horses are overworked, beaten, deprived of food and water and forced to carry heavy loads more than 3 times their body weight. Because of this, these horses and other equine animals collapse and die of exhaustion and wounds from being beaten. “Horses are worked to death at tourist spots across India,” explains Gauri Maulekhi of People for Animals Uttarakhand.
People for Animals Uttarakhand and India Animal Foundation are bringing to light the suffering and torture of horses and other working animals at hill stations, beaches and other places. Due to the insufferable treatment, “horses have deep maggot and pus infected wounds and become helpless – that’s when they are left to die alone” shares Gauri who works with her team to bring these working animals to their horse sanctuary and give them medical treatment, nutritious animal feed and sufficient space to run free. To help horses who need your support, you can donate here:
In poultry farms across India, crores of hens are crammed into tiny wire cages where their wings and bones are often broken and they die of suffocation and the lack of air and sunlight. Because of the stress of these conditions, hens often fight with one another and to prevent this, their beaks are cut with a searing hot iron, causing severe pain and excessive bleeding. Each of these hens are known to live in a space as small as an A4 sheet of paper, for their entire lives. “Every second, hens are treated as mere egg-producing machines in unnatural living conditions,” explains Gauri.
But People For Animals Uttarakhand and India Animal Foundation have a solution to this mistreatment of hens: cage-free farms. Gauri explains that “in contrast to battery farming, traditional poultry farming have cage-free farms where hens are allowed to roam free. Furthermore, the eggs produced in cage-free farms are healthier and more profitable for farmers.” Gauri and the NGO team need help to build humane and cage-free farms to free hens from their suffering. To help hens who need your support, you can donate here:
Pigs suffer from a bad reputation despite being clean, smart and emotional animals. The word pig has become synonymous with dirtiness or messiness and this causes a lack of sympathy for the horrific pain that pigs suffer in factory farms. Pigs are crammed into tiny crates and suffer so much fear and distress that it causes them to chew on the bars of their cages until they bleed. “Moments before they are slaughtered, they are fed the organs of other pigs; their entire lives are nothing but pain and suffering” explains Sunayana Sibal of People For Animals Uttarakhand.
People For Animals Uttarakhand and India Animal Foundation are rescuing pigs from abuse in factory farms and bringing them to a place of safety where they can live safe and free lives. In addition to shelter, the pigs have nutritious food, medical care and the chance to form close bonds with other pigs, just as they do in their natural habitat. Sunayana shares that the pigs rescued from abuse now have all of their needs met. But more help is needed to save 90 lakh pigs from abuse and torture in factory farms. To help pigs who need your support, you can donate here:
Camels are attacked, butchered and smuggled in inhumane conditions, causing immense suffering as a result of broken bones, deep wounds and stifling conditions. Transported in large numbers and forced to work or be a part of fairs and other events, camels are made to carry loads too heavy for them and beaten mercilessly if they collapse from the weight. “The owners beat the camels even if they are on the verge of exhaustion. If a camel enters someone’s farm, they are brutally attacked by axes and knives” explains Timmie Kumar who heads Help In Suffering.
Help In Suffering and India Animal Foundation are rescuing injured and abused camels and giving them the treatment and care they desperately need. Each year, the organization treats around 7,000 camels with many being given a safe environment to call home. Timmie Kumar also shares that “camels are used for leather, meat and entertainment. Because the camels are marked with hot irons and develop such deep wounds, they cannot eat or drink so they slowly die.” To help camels who need your support, you can donate here:
Support these India Animal Foundation fundraisers
Humans and animals share the same planet. Being more compassionate can ease the suffering of animals who share our living spaces as street animals, pet animals and working animals. To lend a helping hand to these fundraisers by India Animal Foundation, make a charitable donation and change the world for these innocent animals.
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Shirley has been in the development sector for over 10 years and is passionate about making a change in the world around her, including adopting dogs and writing to make a difference.
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