WHEN the devastating COVID-19 pandemic spread to India, people were faced with an unknown virus and a sudden nationwide lockdown. This trapped people, mostly migrant laborers, thousands of kilometers from their homes with no way back. The country also witnessed people, companies and entire communities step forward in the spirit of giving to donate their time and finances to assist governments and NGOs meet the needs of people. 

But worldwide, people also increased their charitable giving. India was no exception, with individual donations going up by 43% during the pandemic. Individuals of various age groups donated money and goods to organizations, participated in grassroots initiatives and even used their prominent social media presence to connect people to life-saving information such as the availability of hospital beds and where to purchase oxygen cylinders.

What was it about COVID-19 that made us more charitable?

The recognition that ‘we are all in this together’ and that the COVID-19 virus affected everyone on the planet without bias can be some of the reasons that people felt a strong willingness to help each other, according to research conducted in Europe. This ‘common bond’ is believed to have increased the likelihood of donating to charitable causes. 

People who were surveyed in India shared that donating money to solve social problems helps them do their part to improve the world around them. In turn, this makes them feel that giving made them better individuals and citizens. 

Do these shared interests still exist post-pandemic?

We did a good job coming together during the pandemic to meet each other’s needs. Even though the intensity of the pandemic has decreased, there are still multiple areas where we can engage with and support each other through giving. These include assisting children who cannot afford to rejoin school, gaps in learning, job losses, the lack of access to essential resources and more. 

Here are 10 ways that charitable giving can still continue after the height of the COVID-19 pandemic:

1. The same problems that existed during the COVID-19 pandemic still exist 

The intensity of the pandemic may have lessened, but the problems that we saw during the pandemic (such as people losing their jobs and not being able to afford sending their children to school) still persist.

2. In many cases, the problems are worse

The COVID-19 pandemic placed a heavy financial burden on underfunded schools or hospitals, for example. These institutions are still struggling for much-needed resources such as school supplies or medical equipment. 

3. We are still in the same boat

Empathy played a significant role in why we all stepped forward to help each other during the COVID-19 pandemic. But we are still in the same boat and there are a multitude of issues that we have in common which impact us all. 

4. We are all connected

What happens to a group of people in one part of the country impacts us all in direct and indirect ways. Doing our part to help each other benefits everyone and helps us create the type of society we want to live in.

5. Rapidly emerging innovations allow us to help each other in newer ways

Innovations like ChatGPT enable us to use new tools to help struggling schools, for example, who cannot afford to purchase mock tests or practice material to help their students do better and compete with others on a national level. 

6. We know the areas where charitable giving made an impact

We have the benefit of hindsight to know where our donations made an impact. If there are specific initiatives or organizations that have tried-and-tested methods to use donations to make an impact, we can trust that future donations will make progress in that area.

7. Workplaces have made charitable giving beneficial

Workplaces have curated their own giving programs that offer employees the benefits of enhancing their careers by strengthening CSR branding, tax-deductible contributions and being part of a team that builds a strong work culture. 

8. We can focus on niche areas that we are passionate about 

How can water-therapy help injured animals? How can AI help students improve math and language skills? We all have specific things that keep us up at night. Charitable giving doesn’t have to be random. It can be specific to your interests and help you be a part of a niche area that you feel connected to and want to see growing and expanding. 

9. There are multiple ways to give

In addition to traditional payment options, more options were introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure easy and contactless payment. Digital wallets, UPI payments, QR codes, bank cards and more can be used to make your charitable giving easier and more convenient. 

10. You can personalize your fundraising and charitable giving 

If there is a cause that is important to you, you might have friends, family members or social media followers who feel the same way. You can encourage others to donate by creating your own fundraiser here! This allows you to raise funds for an NGO but personalize your fundraiser to make it your own. For example, you can ask your friends and family to donate to your fundraiser instead of buying you presents on your birthday. 

Keeping the spirit of giving alive

In India, there exists a wide gap between the rich and poor that has been deepening, especially in the last three decades. That trend has not slowed post-pandemic. 

The impact of coming together during the pandemic was that lives were saved and people were protected from the virus. But there is still much more to be done. Keeping the spirit of giving alive can help us work together to solve our common problems and save lives. Search for fundraisers here by selecting your area of interest and make a change through your charitable giving. 


Give’s mission is to “make giving bigger and better.” Give is the most trusted donation platform in India for fundraisers and crowdfunding campaigns. Through our technology solutions, we enable individuals and organisations to fundraise and donate to a cause, charity or NGO with trust and convenience. Give’s community of 2.7M+ individual donors and 300+ organisations supports 3,000+ verified nonprofits with 80G deduction and serves 15M+ people across India. Find a fundraiser today!

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