MAHILA Dakshata Samiti is an NGO that was founded in 1976 by a group of accomplished women including the spouse of the former Vice President of India. The organization offers a wide range of services that include health, education, empowerment and equality which are often denied to women – especially women from marginalized communities. Mahila Dakshata Samiti has an interesting story as a women’s organization that was founded as a support group in response to the problem of dowry demands and harassment. The organization worked hard to eradicate these and other problems and branched out over the decades to cover different areas that are of great concern to women. 

The four core areas of Mahila Dakshata Samiti’s work are: health, education, empowerment and equality. To meet these objectives, the Karnataka-based NGO for women offers skill development programs, education and child welfare programs, a family counseling center, a short stay home, legal services, a primary health care center, a Diabetes clinic, medical camps, a Well Women Clinic, sanitation services and raises awareness on important issues related to women.  

an Indian woman

What problems do women face?

Mahila Dakshata Samiti empowers and uplifts women who are suffering from grave and serious problems such as abuse of different forms and the lack of access to rights and services such as education, vocational skills, legal aid, employment opportunities and more. Without the organization’s help, women and their children would have the support needed to take themselves out of abusive and dangerous environments. But because of the NGO, women have the foundation to rebuild their lives and look to the future with hope. 

When Suman Krishan Kant, Pramila Dandavate, Mrudula Sinha and Dr. Sushila Nayyar founded Mahila Dakshata Samiti, it was to be a place where women in desperate need could receive help, care and support. 48 years later, the organization, headed by Saranya Hegde, still offers critical services to women and children from the most marginalized communities. 

Here are major focus areas of Mahila Dakshata Samiti that offers services and assistance to women in need. 

Skill development training

Mahila Dakshata Samiti’s skill development training has trained and empowered countless women and empowered them to earn an income and live self-sufficient lives. When women are financially independent, this strengthens the workforce, uplifts the economy and supports families. Mahila Dakshata Samiti offers skill development training in tailoring, embroidery, painting, arts and crafts, paper bag making, cooking, baking and chocolate-making. 

The NGO for women also trains women in employable skills including catering, driving, soft skills and personality development. The organization also provides self-care training in grooming, etiquette, interpersonal skills, accepted social behavioral patterns, health and hygiene, diet and nutrition, cleanliness, legal awareness and other important areas.

a group of women doing a session

Dakshata Short Stay Home

Mahila Dakshata Samiti opened the Dakshata Short Stay Home in response to the urgent and desperate need of women in need of a safe place to seek shelter. Women often suffer mental, physical or sexual abuse by their husbands and in-laws and run away from their homes to escape this abuse. Families also force women out of their homes due to disagreements and disputes. 

Either way, women are left to fend for themselves on the streets, where there is a high risk of abuse and exploitation. At Dakshata Short Stay Home, the NGO for women offers nutritious food, medical aid, counseling, psychological and psychiatric care and other forms of rehabilitation. Until the women are able to get back on their feet again, Mahila Dakshata Samiti provides holistic support to women in need of help.  

a group of women

Education and child welfare

Much of the help and assistance that women need pertain to their children. Mahila Dakshata Samiti invests in the education of underprivileged children. The NGO makes this effort to improve their children’s futures and allow them to achieve their dreams. To achieve this, the organization has equipped a school with a computer lab, science lab, library, hall, restrooms, drinking water and tables and chairs for classrooms. 

The organization also undertakes activities such as school book distributions, health checkups and school trips to exciting and educational destinations. Mahila Dakshata Samiti also holds celebrations in the school on special occasions which delight the children and facilitate their participation. For children unable to afford school fees or school supplies, the NGO offers scholarships to students.

a classroom

Creating awareness

Mahila Dakshata Samiti believes in the importance of changing mindsets on issues that affect women. In addition to standing in the gap and assisting women, the NGO for women prioritizes working with local communities to raise awareness on important issues that women across India are facing. Mahila Dakshata Samiti holds seminars and workshops in schools and colleges on important issues. 

The organization’s sessions raise awareness on crucial issues that impact girls and women and are important for people, including boys and men, to learn and understand. These issues include sexual violence, domestic violence, dowry harassment and death, female foeticide and infanticide, suicides, good touch/bad touch, gender equality, child abuse and more. 

Support Mahila Dakshata Samiti

Mahila Dakshata Samiti has established itself as a women’s organization that has served countless women across India. From conducting skills training programs to running a shelter home, this celebrated and award-winning NGO for women continues to serve the needs of poor and downtrodden Indian women in need. To support Mahila Dakshata Samiti, you can donate here:

Support Mahila Dakshata Samiti


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