“GIRLS disappear… just vanish.” This is what parents share about their missing daughters who have been snatched by traffickers and sold into prostitution. These children might have been playing in the streets, walking to school or on their way to the local store to buy chocolates. But, unattended and innocent of the dangerous world around them, minor girls are either lured or abducted by criminals who work with traffickers to take advantage of young children and force them into sexual slavery. Once a child realizes that he or she is in danger, it is often too late since traffickers work as a part of a criminal ring that covers their tracks. But an anti human trafficking NGO called Missing Link Trust is stepping forward to make people aware of the presence of traffickers and rehabilitate children who have been rescued. 

This rehabilitation is in the form of medical care, education and emotional support provided by Kolkata-based Missing Link Trust to help the children recover from the horror of being trafficked. The anti human trafficking NGO has been active since 2014 raising awareness on the issue of missing girls with the main aim of prevention as well as rehabilitation of rescued girls. In this short video, Leena Kejriwal explains how she founded Missing Link Trust and the mission of the organization in preventing the trafficking of girls:

How is art connected to human trafficking?

The anti human trafficking NGO Missing Link Trust was founded by Leena Kejriwal, a photographer and installation artist based in Kolkata. Being from a city that is a human trafficking hub, Leena Kejriwal was aware of the problem of girls being abducted and coerced into sex trafficking. But when she started researching how severe the problem was in Kolkata and throughout India, she decided to use her artistic skills to draw attention to the problem in a unique and impactful manner – which art can achieve. 

Exactly 10 years ago, Leena created a black silhouette of a girl which was painted on the walls of urban spaces. This black silhouette, Leena describes, “looks like holes into which millions of girls disappear from the face of the earth into the dark world of prostitution.” It became a popular symbol and went viral on social media, prompting people to join the campaign and start using stencils of the symbol to paint them in and around their own neighborhoods. The black silhouette sparked conversations among people who started asking questions. Once people learned about the millions of girls who are trafficked in India, it shocked them. But after they learned that there is something they could do to prevent it, they were all ears. 

The black silhouette symbolizes the dark world into which trafficked girls disappear into

The black silhouettes made an impact but there was more to be done. This anti human trafficking NGO was founded the following year to focus on two things: prevention and rehabilitation. Through the Missing Awareness and Safety School program (MASSp), the NGO educates students in schools how to spot the signs of trafficking and prevent it from happening. For rescued girls, Missing Link Trust helps transform them with education, medical care and a constant supportive presence in their lives.  

Missing Awareness and Safety School program (MASSp)

30% of sex trafficking victims are children. But children are innocent and do not expect that trusting an adult will lead to trafficking and rape. Despite this – or perhaps because of it – traffickers target children to meet the “demand” for sex with minors, which is against the law. The anti human trafficking NGO Missing Link Trust realized that there should be a strong force to stand in the gap and alert children to the presence of traffickers to keep them smart and safe in a manner that empowers and protects them without scarring their young minds or making them too fearful of the world.

Missing Link Trust empowers girls with the tools to keep themselves safe from trafficking

In mid 2020, the Kolkata-based anti human trafficking NGO Missing Link Trust started the Missing Awareness and Safety School program or MASSp to achieve this objective. This program uses both online and offline instruction to help children:

  • learn what sexual exploitation is 
  • learn why awareness is crucial to preventing sex abuse and exploitation
  • understand consent and establish boundaries
  • understand the risks of being online and learn how to keep themselves safe
  • be equipped with the tools and resources to speak up and get help
  • teach their friends, families and communities about the issue

“With the right tools and resources, everyone has the power to become anti-trafficking catalysts in society.”

The Missing Awareness and Safety School program is conducted with the use of activities, videos, digital comics, art campaigns and even an innovative video game. The anti human trafficking NGO’s MASSp program uses online methods such as a web app and a WhatsApp program and offline methods which includes using the stencil of the black silhouette to spark conversations on the issue of child trafficking and how we can work together to prevent this horrible crime. In learning how to prevent trafficking, the students also learn to empathize with survivors and understand their ordeal and suffering.

The Missing Awareness and Safety School program (MASSp) educates children about child trafficking

Why is MASSp important?

Sex trafficking and sexual exploitation is a dark and debilitating crime. But when its victims are children, the impact is even more devastating. Children do not even understand what sexual abuse is. The impact upon them, therefore, is often permanent and cripples their entire lives. Children who are rescued from trafficking exhibit signs of PTSD, psychological problems, behavioral disorders, substance abuse and further sexual exploitation later in their lives. More than 1.2 million children around the world are trafficked each year and each of these missing children represents a lost life and a crime committed against the most innocent of our citizens and the future of our world. 

Support anti human trafficking NGO initiatives

Since 2020, Missing Link Trust has educated 1.75 lakh children in 620 schools on how to recognize traffickers and their methods and keep themselves safe from harm. 

The information and tools that the NGO equips the children with go a long way to prevent the trafficking of children like them and their friends. But the anti human trafficking NGO needs support to reach more children with knowledge and tools that will save their lives. To support Missing Link Trust:

Support Missing Link Trust


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