Amreli district in Gujarat is a drought prone region in India. The rains are unreliable and water is not easily available. What’s more, the fluoride content in the water of much of this region is 5 parts per million – 5 times the safe level – making it completely undrinkable. Many women must therefore walk for miles each day to collect safe water for their families.
But not all women in Amreli have to struggle to collect water. Vikas Samarthan Kendra, an NGO focused on water resource management and women’s empowerment have introduced roof rain water harvesting structures for over 60 families, collecting and filtering rain water and storing it in an easily accessible tank. You can see how this simple solution has the power to completely transform lives in the inspiring video above.
But many more families still urgently need safe drinking water. It costs less than $60 to construct a roof rain water harvesting structure that will provide safe drinking water year-round. Even a little help from you can do wonders for their mission to bring safe drinking water to the whole region.
Right now on online giving website LetzChange, when you make a donation to sponsor roof rain water harvesting, we will match it – doubling the impact of your donation! Your generosity will make a huge difference to those who cannot take safe drinking water for granted.
To find out more or make a donation please click here.
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