Give exists to alleviate poverty by harnessing the power of collective giving. Our mission is to bridge the gap between the people who want to make a difference through giving back and those who are doing phenomenal work but need more support. 

In order to make giving bigger and better, solving for trust, choice, and convenience in the nonprofit ecosystem is paramount. People who want to enable change through nonprofits face several challenges, such as information asymmetry, inability to understand the work and background of nonprofits from a single source of truth, lack of standardisation and lastly, no easy channel of communicating with multiple nonprofits.

In light of these challenges, we are excited to welcome Saathi Re into Give. Saathi Re connects donors who want to bring about a change, with the information they need about nonprofits. The platform provides holistic data, information and insights about nonprofits and the impact they are creating in India. Using technology and data science, the Saathi Re platform organises and analyses vast amounts of information about the nonprofits in India. 

Saathi Re enables searching and browsing information about causes and projects across 57,000+ nonprofit organisations, 35+ sectors and 29 states of India on a web platform. Here are the ways in which it helps the sector:

  • donors can search Saathi Re for complete, up-to date information on nonprofits 
  • nonprofits can update their profiles to attract donors 
  • those who would like to volunteer or collaborate with nonprofits can research and efficiently find nonprofits that meet their needs

Commenting on the development, Anupam Jain, Founder of Saathi Re, said “We are extremely excited about this acquisition by Give. Saathi Re’s vision of breaking the barriers to information would now be married with meaningful action on that information. Imagine being able to discover any social impact organisation in any corner of India at the click of a button and be able to help it. This had to be done long ago.”

Our vision is for Saathi Re to bring together all stakeholders, such as donors, volunteers and nonprofits in the country to foster synergies and collaborations and enable financial support through informed decision-making. With Saathi Re, we want to give impetus to nonprofits on-ground who are tackling some of the most important challenges of our time. Give will invest further in scaling the Saathi Re platform to solve for discovery, trust and efficiency in “giving back”. 

Sumit Tayal, COO of Give said, “Our vision is to build a thriving philanthropic ecosystem in India. Saathi Re’s offerings enable us to build a definitive nonprofit transparency platform which can be leveraged by donors to make informed decisions regarding funding and collaborations with nonprofits in India. As we scale giving in the country, we are excited for Saathi Re to join Give in their complementary capacity to further bolster the giving ecosystem.” 

Here’s welcoming Saathi Re and looking forward to scaling our giving initiatives. Explore and the world of giving in India!



Give’s mission is to “make giving bigger and better.” Give is the most trusted donation platform in India for fundraisers and crowdfunding campaigns. Through our technology solutions, we enable individuals and organisations to fundraise and donate to a cause, charity or NGO with trust and convenience. Give’s community of 2.7M+ individual donors and 300+ organisations supports 3,000+ verified nonprofits with 80G deduction and serves 15M+ people across India. Find a fundraiser today! 


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