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Small Talk With Kiran Bir Sethi

CHANGE leaders do great things, and often that is all we know about them. Here we want to get a different glimpse of the personalities that constitute the development space. Every month we ask one leader to answer our four quirky questions. This week we catch up with KIRAN BIR SETHI, the founder of Design For Change.

Design For Change (DFC) began as a contest in 2009 as part of Joy Of Giving Week (now called DaanUtsav) in 1,000 schools all over India. Now it has now blossomed into a global movement with children from over 30 countries participating.

Born out of the conviction that children are not helpless, the optimism that change is possible, and the belief that children can drive it, DFC’s simple design process of Feel-Imagine-Do-Share encourages children to identify the problems that beset their community and find ways to rectify it.

The framework equips children with the tools to be more aware and informed of the world around them, believe and realise the importance of their role in shaping that world, and take action towards building a more desirable present thus leading to a more sustainable future.

Small Change: Do you believe in the afterlife?

K.S: I believe in life, the only life I know is the breath I breathe at this very moment.

Small Change: Name one thing you are really bad at?

K.S: I’m very bad at sticking to an exercise regime!

Small Change: You have been forced to eat only four things for the rest of your life. Which four items would you choose?

K.S: Dark chocolate coated raspberries, idli-vada, sushi and french fries.

Small Change: Where would you like to go for your next holiday?

K.S: Anywhere with a spa really! Maybe Aaryuvedagram in Bangalore?

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