BRAILLE was first used by French soldiers on the battlefields allowing the men to communicate without sound. This system.
NANRITAM is an NGO in West Bengal that is dedicated to bringing light into the lives of the visually.
IN the vast tapestry of India’s social and healthcare landscape, where challenges often overshadow opportunities, one organization has been.
IN the heart of a region often considered a so-called ‘backward area’, where the lack of basic amenities, illiteracy.
IN the realm of nonprofit organizations dedicated to the welfare of the visually challenged, Indian Association for the Blind.
HAVE you ever wondered about the dots under the elevator buttons? The dots are braille numerals for the visually.
IT was the peak hour at the Canara Bank branch in Delhi, and it was crowded as usual. But.
While strolling around I find a few girls walking on the street with canes. I asked one of them.
The train was running two hours late. I saw a station approaching, and heaved a sigh of relief when.