Tag: leprosy

  • World Leprosy Day: how Priyo Lall saves elderly leprosy patients

    World Leprosy Day: how Priyo Lall saves elderly leprosy patients

    ON World Leprosy Day, we turn our attention to the struggle against the persistent stigmatization and societal rejection faced by leprosy patients. Raphael Ryder Cheshire International Centre is an NGO that runs Shiv Sadan, a sanctuary for homeless leprosy patients helping people for the past 60 years. It has been a lifeline for hundreds of…

  • World Leprosy Day: the effort to eradicate the disease and stigma

    World Leprosy Day: the effort to eradicate the disease and stigma

    WORLD Leprosy Day is observed each year on January 30th and is a significant global initiative dedicated to raising awareness about leprosy, combating the stigma associated with the disease and fostering efforts to eliminate leprosy worldwide. The day serves as a reminder of the ongoing challenges faced by individuals affected by leprosy and the collective…

  • Raphael Ryder Cheshire International Centre: a leprosy NGO saving homeless senior citizens

    Raphael Ryder Cheshire International Centre: a leprosy NGO saving homeless senior citizens

    STIGMA and misinformation surrounding leprosy often lead to the abandonment and ostracization of individuals who have battled this ancient disease. Despite having a cure, the lingering societal bias against people with leprosy often forces them into homelessness and begging. In this dire scenario, the leprosy NGO Raphael Ryder Cheshire International Centre emerges as a light…

  • Small Talk With Ashok Nanda

    CHANGE leaders do great things, and often that is all we know about them. Here we want to get a different glimpse of the personalities that constitute the development space. Every month we get one leader to answer four questions, not necessarily about their work, but about themselves. This week we catch up with Ashok…