Tag: monthly giving

  • Your monthly donation helps orphaned children, abandoned elders and out-of-school girls

    Your monthly donation helps orphaned children, abandoned elders and out-of-school girls

    SUPPORTING a charitable organization is a noble act that compassionate individuals can do to make a positive impact in the lives of people. The more support an organization receives, it strengthens the organization’s reach and impact by supporting people who need a helping hand. When it comes to making financial contributions to NGOs, a donation…

  • Giving is the theme of the holidays: the power of a regular charity donation

    Giving is the theme of the holidays: the power of a regular charity donation

    A charity donation made regularly has the potential to make radical changes in people’s lives. As the Christmas season approaches, the spirit of giving becomes more palpable. Festivities are often accompanied by a desire to make a positive impact on the lives of others. While gift-giving and acts of kindness are central to the holiday…

  • 6 simple steps to resuming your paused subscription

    6 simple steps to resuming your paused subscription

    FUNDRAISING is a crucial aspect of what keeps an NGO functioning and what helps NGOs have the tools and resources to make an impact in the lives of people in need. While donations are an important part of what keeps an NGO going, it is regular donations that allow a charity to provide a regular…

  • Introducing a New Era of Giving

    “Change is the end result of all true learning.” – Leo Buscaglia GiveIndia has been on a mission to create a giving culture in India for the last 18 years. Through our journey, we have worked on innovative ideas such as the first online giving platform, the first of its kind crowdfunding platform for non-profits,…