Tag: orphanages

  • Colonel Mickie Uberoi’s NGO for girls who are orphaned and abandoned

    Colonel Mickie Uberoi’s NGO for girls who are orphaned and abandoned

    EVERY child’s heart is filled with the potential for greatness, irrespective of their circumstances. This is what Colonel Mickie Uberoi believes and is the reason he founded his NGO for girls named Sant Ishwar Foundation. Colonel Mickie Uberoi is a retired army veteran and serves as the guiding force to provide orphaned and abandoned girls…

  • No Child Orphaned: Give’s mission to support orphans

    No Child Orphaned: Give’s mission to support orphans

    THERE are 30 million orphans in India, which is a significant portion of the population of young people in the country. The hardship that an orphan faces is so much more than the absence of parents in their lives. Without guardians, an orphaned child has little to no access to basic rights such as education…